The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 289 - New Audition

For the first time, someone trapped Jessica like this.

"Noah, where do you live?" Daniel suddenly asked him and Noah looked a bit confused, so Daniel explained, "I can't let you take her out on a date, without getting some basic information on you"

Noah realized he was just ensuring her safety, he smiled and explained, "I am living in Hyatt Regency. I would be taking her to the same place on the date. She can drive till there and leave by herself so there is nothing for you to worry about." 

Noah assured Daniel.


"What okay?" Jessica got annoyed and she decided to make one last attempt, so she requested Noah, "Hey, can you suggest something alternate"

"I want to know you more, so we can go out for a movie or you can show me around London?" Noah excitedly asked her as his only purpose was to spend some more time with Jessica, he doesn't mind how they do it.

Jessica helplessly shook her head, dinner was a better option as it can get over in one or two hours maximum, rest of the things he suggested would take more time.

"Let it be, dinner is a better option than all the other options you suggested." Jessica said defeatedly.

"Great, Hyatt it is. I'll send you the address, give me your number" Noah cheekily smiled at her.

Daniel and Rachel understood he was making a move on Jessica and they calmly observed these two, smiling to themselves.

"You think I am a fool?" Jessica asked him, pointing at herself and rolled her eyes.

"I'll find the address on google. I won't be giving you my number" She clearly said.

Noah was even more impressed at her smartness.

'Beauty with Brains' He thought to himself and had a smile.

Here, while Jessica was trapped in a date, Jimmy on the other side was enjoying this party unknown of the events unfolding here.

"Hey dude, you are the one who played Rick, right?" One famous writer approached Jim.

Jim was again frozen at his place in shock. This is how he had been during the whole party as one after another famous personalities were approaching him, and were praising his acting.

Some even asked him to visit their offices. 

Jimmy couldn't believe this is truly happening to him.

It has been only the first day of his play and this was the response he was getting.

'Finally, my days are going to get better' Jimmy thought to himself and answered the famous writer, who just approached him.

"Yes sir, it was me" Jim excitedly replied without losing his politeness.

The writer was impressed to see Jim still paying his respects, in spite of drinking so much and didn't lose his consciousness and neither was he arrogant after getting all those praises.

"Don't call me sir, call me Tiger, that's how I am popularly known" The writer shook hands with Jim, and added, "You were brilliant today, Jim. You overshadowed all your co-stars"

"Thank you so much Tiger, I am really flattered but I wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of my co-stars. They all shined in their own ways. If I did good, it is because I had them" Jim politely thanked him first but didn't let him insult his co-stars.

Tiger was even more impressed with Jim. He is an upcoming actor and was still not very successful, so when he got an opportunity to kiss his ass and be in his good books, he chose to not do that at the cost of saving his co-stars' reputation.

'Amanda, got her hold on gem of a person' Tiger thought to himself.

"You are right, Jim. Everybody did their best and I am sure this play will open many opportunities for you four" Tiger sincerely said.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot when the words are coming from you" Jim was on cloud nine as Tiger was one of the writes, Jim admired.

"I am actually working on a movie script, Jim. I have the whole cast ready except for the male lead. Many top actors auditioned for the role, but I am not getting what I want out of them. Would you like to audition for it and give it a try?" Tiger asked him and Jim again went into a state of shock.

'What the fuck, Tiger personally requested me to a new audition for the first lead of his upcoming movie? What the hell is happening? I wanna shout, oh my god, this is crazy' Jim's thoughts were shouting in his mind while he was being calm.

"Are you kidding with me or are you serious?" Jimmy asked him as he thought he was drunk and his ears are ringing.

"Of course, I am serious." Tiger then took out his phone and after getting Jim's number and email address from him, he sent him a mail and a message scheduling an audition.

"In case you don't remember it next day as you are a bit drunk now, this message will be helpful" Tiger patted his shoulder and left.

'How can I forget? I am not that drunk' Jim thought to himself and was very happy as for auditions like these, not anyone can go. Only the people who have been invited, are allowed to audition.

Even if Jim doesn't make it to the final cut, he was fine with it as getting an opportunity to just audition for Tiger's film was something an achievement for Jim.

He then searched for Daniel, Rachel and Jessica, to share the good news with them. He looked around for them and saw the three people at one side of the bar.

Happily, he approached them but, on the way, he was confused to see some fourth guy standing with them and when he reached the four people and saw the fourth guy, he was shocked as he recognized him as the fake Italian celebrity, who he thought he would never meet again.

"Hey, fake celebrity" Jimmy greeted Noah.


Important Note:

Dear all, I am participating in the recent wpc contest - Revenge, with a new novel: Sister, Back-off from 'My Man' (you can find this book in my profile). It is a revenge drama.

I'll be really grateful, if you guys can add this book in your library and give it a trial read. If you like it, please leave your comments, reviews and vote with power stones to support me in this event. 

I'll be very grateful if you can do it. Thanks for reading my note.

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