The Divine Elements

Chapter 92 – Lightning in the Sky


“Raizel, pay attention!”

An enormous twenty-foot golden bird loomed overhead, staring at the tiny figure on the ground.

Clumsily flapping his wings on the ground, the four-foot tiny bird lazily dropped onto the grass. Compared to the astounding height of his grandfather, the little golden bird appeared like a tiny pebble.

“Grandpa, I’m hungry!”

Raizel groaned as he rolled around in the grass.

“Sigh… you are already ten years old, and yet your beast form is only four feet tall…”

The giant bird muttered, as it gradually shape-shifted back into a human, and sat down next to the little bird on the grass.

“Why do you hate training so much, kid?”

The old man asked gently, as he stroked the scales on the tiny golden bird.

“Umm, I just don’t like fighting.”

Raizel stated while snapping the grass stalks with his beak.

“What will you do if someone attacks you?”

The old man inquired, as he turned to look at the cloudy sky above.

“Why would someone want to attack me?”

The little bird curiously tilted its head, as its bright azure eyes innocently stared into the old man.

“Hahaha, true. Want to see a cool trick?”

The old man abruptly changed the topic, not wanting to explain the cruelty of the world that they lived in.

Raising his arm in front of his chest, the old man’s eyes flashed with golden lightning as metallic scales started to shoot across his arm.

Unlike the complete beast shape-shifting where the limbs would morph into claws, this time the arm retained its human shape but with golden scales covering it.

“Woah! How did you do that?”

Raizel whispered in astonishment, as he crawled closer to his grandfather’s scaly arm.

“We come from a special bloodline, Raizel. Lightning is as much of a part of us as we are to it. Tell it what you want it to do, and it will obey your command. Now, watch.”

Faint bolts of lightning emerged out from the man’s hand and charged into the grass in front of him.

Letting out an abrupt yelp, Raizel leapt off into the air and landed behind his grandfather.

Curiously watching what was happening, Raizel noticed that the entire bed of grass in front of him was starting to slightly vibrate as currents of lightning danced around it.


With a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips, the old man snapped his fingers.

In the next instant, countless stalks of grass broke off from the soil and shot ahead into a tree.


Akin to metal arrows, the tips of each blade of grass penetrated into the trunk of the tree in a storm of lightning needles.

“Grandpa, teach me that move! That was soo cool!”

Raizel excitedly cried out, as he clumsily hopped around his grandfather while flapping his juvenile wings.

“Hahaha, once you can shape-shift at least into a seven foot tall bird, then I will teach you.”

The old man laughed as he gently slapped his grandson on the back.

“Tch! By the way, Grandpa…”

Raizel started.


“I’m still hungry.”


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