The Divine Hunter

Chapter 14: Embark on a journey

  Chapter 14 Embarking on a Journey

  Roy agreed to Resso’s invitation.

  In fact, it is a good choice to become a witcher, after all, he has not awakened the magic talent of the warlock.

  It was just a little surprised, the school is not the wolf school he yearns for and is familiar with. It is a school of Viper that is on the verge of extinction, known for its poison, dagger, and assassination in the future.

But opportunity waits for no one. Staying in this remote village will undoubtedly be unsatisfactory at the speed of improving your strength. In the near future, you will face the invasion of Nilfgard army, and maybe there will be an unknown monster attack. Such a fate is full of uncertainty. sex.

Following the veteran demon hunter Resor, at least in the last two or three years, he can make rapid progress in strength and learn a lot of professional knowledge of the demon hunter. If he can pass the trial of grass, his strength will change drastically. .

  What counts as the side effects of infertility?

  He never considered this issue before or now.

  Convincing the old Moores did not take too much of Roy's tongue. The two couples are less than forty years old and have longing for big cities. There is no old people's reluctance to leave their homes, but they are a little nervous.

  The promise of the demon hunter is a rare opportunity. The trouble is that the old couple strongly oppose Roy leaving.

  He has not yet reached the age of fourteen this year. Even if human children in the backward society mature prematurely, most of the boys at this age still stay with their parents and rely on their shelter to survive.

  Who wants to let a child follow the witcher from birth to death?

  Roy can only lie,

"Father, Susie. I follow Master Resso, not holding weapons to fight monsters as you imagined. I am just an assistant for Master Resso, which is similar to the previous apprenticeship with Uncle Fletcher, but the job is a little different. Because the demon hunter has no idea about money, and the commissions obtained from completing the commission do not know how to take care of it. It often takes us a year to make money in a few days."

Roy is not talking nonsense at this point. Most of the demon hunters are extremely confused about the income management. The life of licking blood makes them develop the habit of instant pleasure. Often they get commissions on the front feet and spend their back feet on wine and women. Even on Quint's chessboard.

  Daily maintenance of armor, weapons and equipment, and the loss of alchemical materials are also a huge expenditure. Therefore, some demon hunters are really struggling to live, and Geralt, the wolf sent demon hunter, is one of them, and occasionally needs his own confidante.

  “I’m going to manage the accounts for Your Excellency Resso this time, similar to the employees of Vivaldi Bank. And we will not be separated all the time. After a while, I promise to go to Novigrad to see you.”

   "Little Roy, don't lie to the old man. You have never studied culture since you were a kid, and you can't recognize all the characters, let alone arithmetic."

  Old Moore and his wife both looked unbelieving, until Roy, a high school student before the crossing, showed them the basic mathematical operations a little bit.

  Everyone, including the Demon Hunter, heard with a bewildered look... The old Moore and his wife had no room for rebuttal, crying and believing Roy's nonsense.

  It took a day. The couple packed up the valuable things at home, and the cultivated land was not owned by them and could not be taken away. In fact, I took a few sets of old clothes and took care of all the trivial matters.

let's go.

  The team leaving Kaye Village set off.

  Most of the villagers in Kaye ran out to watch, mostly pointing and pointing, and their tone was full of disdain and contempt.

  Traditional concepts have penetrated into the bones of these Adian farmers. In their view, in addition to helping people deal with some monsters raging, the demon hunters themselves are lowly freaks and symbols of unknowns.

  People are full of prejudice against the demon hunter, so they can't understand the behavior of the old Moore and his family following the demon hunter on the road.

  After deciding to move, many villagers came to persuade him. The old Moore and his wife had been shaken, but Roy was quite disappointed with the villagers through the butcher and father and son, and patiently persuaded his parents. He is much more decisive than the old couple in making ideas.

   Before leaving, the only one-eyed Jack who can be called a friend came to see him off and patted Roy’s head.

"Time flies so fast. I think you were a dull and shy little guy, but now you have become a cheeky and brave little bastard. I knew you would leave this poor place where birds don't **** sooner or later. Look at this pair of dark and bright eyes, as if you can see what I looked like when I was young, filled with ambitions and secrets."

Have it? Roy didn't think he had any ambitions, just some small wishes.

"You left Kaye with the demon hunter, and you will never come back in your life. I am old with old arms and legs, otherwise I will accompany you to the big city. By the way, since you personally do it for me The old man avenged his revenge. Uncle still has something as a parting gift."

  One-eyed Jack reluctantly handed a set of thirty-five Gwent cards to Roy's hand.

"This Skellige deck that I have treasured for a long time does not have hero cards, but there are rare cards in it. You take it, and with the hope of uncle, let the world see your Gwent card stunts. Great. The city often hosts Gwent competitions, so use this deck of cards to conquer them, kid!"

  Roy solemnly put the card close to his body, and then hid it in the storage space. If the market price of this set of Gwent cards may exceed two hundred crowns, Old Jack’s gift is not unimportant.

  "If you have a chance, when you get to Novigrad, go to Room 320 by the river around the city for the uncle, find an old thing named Frank, and take it... take my greetings."

  After finishing speaking, old Jack finally hugged Roy heavily and waved goodbye.


  Looking at the white smoke above Kaye becoming more and more blurred in his vision, a strange emotion rose in Roy's heart.

  This body, half a soul, still has nostalgia for this birthplace that has been inhabited for more than ten years, but soon, this nostalgia is replaced by the yearning for new adventures.

  The old Moore and his wife separated Roy after holding Roy and crying bitterly for a long time.

Seret and Oaks took them in a carriage, and proceeded along the north of Lower Posada to Fanger Fort, the capital of Aden, then changed to the west and crossed the land of Temalia, entered Redania, and headed for Novig. Rui.

  This road can only rely on a slow carriage, which takes a long time, about a month.

  And Resso took Roy with light and simple clothes, and the two rode together. After all, Roy could not ride a horse. Speeding westward through Edsberg, across the Mahakam Mountains, and heading towards Sintra in the coastal area, facing Skellig across the sea.

  Yes, they did not go to Novigrad temporarily without telling the old Moles.

  According to Reso, along the way, we need to collect the special medicine necessary for the trial of the grass, collect the mutant protein of the monster, and investigate and teach this new apprentice along the way.

  Reso himself will also go to Sintra to complete a secret investigation. When the old couple is settled, the two Seret Brothers rushed to Sintra to reunite with them.

  This journey is right in Roy's arms.

   "In 1260, Hirilla Fiona Irene Leanlund, known as the Sintra Cub, was eight or nine years old? He was engaged to Prince Christian of the Kingdom of Verdon."

  I don’t know if this little girl has run away from home now.

  He also wanted to see if the little girl was an ugly girl as depicted in the oil painting.

  (End of this chapter)

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