The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 236 - SURPRISE

While Daniel was leaving Will kept looking at him, asking for his help through his eyes but Daniel had no choice but to leave for now.

While walking away from there, Daniel decided to dig deeper about these people.

He and Rachel then left the hospital and he didn't inform Rachel about what happened between him and William as he himself was not sure what was happening here.

Later Daniel and Rachel went to their hotel suite and the next day early in the morning as planned Rachel and Daniel left Ireland to reach London.

Rachel's grandpa insisted Daniel come home so they were supposed to head there together when Daniel informed Rachel of the sudden change in plans.

"Rachel, I have some urgent work, you head home for now, I'll join you in some time" He informed her.

"What's so urgent on a Sunday?" Rachel pouted at him.

"Just a small work, I won't be very late"

Having no other choice Rachel went to her home leaving Daniel at the airport.

When Rachel reached her home and entered the living room, her eyes widened in shock at what she saw.


All the people present in the living room shouted together in unison startling Rachel.

Rachel was shocked and looked at all the people who were well dressed as if they were at a grand party.

James, Anthony, Michael were dressed up in suits and had a huge grin on their faces. Jimmy and Harry were wearing casual clothes and looked apologetically at Rachel. Catherine was wearing a beautiful blue cocktail dress and Jessica was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt, she was laughing as if she was having a lot of fun.

Rachel couldn't understand anything, for a moment she wondered if it was her birthday but it definitely wasn't, then she tried to remember if there was something special about today that she forgot but nothing came to her mind.

While she was still wondering, Catherine suddenly came over and hugged Rachel.

"I am so happy Rach, so how did it go, what did Daniel say?" She teasingly asked her and everybody present there curiously looked at Rachel, waiting for her answer except for Harry who was feeling bad for this girl, Jimmy and Jessica who were enjoying the show.

"The surgery went fine and Daniel said the patient will recover soon." Rachel answered, unsure if she was answering correctly or not as she had no idea what Catherine was talking about.

"I am not talking about his work, I am talking about something else"

"What else?" Rachel was confused.

"Rachel, you don't have to lie, we all know the truth" Catherine winked at her.

"What truth do you all know?" Rachel got worried wondering if the truth about her and Daniel's relationship was out.

Internally she was freaking out but on the outside she looked very composed and only she knew how she was handling herself right now.

Rachel looked at Jimmy and Jessica, they were enjoying themselves so Rachel understood they knew what was happening so she looked pitiful, her eyes begging them for help.

Jimmy decided to jump in to help her, "Rachel, mom is talking about the plan you made. Weren't you planning to propose to Daniel in Ireland?" Jimmy signalled her that they have no idea about their relationship.

Rachel was relieved to know that but she again got confused about this proposal story.

"So, did Daniel accept your proposal?" Catherine excitedly asked her.

"What proposal?" Rachel cluelessly asked her.

"Rach, have you forgotten how you told me you want to accompany Daniel to Ireland so that you can propose to him, remember?" James reminded her and that's when she recollected the random lie she told her grandpa to be able to go with Daniel, she didn't bother much about it and even forgot her lie.

'Fuck Fuck Fuck, what did I do?' Rachel wanted to dig a hole for herself.

Now everyone present here is aware of her feelings for Daniel. She was freaking out as the random lie she said was magnified.

"So Rachel, what did Daniel say?" Catherine looked at her expectantly.

"He rejected me" Rachel said the first words that came into her mind.

Seeing how excited these people were only with the thought of her proposing to him for a relationship, Rachel could not imagine what they will do if she says they are dating now.

All of this was too much for her to take so she lied with whatever that came into her mind.

Jessica and Jimmy were giggling among themselves as Rachel shamelessly threw Daniel under the bus and now the whole family would eat him up alive.

"How dare he reject you?" Catherine was infuriated.

"That useless grandson of mine" Anthony too shouted in agitation.

"Really, your grandson is useless" James got angry.

"Actually, I didn't propose to him" Rachel shouted interrupting others before they cursed Daniel as she came up with a better lie and decided to say this to save Daniel from their wrath.

"Wait, you just said he rejected you and now you are saying you didn't propose. What are you doing Rachel, they are two contradicting statements" Her grandpa scolded her.

"Let me explain it properly" Rachel said and asked everyone to sit first and to let her drink some water as she just came home.

Meanwhile Rachel thought of a convincing story to cover up.

Everyone settled themselves comfortably and all eyes were on Rachel waiting for her to explain and so she did.

"After we went to Ireland, Daniel was busy with his patient so he and I didn't spend any time together. We even had a small fight about him being busy. So, when you all asked me the first time about the proposal, I wanted to have my revenge against Daniel so I lied but seeing your angry gazes I decided to be honest, that's it"

"Oh, is that what happened!" Michael nodded his head in understanding. 

Just then Daniel arrived there and when Catherine saw him, she got very angry and stepped towards her son to scold him but then she saw something so shocking, she froze in her steps with her eyes wide open.

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