The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 147 - Go To Italy

Rachel's Office

A day before leaving for Milan, Rachel took care of some other projects and assigned tasks to her employees as she would be gone for the rest of the week and might not be available as she would be busy with Jessica discussing their upcoming project in Italy.

Rachel was in a meeting along with Sam and a few others discussing some future project, after the meeting was done she went to her office and Sam followed her in.

"Did you make the arrangements?"

"Yes I did, we will leave tomorrow morning at 6 am and will reach around 8 am and the meeting is scheduled at 11 am so we have time to go to our rooms and freshen up before we meet her. I already booked two rooms in Marriott."


Then Sam took his leave and Rachel called Daniel, the day before she and Daniel were very tired so they had a short call and didn't talk much so she couldn't tell him more details about her upcoming trip so she decided to inform him now.

He answered her call.



"Nothing much, I have a surgery scheduled after two hours so I am preparing for that."

"Oh, you remember I mentioned last weekend about me sending a proposal to Jessica?"

"Yes I remember, any update on that."

"Yeah our proposal has been shortlisted, this was the news that Sam gave me on Monday when he interrupted.. (cough cough)... us."

"Haha yeah and you were so angry."

"Yeah that's why I didn't mention it then and yesterday we were very tired so I just slept after messaging you."

"Chill Rachel stop explaining yourself, you are not obligated to update me with every detail of your life."

"Yeah but this is important."


"Tomorrow I and Sam are going to Italy to meet her as she scheduled our meeting tomorrow, I'll be leaving early in the morning, so I wanted to inform you"

"When will you return?" He got worried as she was travelling to a different country.

"Maybe we have to stay back there tomorrow and I predict I'll be back tomorrow night or Friday morning, I will update you time to time, don't worry"

"Please do that and also please take care of yourself." He also wanted to add, 'My heart is not willing to let you go alone. If I would have known earlier I would have rather accompanied you' but he didn't as he did not intend to scare or worry her.

"Yeah I'll take care of myself, this is not the first time I am going on a business trip."

"Yes I know, hope your bodyguards are accompanying you."

"Yes, I will inform them after talking to you."

Daniel sighed in relief as she is allowing bodyguards to be present around her and is cooperating instead of rebelling. 

"Okay, good, how is grandpa doing? And I hope he knows of this trip of yours."

"He is fine but no, I have not yet informed him about this trip. I will inform him today after going home."

"What? You have not informed him yet?" He suddenly shouted at her.

Rachel was startled, not because he shouted at her but because he sounded worried.

"No, I didn't, yesterday I was very tired and he too was busy, I am actually leaving for home soon today to inform him as I can't do the same on the phone."

"Oh okay, that's better."

"By the way Daniel please check on him these two days, if he needs anything."

"Yeah, don't worry, I'll ask the two grandpas to accompany him for these two days, till you are back."

"Oh yeah, that would be great." 

"All the best for your project Rachel and take care of yourself, keep messaging me whenever you are free."

"Sure, don't worry."

"Okay, I got to go now, I'll again call you later." Daniel's colleagues were waiting for him to discuss a few points about the surgery so he had to cut the call.


After talking to him she completed her targets for the day and assigned tasks to everyone and after giving her instructions she left for her home and it was lunch time when she reached.

She searched for her grandpa and one of the servants informed her that he was relaxing in the lawn area. 

When she reached the lawn, she saw him happily making plans with Anthony and Michael and they seemed to be on a conference call, seeing Rachel there he informed the other two old men that he will talk later and disconnected the call.

"What a surprise! You came early today, did you finally get some extra time to spend with this old man?" James was very happy to see her, these days they don't get much time to catch up with each other.

Rachel just smiled at him as she didn't know what else to do, she was worried how he would react if he knew her real plans.

Maid brought coffee for Rachel and tea for her grandpa, while sipping tea grandpa happily stated "It has been quite some time since we have both sat together like this, enjoying our time in peace, you have been so busy since you came back."

Rachel felt guilty listening to his words.

"Grandpa, there is a reason why I came so early, there is something important I want to discuss with you."

Grandpa got excited hearing her words, he assumed she might confess about her developing feelings for Daniel, he has been observing the two and they were spending a lot of time together, she really enjoyed the weekend they spent at Morris Mansion the last weekend, he could see they like each other but were still not confessing. So, he got excited when she said she wanted to discuss something important. But the next moment he faced disappointment.

"You know about the project I have been working on right? The Carlson project?"

"Hmm yeah, you did mention it before."

"Yeah my proposal got shortlisted so I'll be meeting Jessica Carlson soon."

"Oh, when and where are you meeting her?" James tried to conceal his disappointment and be happy for her as she had been indeed working very hard on this project.

"The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow so I'll be leaving for Italy early tomorrow morning to meet her" she stuttered in between as she could see the changes in his expression, from happy to rage.

"What?" He didn't expect this; he suddenly stood up, fuming in anger.

"Grandpa listen to me carefully, don't get angry, I have to go to Italy for this deal, it is very important for me" Rachel tried to explain her situation.

Her words didn't calm James and he was still raging in anger, "Have you lost your mind? We are all worried about you here and now you're talking about going to some other country? Have you forgotten what happened to you when you were on the way to London from Peebles? Let Sam go and meet whoever he needs to meet, he will take care of this project, there is no need for you to go." 

James sounded very serious and his words were like a command with no chance of negotiation. Rachel expected something like this but didn't imagine he would be this serious.

"Please calmly listen to me grandpa, please cool down. I am going with Sam so there is no need to worry also I'll ask all the bodyguards to accompany me. This is a very important project for me and I worked really hard on it, I want to deal with it personally. So, please don't make things difficult for me grandpa, please." 

She pleaded with him but her words had no effect on him.

"No need to worry? How can I not when you are not at all serious about your own safety and tell me one thing, when did you know you were supposed to go to Italy?" He seriously asked her.

She looked at him with guilt, so he warned her not to lie to him and tell the truth.

"On Monday late night." She honestly answered him.

"So, you could have informed me on Tuesday morning which was yesterday, right?"

"Yeah but you were not home, you left for that club with your friends."

"Then why didn't you tell me last night?"

"Because we two were very tired and I felt very sleepy."

She explained her point but James was still upset.

"How are you planning to go?"

"I booked flight tickets..."

"Why the hell would you do that when we have our own private plane?"

"I thought…"

"Please Rachel, cancel those tickets and use our private plane."

"Okay grandpa I'll go by private plane, I will try my best to return by tomorrow evening and if not by Friday morning I'll be back."

"But Rachel…"

"Grandpa, what is the big deal? Instead of going to office, I'll be just travelling to Italy which is only two hours by air and will return by night"

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