The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 238 - I'll Explain Everything

William was walking towards Rachel and in between he was greeting everyone he was coming across as next was Jimmy on the way, he stopped and observed him properly.

"You look like Catherine, let me guess you are Jim" William commented and looked at Harry who confirmed he was his second-born.

Jim smiled at William, nodding his head.

William ruffled his hair and next was Jessica who quickly introduced herself, "I am Jimmy's friend" 

"Nice to meet you dear" William formally greeted her and finally he stepped towards his father whose eyes were moist.

"Dad" William got emotional looking at James and the father-son immediately hugged each other.

James cried a lot holding William and William too couldn't control his tears from flowing.

They didn't say a word and continued crying for a few minutes.

Everyone else present there got emotional seeing James and William and they cried too.

Jimmy and Jessica, who were still not able to understand the whole situation clearly, had tears too as all of this seemed very emotional.

Daniel was the only one who was composed as he anticipated all of this but he was glad William was back home. 

After a few minutes, James and William parted and Catherine offered them water.

"Where were you all these years Will?" James asked him after composing himself.

"I'll explain everything dad, first let me meet my daughter" Will joked and stepped towards Rachel whose face was painted in tears.

"Yesterday…" Before William could say anything Rachel tightly hugged him and cried.

"Sorry dad, I am…. so sorry I…. didn't reco…. gnize you yes…. terday, I am... so sorry" Rachel's voice was breaking but she apologized to her father as he was with her for so long yesterday and she didn't recognize him at all.

William smiled, "And I am so sorry princess I didn't tell you the truth in spite of knowing your identity" He stroked her back to calm her down.

Rachel cried harder when her father addressed her as Princess as she never thought she would ever be addressed like this again by her father.

Others didn't understand the conversation between Rachel and William but they knew they would know everything later.

Meanwhile, Daniel stepped towards the room where Liz was shifted in to check on her and once he was assured she was fine, he came out.

After a few minutes, when Rachel calmed down she let go of her father and said, "I hope this is not a dream"

"I too have the same feeling" Catherine shared her thoughts.

"It is not a dream, me and Elizabeth are indeed alive" William said.

"Can I go and see mom?" Rachel asked William who looked at Daniel.

"She needs some rest, I would suggest you all should go and see her after some time, let her body get habituated to this environment" Daniel informed them.

Catherine got sad knowing she couldn't see Liz for a few more hours and said, "I really hope this is not a dream" because she was feeling anxious and the next second she shouted in pain as Harry suddenly pinched her, "See, it is not a dream, our friend is indeed alive" Harry cheekily smiled, he wanted to distract Catherine from being upset.

"Wow, since when did dad start acting like this?" Jimmy exclaimed as his father was always a serious man, he rarely smiles and acts funny.

"Since my best friend is back" Harry surrounded his hand around William's shoulder and brightly smiled.

"At times I think Harry loves you more than me" Catherine joked looking at William.

"Yeah, we were in a secret gay relationship all these years" Harry joked surprising Daniel and Jimmy as they could never imagine their father cracking such jokes.

"Don't be so surprised, your father was always like this after William left us, he turned serious" Catherine informed her disturbed sons.

"No, he was always a serious man." William countered.

"Yeah, but after you left, he turned more serious." Catherine sadly informed him.

"I am sorry Cat" Will apologized seeing how sad they were because of his absence.

"Don't be sorry Will and what happened to Liz? Is she alright?" Catherine questioned him.

"All of you just sit down, I'll explain everything. There are a lot of things I need to tell you" William requested.

Everyone sat on the couches and waited for William to explain what happened and how they ended up losing Will and Liz all these years.

William started narrating the truth "There are two stories to share, I'll share the first one now, second one we can discuss later. Do you remember Ethan?" He asked everyone present there.

The younger generation had no idea who Ethan was but the older ones did.

"Wait, that guy who studied with us and was crazy about Liz?" Catherine was the first one to recollect Ethan as she studied with him and he created a lot of trouble for Liz in the early years of their college.

"Yes, him. He kidnapped us." William informed them, surprising everyone present there.

"But we warned and handled him, right? He gave up on Elizabeth if I remember correctly" Harry questioned him as they personally took care of Ethan.

"Hmm that's what we all thought but the truth was, he didn't give up on Liz and was waiting for an opportunity to be with her"

"Fuck and that's why he attacked you all that night?" Catherine asked him as she figured out this much.

"Yes, he got to know our family would be going to one party, he had all the information on us and he attacked our car on the way intending to kill all four of us except for Elizabeth but that night Rachel was not well and dad decided to stay at home with her so they were luckily saved from this attack."

"Then how did you guys manage to escape that blast and whose bodies were those which we found?" Michael questioned him.

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