The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 284 - Noah Ricci

"I will keep my word; I am worried about you" The guy smirked at her.

Jessica rolled her eyes at him and on the spot, she prepared a small legal document on her phone, surprising this guy as he had no idea something like this can be actually done.

What he didn't know was, Jessica is a business woman first before anything else. If she makes such bets, she will ensure both the parties will keep their word. So, on the spot she decided to create a small legal document.

"What is your name?" She asked him suddenly.

"Oh, finally you have interest in me?" He grinned at her.

"Noah Ricci" She declared it as she knows his name, after all he owns her favourite brand of chocolates.

"Why do you ask if you know my name already?" Noah raised his eyebrows in question.

"Correct me if I am spelling your name wrong: N O A H R I C C I" She asked him. 

"Yes, it is right. But why are you asking me such a weird question?" Noah was genuinely confused.

"I am preparing a legal document" Jessica informed him, looking into her phone, without lifting her head.



"I can't believe you are actually creating a legal document for this small bet" He exclaimed.

"Hmm, and this legal document, would have the power where either of us can drag the other party to court if they don't keep the promise" Jessica informed him while preparing the document.

"So, if I don't delete your pictures, will you actually take me to court?" The guy amusingly asked as he never met a woman who was as crazy as Jessica.

"Obviously. You own one of the biggest brands of chocolates and I own a whole line of clothing brands. Either of us can't afford having a lawsuit file against us, no matter how small or silly it is, as this can affect our shares and ruin our businesses. These pictures are not more important than your business as many of your employees' lives depend on so you will have to delete it" 

Jessica had an evil grin on her face as she was proud of herself for coming up with such an evil plan in this short period of time.

Now, she will ensure these pictures will never bother her ever again.

The guy couldn't help but smile to himself, as Jessica was digging a hole for herself with this law document but he let her be as this was working in his favour. 

So, he let her be and after twenty minutes, Jessica created a  legal document.

"Wow, you are so fast" The man praised her, genuinely impressed by her skills.

"I know, no need to acknowledge,  obviously," Jessica proudly commented and drank her drink in one shot, gulping the whole glass in one shot.

The man widened his eyes in shock as it was a big glass and she drank a large quantity of alcohol in one go.

"It is not good if you…"

"Are you a moral science professor?" Jessica sarcastically asked him, interrupting whatever he wanted to say.

"No, I am not" The guy could see how annoyed she was with him, so he decided to keep quiet.

"Sign here, after reading it." Jessica forwarded her mobile towards him.

"I don't have a pen" Noah Ricci, joked only to get an angry glare from Erica.

"Digital signature is what it needs" She nevertheless answered him, as if it is her duty.

The guy helplessly shook his head, as he believed she lacked a sense of humour.

He read the whole document to ensure he can trap Jessica when he wins this bet. He was really impressed after reading the whole document, as Jessica prepared a perfect legal document and she was indeed fair.

She prepared this legal document not just in her favour but in his favour too, if he wins. 

He was impressed as he could see her integrity through this silly document too.

Jessica Carlson, is a popular name in the business world and after meeting her in the conference a few years ago, he already knew about her as he found out every information about her.

He really admired her after knowing more about her. These days, he doesn't meet many people who give the highest priority to ethics over money.

Jessica was very young and yet so successful, and she even created fear in other people's business. That was the reputation she holds in the public.

When Noah recollected that night, when he met her the first time, he only saw her as a happy-go-lucky, bubbly girl, who was fun and cute.

Knowing such different personalities exist in the same person, his interest in Jessica too spiked up but he never made a move on her as he decided to leave it to fate.

He believed in fate and if fate wishes for them to be united then they will be together and if not then they won't be.

Coincidentally, Noah Ricci came to London a few days ago to meet some clients for his chocolate business and finally today, his deal was closed and he was done with his work.

So, in the evening he went to meet his other friends who live in London, to catch up with them.

His friends too belong to high-profile societies in London and one of his friends was also a friend of Amanda and he got invited to Jack's party.

So, he invited all his friends to the party as Jack didn't mind him bringing his friends along with him and that's how Noah ended up being here. 

When he sat at the bar, he coincidentally saw the woman, who ignited his interest and he was absolutely surprised as he didn't expect to run into her here.

He had no idea she too was in London. 

Crediting fate for this encounter, Noah approached her.

After reading the whole document, Noah put his digital signature on it and after Jessica ensured he didn't put a fake signature on it, she too signed the document and shook hands with him, as if they just closed a business deal.


Important Note:

Dear all, I am participating in the recent wpc contest - Revenge, with a new novel: Sister, Back-off from 'My Man' (you can find this book in my profile). It is a revenge drama.

I'll be really grateful, if you guys can add this book in your library and give it a trial read. If you like it, please leave your comments, reviews and vote with power stones to support me in this event. 

I'll be very grateful if you can do it. Thanks for reading my note.

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