The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 129 - We Supply Goods

The cast and the crew present there clapped at the announcement of rehearsals starting soon. 

Zoey looked at Jim who had been sitting next to her, initially she didn't bother to look at him but when Amanda said he is a businessman, it intrigued her interest and she took a proper look at this young handsome man, what she saw was a charming looking youngster, he was taller and more handsome than Leo, the actor who plays the lead role and was cast opposite her. She just looked at him and smiled to herself.

After formal introductions from Amanda everyone mingled and started interacting with each other, the crew who are in charge of costumes, make-up, logistics too introduced themselves to the cast. 

Jim had always been an extrovert so he interacted well with the crew whereas Megan, Zoey and Leo just stood silently and just listened as they were not sure what to talk about.

Seeing these three stand silently, Amanda helplessly shook her head and thought, 'Even though these people are newbies they all have starry attitudes.' and when she looked at Jimmy she thought, 'He is going to be the most unique actor in the industry' and smiled seeing him treating everyone fairly.

"So, what are you four discussing about?" She asked her four lead actors.

Jimmy honestly answered her, "I didn't interact with my co-stars yet they all seem shy." He then smiled at the other three.

Zoey too smiled back but Megan and Leo were taken aback by his frankness.

"I am glad to be working with experienced actors like you three." Jimmy tried to make good relations with them.

"It is my pleasure." Zoey smiled at him and added, "If I may ask you, have you given up on your business to be an actor?" 

Since the moment Zoey got to know Jimmy was a businessman she took an extra interest in him.

"No, I have not given up on it, actually it is more like I can't."

"Oh then how will you manage the two?" Zoey looked concerned for him and Jim was a bit surprised as never anyone showed any kind of worry or concern towards him this way except for his family.

"I'll work in the morning and join rehearsals in the evening."

"That's going to be very hectic." She stroked his arm to make him feel better.

'Woah, why the hell does it seem like she is making a move on me' Jimmy kind of freaked out and then shook away this thought assuming he is just overthinking but unbeknownst to him the other two people, Megan and Leo had similar thoughts, but unlike Jimmy they were sure Zoey was hitting on him.

"Yeah but I can manage." Jimmy awkwardly told her.

"May I know what business you are into?" Zoey's nagging questions continued but since he was meeting her for the first time and she is his colleague now they need to work together so he decided to answer her questions patiently.

"We are into various business fields, have you heard about Morris Industries?"

"Yes I did" Zoey's eyes brightened.

Seeing her expression Jimmy had a bad feeling so he lied, "Yeah we supply goods to them." He was not sure why but he wanted to lie to her and not let her know he is a Morris and since Amanda too called him Jim and not Mr. Morris, so he decided to lie.

"Wow that's amazing" Zoey was a bit disappointed as initially she thought he owns Morris industries but then she told herself that being associated with them too is a big deal.

"Umm but yesterday…" Megan spoke up and she wanted to say, 'but yesterday Amanda introduced you as Mr. Morris.' but Jimmy interrupted her as he knew what she would say, "Yeah yesterday why you two were not here? I too have the same query as Megan."

Seeing him desperately change the topic Megan took the hint and kept quiet.

"Oh that, Amanda had been taking auditions for second lead for a long time and no one was finalized so she asked us to not come every time and take the break now because one we start rehearsals it is going to be very hectic but Megan had to come as they are selecting for an actor to play opposite to her and Amanda had to check the chemistry." Zoey explained why she couldn't be here, Jim just nodded his head, he already had an idea this would be the reason but he wanted to divert Megan's question.

Jimmy then excused himself and went to Amanda and requested to have a word with her.

"Yes Jim?"

"Ma'am can I request you to not mention to anyone that I am a Morris?"

"Sure you can but what happened?"

"Nothing ma'am just don't want anyone to treat me differently."

Amanda was impressed by his attitude and agreed to it and also asked Jimmy to call her Amanda instead of ma'am.

Yesterday when she called him Morris not many of the crew people were present and they didn't bother themselves with it so he didn't worry about them but the next minute he went to Megan who was checking her phone.

"Hey can I have a word with you?"

Megan looked at him and agreed.

"Can you please not tell anyone I am a Morris?"

"Why? Isn't that a good thing? Why do you want to hide it?"

"Well I just don't want people to treat me differently." He gave her the same answer he gave to Amanda.

"Really?" Her question surprised him as he expected her to be impressed just like Amanda was.

"Umm yeah"

"Who are you kidding? You saw how Zoey was taking an interest in you and you wanted to avoid her and you knew if she knows you are a Morris she will continue hitting on you." Megan perfectly summarized Jimmy's thought process.

Jimmy was surprised for a moment that she saw through him but since she already figured it out there was no point in denying it as it was the truth.

"That was impressive how you figured it out."

"Hmm I know but it is not necessary she took an interest in you because of your money, she might really like you." Megan frankly shared what she thought.

"Yeah sure" Jimmy sarcastically replied, he experienced this many times, lot of girls took an interest in him because he hails from a rich family and this was the reason why he never dated a girl for a long time, he only dated women for a very short span or just had random hookups and one-night stands but was never in a serious relationship.

"You have a very low self esteem." Megan exclaimed.

"And you have a very rude personality." Jimmy was not someone to let make comments on him and he would just simply ignore it.

Megan rolled her eyes at him and went back to her initial position and checked her phone.

Jimmy then decided to have a word with Leo as he still didn't interact with him.

Leo was seriously reading the script when Jim sat next to him and tried to initiate a conversation.

"Hey Leo"


"What an interesting story line this play has right."

Leo just nodded his head in agreement, he is introverted and doesn't like interacting with people much but Jimmy didn't read his emotions and continued chatting with him.

"When you auditioned for the lead role did you not consider auditioning for the second lead role?" Jimmy just wanted to start a conversation so he randomly asked this question only to be surprised the next moment.

"Honestly, I came to audition for the second lead role but Amanda asked me to audition for the main role." Leo informed Jim.

"What seriously?" Jimmy just randomly asked that question to converse with Leo when he came upon this interesting information, he was really surprised to know what happened.

"Yeah" Leo replied with a one word answer.


"She thought I am more suitable to play the lead role."

"Why did you audition for the second lead?" Jim was now more curious as everyone would prefer the main lead's role and not the second lead's and on top of that it was a gay character which most people were reluctant to play.

"Because that character had more shades and it would have helped me in my career, a lot of people were not interested in playing that role, so I had higher chances of getting it." Leo doesn't talk much but this was a topic of his interest so he spoke so many words.

'Wow he is just like me' Jimmy thought and he instantly liked this Leo guy.

"I had the same thoughts when I auditioned for the role." Jimmy cheerfully informed him.

"Good to know, I heard from the crew you were very impressive during your auditions." Leo came earlier than everyone and that's when he heard two people from the crew discussing Jimmy's audition yesterday and that's how he found out about it.

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