The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 202 - If A Woman Walks-In Right Now

Patrick gave her the hangover drink "Drink this juice, you will feel better"

Emily drank the juice "Thanks Patrick, you always know what I need"

Matt rolled his eyes and interrupted them before they acted all lovey-dovey, "Do you know how many beers you had? Do you have any idea? Anyone will know what you need after drinking so much, don't act like your Patrick is a saint"

"Stop being jealous" Patrick taunted Matt.

"By the way, good that you guys brought Lisa over, I was relieved to see her after waking up" 

"Obviously how could we send her home in that state" Matthew answered as a matter of fact.

"Today, I'll ask her why she was upset. When Daniel described her state yesterday, my heart wrenched in pain" Emily sadly recollected Daniel's words.

"What state?" Patrick was confused.

"The one I told you today" Matt reminded him as Matt already informed him what Daniel told them yesterday.

"Oh right" Patrick nodded his head.

"Emily, there is something you need to know" Matt seriously told her and she looked at him.

Then Matt shared with her what Lisa told him last night about Steve.

He wanted to give her a heads-up so that she could understand Lisa's state better.

"Fuck, that bastard blamed her for everything. Was he not aware I rejected him because I was never into him and not because of Lisa's feelings?" Emily was pissed after knowing how Steve hurt her sister when it was his fault that he shamelessly read her personal diary.

"He was just trying to blame it onto someone as he couldn't accept the fact that you have no feelings for him" Patrick shared what he truly believed.

"That asshole, I really want to beat him up" Emily ignored Patrick's words and was still upset with Steve.

"We should focus more on taking care of Lisa and not bother ourselves with Steve" Matt suggested which Patrick agreed with.

"Hmm you are right, sorry" Emily too felt he was right as Lisa is her main priority.

Patrick and Matt looked at each other and Matt signaled to Patrick that it was the right time now, so Patrick cleared his throat before speaking, "Emily, I have a suggestion" 

Emily looked at Patrick waiting for him to speak.

"I think Lisa needs you now, instead of staying at her home with your parents, she should stay here with you. This is what I and Matt believe" Patrick shared what he and Matt discussed in length earlier.

Emily sighed in relief when she heard his suggestion, "Actually I was thinking about the same. Today when I woke up and saw Lisa next to me, I felt more comfortable. If she stays with mom and dad then she will keep thinking about Steve, if she stays here I can help her get over it as I know what's up with her."

"That's exactly what me and Patrick thought too." Matt informed her.

"Pat, then what about you? Will you go back to your place?" Emily wondered where Patrick will live as he permanently shifted here and she didn't want to stay away from him.

"No, I will move into Matt's flat, so that we will all be together and I can meet you whenever I want, it would be convenient." He assured her he won't be leaving and Emily was glad about this plan.

"Thank you" She hugged Patrick as he understood what she wanted without her telling him.

"Why don't you two just kill me?" Matt scowled at them.

"It is not my fault if you are still single" Emily rolled her eyes at him.

"Pat, I have to find someone" Matt angrily glared at him.

"Why are you angry with me? Go and find someone for yourself, when did I stop you?"

Matt again got sad, "It is so difficult man, with my schedule it is a privilege if I get to sleep at home. I don't have the time to go to some bar and find a woman" 

"Find someone at your hospital." Patrick suggested.

"As if, it is not possible dude. We also have strict guidelines of not dating our colleagues" Matt sadly informed him.

Emily and Patrick laughed at his state.

"What are you two laughing about? Instead of being a support to your friend, you are making fun of him?" Matt got upset with them.

"What else can we do?" Patrick questioned him.

"Pray for me"

"Pray what?" Emily laughed at his illogical request.

"Maybe we should pray a woman should directly walk into his life and fall in love with Matt" Patrick made fun of him.

But Matt got very happy with this suggestion, "Oh yeah, it would be so amazing if a woman walks in right now…"

Just then Lisa walked into the living room and seeing her Matt stopped talking and turned serious.

Emily and Patrick too followed Matt's gaze and saw Lisa who looked confused.

"Good morning darling, how are you feeling now?" Emily cheerfully greeted her clueless sister.

Lisa smiled as it felt good to see her sister smiling this, it had been years since Lisa saw Emily like this.

Last night at Daniel's housewarming party when she saw how cheerful and happy Emily was, Lisa felt much better as after that past incident, Emily never smiled from her heart.

Therefore Lisa was happy seeing her last night, now again seeing her sister smile, Emily could feel her mood improve.

Then her gaze fell on Patrick who was sitting right next to her. Lisa was not very surprised as a few days back she saw Patrick dropping Emily at the hospital and they were close.

That day she realized they already got back together but since Emily didn't tell her anything officially, she pretended like she had no idea and joined the three people.

Patrick gave her the hangover juice, she took it from him and thanked him as her head was aching like crazy.

Once she felt better, Emily looked at Patrick who signaled that she should go ahead with what she is thinking.

So Emily surprised Lisa with shocking news.

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