The Doctor And The CEO

Chapter 109 - One Slick Motion

"Yeah I can understand." Bob nodded his head in understanding. Getting a job at The Eminent Club is a privilege so it is something that people would really try their best to convert, there are a lot of benefits associated with every profile.

"But to be honest I am also very stressed, I want this job but I feel nervous, can you give me some tips and tell me more about your journey and how did you get this job, of course only if you don't mind." Sophia strategically chose her words, she wanted to trap him in her plan and wanted to gather more information about him.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind, okay so my hiring process happened online, they requested me to come here for the interview but I was already working as a manager in Poland and I couldn't come here for the interview, so I requested them to conduct my process online. So, my case is a bit different from yours"

"Wow and they agreed to your request?" Sophia was feeling even more blessed with how the situation was turning out to be as it seemed the club people did not meet him yet.

"They had to, my qualifications are very high and I have an amazing resume, my work experience is something they would benefit from, so they couldn't reject this request."

"Wow, then what happened?" She showed enthusiasm and Bob felt more encouraged to share his experience as he felt he would be getting some action tonight, so he continued his story.

"Then interviews happened online and I was selected, they told me to reach here before Friday as the club is opening on Saturday and on Friday they have called everyone they hired so that they can give some general instructions, once I got the confirmed offer letter I quit my job in Poland and came here today."

"So they have not yet met you?" She asked in surprise.

"Nope, I'll be meeting them tomorrow."

"How will they recognize you then?" She again asked curiously.

"This mail is my identity for now" he waved his phone in front of her.


"Yeah and I carried all my proof documents and degree certificates too, all of these will be verified tomorrow"

"Oh all this stuff might be in your room, right?"

"Yes" Bob answered all her questions like a fool unaware of what he would be going through in the next few hours.

"Your photo must be on your Identity proofs right, it would be easier for verification then?" Sophia was trying to get as much information as she could.

"Yeah, but I used to be very fat and now I have lost my weight so it doesn't match much."

"Oh no, wouldn't that be a problem?"

"No, I informed them about it in advance"

"Great, absolutely perfect" She had a wide smile on her face. She couldn't believe how amazing things are turning out to be for her. Sophia thanked her luck as she already got an idea how to enter that club.

"Would you please help me practice for my interview which is scheduled tomorrow?" Sophia pleaded holding his hand in hers.

"Sure why not" 

This was what Bob too wanted so he quickly agreed.

"Should we have dinner before heading to your room?" Bob asked her for her opinion.

"I have a better plan, let's first head to my room, practice for the interview, then we can order room service and then…" she ran her fingers suggestively across his chest.

Understanding the underlying meaning to her words the man smirked at her and happily agreed to her plan.

They then headed straight towards Sophia's room. 

Bob was a tall and strong guy so Sophia knew she wouldn't be able to attack him directly, she had to get his defenses down before launching an attack on him and earlier they were in a bar, which is a public place and there were a lot of people around them.

The lights in the bar were dim and people were immersed in their own world so one did not pay attention to others but still it was a public place and therefore unsuitable for Sophia to kill him.

They headed to their room and as soon as they entered her room, Sophia pushed him on the bed and locked the door, Bob got excited as he always liked women who were sexually active and were vocal about their needs and who took the lead.

"Close your eyes" she ordered him.

Bob got more excited and immediately closed his eyes.

Sophia looked around her table to find something sharp, there she saw the transparent folder where she saves paper cuttings of important articles and next to it was a pocket knife which Andrew gave her in case of emergencies and as a self defense tool which she can carry with herself as it was easy to carry.

She took the pocket knife and headed towards Bob who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, he was smiling with excitement, he looked defenseless, she slowly approached him and leaned towards him, he got more excited as he could smell her unique scent and he understood she was near him.

With one slick motion she cut his neck with the pocket knife.

Bob opened his eyes in shock, his eyes widened in horror with what just happened, his neck was deeply cut and there was blood flowing from it, it was damn painful and he became dazy, he was not sure what was happening, he could only see the woman smiling at him like a devil.

The beautiful alluring woman of earlier was gone and was replaced by a scary looking monster, he tried to move his hands to attack on her but she quickly moved away from him.

With the support of his two hands he tried to get up but it was very difficult but he still managed to do so and sat on the bed.

He wanted to speak but he couldn't as the cut was very deep and prevented him from talking. He sat on the bed and extended his two hands to grab the woman who attacked on him.

Sophia moved back further in fear and couldn't dare to go towards him although she wanted to attack him more.

Bob tried to get up with much difficulty and slowly took heavy steps to move towards the woman to attack her, he was not ready to die without harming her at all but Sophia quickly pushed him away when he almost reached her.

Because of the neck cut and the immense blood he was losing, Bob turned weaker, making it easier for Sophia to push him away.

He fell down near the table where the pocket knife and the paper cuttings of the articles were placed.

'I can't die like this, I have to find some evidence and hide it in my body, I am sure I'll die in the next few minutes but I have to ensure she is punished for her actions' With this thought he placed his hand on the table searching for something he could hide on him.

Sophia saw his hand and thought he was again trying to stand up so she went and stumped hard on his leg, he shouted in pain and quickly grabbed a paper from the table and hid it in his jeans pocket.

Sophia was looking at his legs so she didn't see him hiding the piece of paper in his jeans pocket.

After hiding the paper Bob hoped he had hidden some useful information about his killer, he couldn't even glance at the paper clipping so he had no idea what he hid. 

Bob couldn't keep his eyes open for long as he was losing his consciousness, after a few minutes he died because of excessive blood loss.

Sophia was standing still as she was hoping he would die sooner and she was too scared to check if he died or not so she waited for Andrew to come, after an hour Andrew came back to their room.

His field research didn't prove to be very successful so he came disappointed and was worried Sophia would get angry at him as he did not get any useful information but he didn't expect to be welcomed with a horrible view.

Sophia carefully opened the door and she had tears in her eyes, she looked very scared, Andrew got worried seeing her state, he got a bad feeling.

When he entered the room he saw blood on the floor and quickly checked where Sophia was harmed but she looked absolutely fine.

She then led him to the lifeless body lying on the floor of their room. Andrew's eyes widened in shock as he couldn't process what just happened here.

"What the hell just happened here?" Andrew almost shouted at Sophia.

"Hushh please don't shout and listen to me carefully" Sophia begged him with tears in her eyes.

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