The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 256 - Surprising The Two People

"I would have definitely agreed to it" Patrick said and this made Emily cry harder.

Her parents killed her child without even asking what she and Patrick wanted. At that moment, she started loathing her parents but she didn't have the heart to tell Patrick how cruel her parents were, so she kept quiet.

Patrick took care of her, calmly asked her the reason behind her actions and after not getting a response, he threatened her.

He said he would break up with her, if she doesn't share the reason behind it.

Patrick also said he would be fine no matter the reason but yet she didn't say anything.

Patrick was shocked to know that the breakup threat too didn't work on her, this made his heart break.

Emily was expecting this threat to come but she would rather break up with him than tell him what her parents did, so she didn't react and left from there.

Directly, she went back to Cambridge, she didn't even visit her home.

Patrick thought after a few days, once she calms down, everything would be fine but Emily didn't contact him ever again.

This pissed Patrick and he too decided to accept this break up. He was being understanding towards her decision and he even supported her abortion in spite of it paining him, but she was acting weird and didn't answer him.

Emily cannot deceive Patrick and neither can she share the truth behind her parents' actions, so she accepted this breakup was the only way out for her.

They never shared this incident to their friends. Only Emily's family, her sister and Matt knew about it as once Emily broke and confided it to Matt, what actually happened.

Matt promised her that  he would never share the truth with anyone else. So no matter how many times it tempted him to let Patrick know the truth, he didn't.

After this incident, Emily cut off all her ties with her parents. She even ignored her sister, only sometimes she used to talk to her but not much.

Emily started living independently away from her parents. She was supposed to take over the hospital her dad owned but she didn't and she worked for a hospital.

Her parents hoped Lisa would take over their hospital but she too was upset with her parents for what they did to her elder sister, so as a way to revolt against them, she too joined another hospital and didn't take over her father's hospital. 

Patrick was shocked when he got to know the whole truth as  what happened.

"So, she had no idea that she was pregnant?" Patrick looked at them unbelievably. 

"We are sorry Patrick, we only did what was right for our daughter. She was too young and we were sure that if she finds out she is pregnant then she would definitely insist on giving birth to the baby. We couldn't let her ruin her life…"

"So, you killed our child and made a decision on our behalf?" Patrick furiously looked at Emily's mother.

He couldn't sit in their presence even for a second longer, so he left from there and headed straight home.


In the Italian Restaurant

Matt and Lisa entered the lively looking restaurant, which was designed keeping the youth of today in mind.

"This place looks so amazing" Lisa commented looking around the place.

"Hmm, even the food here smells great" Matt sniffed the air around him.

Lisa laughed seeing his actions.

"Hey, what's so funny?" Matt frowned at her.

"You are cute" Lisa casually said and informed one waiter that she needs a table for two. 

Unknown to her, the man she just called 'cute' could feel his heart flutter at what she said. He was confused why he is acting like this, he should be annoyed at being called cute, not happy.

'You are way too single Matt, any woman can make you fall for her, maybe you should go to a bar and pick some woman' He told himself.

For the past one week, since Lisa started living with them, there were multiple times when he felt like this. Her words had a huge effect on him and whenever she used to smile, he could feel his heart beat faster.

Matt assumes he is acting like this, because he hasn't been with a woman for a very long time.

"Matt, shall we?" Lisa's sweet words pulled him back from his thoughts, he just nodded his head.

Lisa then stepped towards one end of the restaurant and sat at a table meant for two people. Matt sat on the chair opposite to her.

"There is an unlimited scheme or we can go for a la carte, which one would you prefer?" She asked him but Matt's attention was on the delicate features of hers. 

Lisa's light brown eyes, her brown wavy hair, her small nose, his sight then travelled to her pink lips, he gulped when he saw how tempting it looked.

"Matt" Her voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Yes?"

"Unlimited or a la carte?" She asked him.

"Whatever you like, after all it is your treat" He winked at her.

"Then let's go for unlimited?" She asked him and he just smiled seeing the excitement on her face.

After they brought their food and immersed themselves in some random conversation, someone showed up at their table, surprising the two people.

The smiles on Matt and Lisa's face froze when they saw Steve standing next to their table.

"May I join you two?" Steve asked them and without waiting for their response, Steve swiftly carried one chair on some other table and placed it between Matt and Lisa's chairs and sat there.

"You didn't even wait for our reply" Matt sarcastically taunted him.

"How have you been Lisa?" Steve asked her, ignoring Matt's sarcasm.

Lisa was surprised at Steve's sudden behavior. Just this week he told their boss, Daniel, that he doesn't wish to work under him so that he could avoid her and now suddenly he showed up and was being friendly.

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