The distance between Mars and the Earth is not long. At the shortest time, it is only 55 million kilometers. It can be reached at the speed of a clock-the speed of light in only half an hour. It’s short but it’s not too short. The longest distance can reach 400 million kilometers. If you want to make a probe land on Mars from the earth, it will take two or three times even at the shortest distance. Months are long enough to be seen!

Fortunately, the world of the Heroic Century is not the real world, and the level of technological advancement of the earth cannot be compared with it. So after more than 30 hours of slow movement, the entire human united fleet arrived. The Moon System, anchored in the vast universe between the Earth and Moon System.

Then a small detection force flew out from the Argono and flew down towards the earth.

Obviously, even if we knew that the Silver and Bronze tribes had been completely withdrawn due to the transaction, for safety reasons, the fleet still sent an advance reconnaissance force to the earth to detect the earth’s environment and its security status, so that it would be better for the following The landed Dianeira was doing preparations before landing.

Yes, Dianeira, as the commander-in-chief and person in charge of this battle, and the representative of the entire human civilization, whether it is for her own feelings or some political show, she must personally land on Earth, The world has declared that the earth has returned to the embrace of mankind.

And the clock diagram? Naturally, they were not idle at this time. They also dispatched a special brigade composed of high-fidelity combat robots, letting them return to the earth behind the Eurogang troops sent by the Argono, and receive their inheritance and declare here. Sovereignty!

Although this is actually useless for him.


"Mr. Zhongtu, can you please take me to enjoy the scenery of the earth?" A few hours later, Dianneira took the initiative to contact him and sent an invitation to Zhongtu to visit the earth together.

Of course, this is not to say that Dianeira had any thoughts about Zhong Tu—after all, his heart had been tied to Aiji for a long time, and it was impossible to empathize with him.

What's more, the two people's time to get along is so short - a total of only about four or five days, don't know each other, there is still a gap and precautions.

In addition to this, coupled with the identity of a visitor to Zhongtu's parallel world, no matter what the idea is, Dianeira cannot have extra feelings for Zhongtu other than a cooperator.

But why should we send out an invitation to Zhongtu at this time?

Naturally because Zhong Tu once said that he was a human being on earth, he exchanged for the earth from the hands of the silver tribe, and he was the main hero in successfully taking over the earth and even the solar system this time, so even out of certain considerations, She also had to behave and sent an invitation to Zhong Tu.

As for whether Zhong Tu will accept it by then, it is out of her scope.

Anyway, the invitation has already been sent. If you accept it, I will patiently let you accompany you. If you don't accept it, I will be happy and relaxed. No matter how you look at her, I won’t lose.

"It's not an honor!" Zhong Tu smiled.

Then Zhongtu, uh, avatar Zhongtu set off for the Argono, merged with Dianneira, and took the other party's exclusive shuttle to the earth.

The atmosphere was broken, and a scene of harmony and beauty came into the eyes of Dianeira and his party.

The sky is dark—at least the time at the landing site is late at night, and the sea is also dark. The moon shines like a wash, and the silver moonlight spreads like a tulle on the dark sea, rippling with the waves, producing a kind of A different kind of tranquility and quiet atmosphere.

The air is fresh, with a strong smell of sea, there are no seabirds, and no traces of marine life leaping—

After all, it's night time, even people should rest, and animals don't have much energy to toss there.

They are not nocturnal creatures, nor are they tamed elves. They don’t look at the atmosphere and time, and cooperate with the people who landed to interpret the harmony of the heavens and the earth, the scene of all things, to prove that the human beings headed by Dianeira have returned to the earth. How to respond to the orthodox things of heaven.

There were no human voices, no lights, and the entire planet was deadly silent except for the Eugang forces moving around.

"Thank you to go to this position." The clock diagram stepped forward and handed a coordinate catalog to the pilot of the spacecraft.

"Where is that?" Dianeira asked curiously.

"The base I established when I was on Earth." Zhong Tu smiled.

"The base... then go there." Dianeira nodded and ordered.

Then the pilot no longer hesitated, immediately input the coordinates, and controlled the spacecraft to fly over.

But outside, members of the Eugang forces rushed past the spacecraft one step ahead to detect the situation there.

Just over an hour later, the spacecraft arrived at the base established by Zhongtu, the old magic capital area.

Then, the steel jungle that was different from other parts of the earth came into the eyes of everyone. It is brand new and full of sense of technology, and is in harmony with the surrounding nature. It is completely different from the old-age buildings like ruins, full of cold atmosphere.

The base was brightly lit, and a cursor that seemed to be a guiding signal led the spacecraft to land on the empty field in the base.


Then the hatch opened, and Dianeira and his party came to the ground.

"Welcome to my base." Zhong Tu walked two steps quickly to the front of the crowd, turned around, bends over and salutes pretendingly, making a gesture of an ancient noble gentleman in the Middle Ages, smiling at Dian Neira said.

"I have prepared some food for you, will your Royal Highness be willing to show your face and join me for lunch today?"

Yes, lunch. After more than an hour's flight, the spacecraft left the Western Hemisphere smoothly, came to the Eastern Hemisphere, and stepped into the daytime domain controlled by the sun.

"It's a great honor." Dianneila smiled politely.

Then the group entered the base under the guidance of Zhongtu and began a formal visit.


After a long time, a group of people sat down at a round table enough for ten people to sit in parallel.

Gorgeous shapes, clear colors, and fascinating scents of delicacies are placed on top of them, attracting Dianeira and others from all aspects of color, fragrance, and arousing their appetites, making many people’s stomachs irrepressible Yelled.


"You're welcome, let's do it." Zhong Tu picked up his chopsticks and took the lead in picking up a delicacy and putting it in the bowl.

Seeing this, the others didn't hesitate, picked up the knife, fork or chopsticks, and moved their hands one after another.

"Hmm! It's delicious, delicious, it's so delicious!" Ai Ji exclaimed with excitement while eating utterly like a wild child who had never seen the world.

Obviously, as the top of the real world food, even if it is changed to another world, Chinese food still has incomparable charm, which can make all creatures named humans surrender.

Of course, except for certain groups in special circumstances.

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