The Divine Hunter

Chapter 313: My name is Kayan!

  Chapter 313 My name is Kaiyan!

  Five demon hunters surround the six-pointed star array at the end of the tunnel, as well as the lifelike cat statues, repeated inspections and detailed observations.

   Then he found out that the magic circle was only the most common summoning circle, which was depicted with ivory powder blended with blood, and it was recorded in many ancient documents.

  The alien creatures that will respond to the call are even more unknown.

  But the most critical factor-spells, and the spellcasting materials for summoning are completely missing.

  Because the time is too long, the demon hunter's senses can't find any clues, and they don't understand what the evil spirits controlling Kaiyan are, and they can't prescribe the right medicine.

  But about that stone sculpture.

  There is a cold and cold atmosphere all over the body, and the demon hunters keenly perceive the weirdness in it.

"This stone sculpture is definitely not made of ordinary stone... it is a good conductor of magic mixed with a part of the magic... Hao stone, obsidian, or other magical materials." Ceret's hand stroked the leopard stone sculpture's streamlined slender spine, "I inject All of the magical powers of it have been absorbed, but it has no response."

   "Steingard was digging his head to place such a stone sculpture in front of the summoning circle. It must have ulterior motives."

"Everyone, why don't you think of a way to smash this thing!" Oakes stroked the long tail of the stone sculpture. "The evil thing may be attached to the statue. If the statue is damaged, the evil evil spirit will disappear, and Kaiyan will be able to return to normal immediately. !"

  "The principle has not been figured out yet, and direct destruction would be too reckless," Flius shook his head and objected, "This is more likely to completely cut off Kayan's hope of recovery!"

"You searched the experimental area and living area just now, and you didn't find any summoning books or storage space equipment?" Roy wondered, "Obviously, the keys to open this laboratory can be found. There is no reason to not find the relevant ones. material."

   "One of the participants in the experiment was swallowed by the water ghost, and the other survived. Maybe the data was taken away by the guy who was alive."

  The bald man said,

"Now it seems that he has more than one crime. In addition to conducting taboo human experiments, he also summoned evil spirits from other worlds and harmed innocent people... Both sins were punished. If he reported to the Brotherhood of Warlocks, at least he would be expelled from his Warlock status! "

   "Then you have to find him first!"

  Everyone discussed for a while, and they all believed that the statue was closely related to evil, so they simply let Kaiyan, who was tied into a big dumpling, returned to his original position, facing the stone sculpture, and knelt down in the circle.

   Quietly observe his reaction.

   "There is no...good...evil, only emptiness...forever!"

   "There is no... evil... or justice, only pain is the most real!"

  Sure enough, after approaching the statue, the mummy Kayan's frequency of talking to himself was significantly reduced. The scarlet lightning-like eyes seemed to be attracted by the magnet, always involuntarily glancing at the stone sculpture.

   "This kind of look..." Roy swayed in front of his eyes. The guy noticed the "Intruder", and the frequency of "Curse" began to increase again.

  "Expressing closeness, and desire..." Cerret was thoughtful.

  Ox and Reso dragged Kaiyan again, tying him directly with the stone sculpture, touching him with skin.

  In an instant.

  Kayan closed his eyes, stopped all struggles and resistance, and became more docile than ever.

  It seems to have returned to the warm and comfortable harbor.

  But ten seconds later, the stubborn attitude reappeared, chanting mantras, and the scarlet hollow eyes moved back and forth between the crowd and the stone sculptures.

   is enough.

  Everyone saw the clue, and they had guesses in their hearts.

  "The evil from the different planes, when they came to the world, they first occupied the body of this stone sculpture! In other words, Steingard set up this stone sculpture made of special materials to lure it into our world."

  Serit inferred,

  "Later, this warlock used some magic method to forcibly transfer the evil thing into the torn, mentally collapsed Kaiyan body!"

  "A warlock full of ambition and inhumanity, trying to control the existence of the two in vain and let it work for himself."

   Bald head concluded, "But his plot clearly failed. Kaiyan was out of control, and he was full of killing and destruction."

"Further on," Roy completed a series of events in the entire laboratory. "One of Steingard and student Sikura died in the mouth of a water ghost because of an accident. The other was discouraged. Abandon this mess and use illusion to seal off the laboratory under the Temple Island, but I don't know where to go. Maybe I will find another place to continue the cruel experiment."

   "As for the rescue method..."

"We reverse the call!" The cat pacing around the old friend on the stone sculpture, "open the'passage' between Kaiyan and the stone sculpture, attack the evil in his body, and let it return to another more comfortable place to stay. So-back to stone carving!"

   "The methods against ordinary flesh are bound to be ineffective," the bald man groaned, "Why don't you try with Acxi?"

  The method is established!

  Everyone acted immediately.

  The so-called channel, with the blood filled with magic power as the link, can establish a connection between the two.

  The Demon Hunter slit Kaiyan's wrist.

  At first, it was just a small hole, dripping blood on the stone sculpture.

  Unexpectedly, within ten seconds, the wound began to stop bleeding and heal.

  This transformed body is full of vitality, and everyone is amazed.

   Then the cat vulture was cruel and cut open his old friend's wrist with a silver sword.

  The skin was open and fleshy, and the huge gap was filled with thick black blood, which was covered with a small stone sculpture.

  Using blood as a bond, Kaiyan’s wrist and the stone sculpture stick to each other.

  He became honest and docile.

  In no time.

  In the senses of the demon hunter, the space around the stone sculptures has a soft glow, and the magic becomes active.

  But this is not enough!

  The candle light shines, leaving a few lucky fingers flying on the surrounding walls.

  Everyone used the Axian Fayin as a spear, with five fingers outlined, an infinite light blue inverted triangle, reflected in Kayan's scarlet pupils, continuously stimulating and bombarding his spirit.


   Two minutes later.

  Pluton, Oakes, and Reso have exhausted all their magical powers, and only Roy and Serritt still have a little magical power.

  They almost gave up.

  But suddenly, Kayan, who was close to the bloodstone sculpture, was shocked——

  And Roy's eyes widened.

  The vision is suddenly born!

  A black light ball the size of a fist flew out of Kaiyan's body staggeringly.

   As if drunk, he hovered in the sky above Kayan, and rushed towards the leopard-shaped stone sculpture below him!

  Through its smoky surface, Roy clearly saw a petite cat creeping inside the light cluster.

  A pair of scarlet vertical pupils.

   is full of killing and destruction, without any mercy.

   forms a huge contrast with the exquisite and lovely appearance.

  You are the evil spirit summoned by Steingard?

  The culprit occupying Kaiyan?

  Release you to return to the statue, and then come to harm my world? !

go away!

  The pupils of the dark gold shrank into a diamond shape.



  Crimson light emerged, and the sound of turbulent waves faintly sounded in the void.

  Behind the Demon Hunter.

  The **** sea of ​​stars is surging!

  A fishy wind blows up and evokes vomiting!

  The blood-poured tentacles drilled out of the void and waved horizontally——


  The black light group rushing to the stone sculpture, as if throwing into a trap, instantly caught by the tentacles.

  Shrink, twist!

  Tighten and shred!


  The black light group couldn't withstand the great power, and it instantly shattered into countless black air-wrapped fragments, scattered around.

   And the huge sucker on the tentacles suddenly opened, like a huge mouth that swallowed the world.

   Facing the fragments, the whale swallowed the sea and sucked, all greedily sucked into the abdomen, not a piece of it was let go!

  Roy couldn't help but let out a slight sigh with deep satisfaction.

   "You swallowed the evil spirit-cat, experience value +300, Demon Hunter lv7 (1640/4500

  The slaughter has been improved!


(Bloody breath: If you enter 2→3 meters around you, the hostile creature that initiates an attack will have a 20% (locked) probability of being shocked by the killing breath. If the will attribute is not higher than you, you will temporarily lose control of your body. Up to 2→3 seconds.

  Your damage to hunted creatures is permanently increased by 20→25%.

  Shock: Actively release the breath of killing to stun single, multiple, or all targets within 2→3 meters of the body, and perform a compulsory will check. If their will is not higher than yours, they will lose control for up to 2→3 seconds. Cooling time 4→3 minutes.

  Note: This skill will be upgraded with the type and number of creatures you kill.

   "Hiss... evil spirit? So much experience?"

  Roy surprises!

  The last time I gained 300 experience, it was a long time ago, killing the projection of the evil **** Dagon.

   Slaughter skills have also been greatly improved-the range of shock has become larger, the cooldown has been shortened, and the duration has become longer.

  But these are not the biggest gains-he has only now discovered that "shock" can harm a pure soul, crushing and swallowing it almost roughly!

  Summon scarlet tentacles, devour the soul... gain experience.

  How easy and how weird!

   Slaughter, the first skill he obtained, seems to have a deep connection with the template!


  Roy's gap in thinking.

  The four demon hunters did not notice the vision here.

  They stared at the man tied to the leopard stone sculpture.

  The evil thing was gone, Kaiyan opened Lava’s eyes, but the holes in his pupils disappeared.

  I was at a loss.

  "Me?" The severely damaged vocal cords made hoarse and unpleasant questions.

   "Kayan, old friend!" Pussy took a deep breath, took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, and held the man's palm slightly excitedly.

   "Welcome back to reality!"

   "I... My name is Kaiyan?" The man slowly rolled his eyes and saw a few men with beast pupils surrounding him.

  The eyes are full of kindness.

  He dropped his head and thought for a moment.

  The scared and horrifying face gave a shock, and the divergent pupils quickly condensed.

   "Yes, my name is Kaiyan!"

   "Cat Spiegel Demon Hunter!"

  (End of this chapter)

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