The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 282: untitled


The door of the conference room opened, and the councillors and Kruze walked out of the claustrophobic conference room.

"Captain Cruze." Nigor's father, Yuli Amalfi, called.

"Master Amalfi." Kluzer stopped and turned to look at the visitor. It was discovered that the other party was not alone, but with Diaka's father Ted Elsman.

"Let's go over there and say." Ted reminded when someone else looked over.


The other two did not object, the three got together and walked aside without noticing that the congressman named Jeremy was looking at the three with cold eyes, especially Cruze.

Then with a cold snort, he disappeared into the crowd with a smirk.


"Captain Cruze, don't you really know why that person released you?" Yuli Amalfi asked impatiently when the crowd was quiet.

"I really don't know. Or does Lord Amalfi want me and you and Lord Ted's son and that person?" Cruzer asked in a weird voice.

"I didn't mean that. It's just... this kind of behavior is really puzzling and worrying." Amalfi smiled bitterly.

"I understand, but this is the case. Instead of our random suspicions here, it's better to relax and be prepared to deal with everything as much as possible. This way, even if something really happens, we won't be caught off guard."

"Captain Cruze, why did you say that Azalia chose to make such a self-defeating behavior from the people?" At this moment, the calmer Senator Ted asked.

"It's probably because of Yitzhak. The other party may have controlled Yitzhak by some means, so that Senator Azalia had to cast a rat and cooperate with the other party's actions." Cruze speculated half-truth.

"Then what do you think the other party will use?" Amalfi asked.

"Perhaps the two adults can take Master Ling to the hospital for a detailed examination."

"..." Amalfi and Ted looked at each other speechlessly, seeing a certain solemn color in each other's eyes.

"Next, I still need to report to Commissioner Sara, so I'll leave first, the two adults forgive me."

"Sorry, I wasted your time. Thank you for your reminder. Later I will take Diaka to the hospital for the most detailed examination. If there is any news at that time, we will contact you again." Ted and Ah again Maffei glanced at each other, and said quietly to Kruze.


After that, Cruz stopped staying, turned and moved towards Patrick Sara's office.

"Let's go too."


Then Ted and Amalfi also left, leaving the parliament building.


Soon after, PLANT officially released its opinions on the handling of March City and its affiliated city clusters.

Generally speaking, there are two points. One: Let Azalia take the initiative to surrender, don't be self-defeating from the people, and lead March City and its affiliated cities on the road of destruction. You can't beat Zaft. If you don't believe it, try it.

Two: Allow people in the city group to act spontaneously, just like March City recruits talents from other monthly city groups, PLANT also welcomes people in the city group in March City to take the initiative to abandon the initiative and not confuse the chaos. The relatives still need them, and Zaft doesn't want to kill them indiscriminately, just to let the people on earth read jokes.

However, in the dark, PLANT started a few secret spies, and contacted Azalia for the first time, looking for Yitzhak, preparing to draw a salary from the bottom, and directly settle the ‘leader’.

At the same time, the Zaft army began to assemble, and after only an order, it began to storm the space port of March City and its affiliated cities, and carry out a final clean-up of the stubborn elements.

It’s just a pity that those secret spies’ actions completely failed. It can even be said that they were noticed by Zhong Tu soon after they started their operations. Strangers trying to get close to Azalia and Yitzhak are killed to protect their lives.

"With me, your life safety will never be a problem." Zhong Tu looked at Azalia and her son Yitzhak who were gathered together in front of him with a chuckle.

"Damn it!!" Yitzhak was unwilling to his face, and Azalia held the palm of his hand tightly to prevent him from impulsive behavior and causing unnecessary trouble to himself.

Yitzhak was full of resentment and self-blame—if he was strong enough, shrewd and cautious enough, how could he be trapped by his mother in injustice like he is now and do such a betrayal of PLANT?

"Damn it!"

Azalia was extremely calm, showing the posture of a strong woman again, without saying anything, silently accepting everything right now.

After a while, Azalia said coldly, "You will only immediately intensify the relationship between the city cluster in March City and the PLANT side, and force the PLANT side to use force. I don't know where your self-confidence comes from, but you only show it now. I don’t think you can protect the city cluster in March against the attack from Zaft."

"Then how about we make a bet?" Zhong Tu did not refute or explain, but watched Azalia jokingly.

"What a bet?" Isalia asked.

"Just bet I can protect the city cluster in March."

"The stakes."

"Just you. If I win, you will support me wholeheartedly from now on."

"What if you lose."

"I will perform plastic surgery for you and Yitzhak, and then send you to Earth or Mars through other channels, so that you can be free again." Zhong Tuhao said in time.

Yes, Mars, you read that right. In Gundam World, Mars also belongs to the developed planet.

Although this is completely unheard of for today's earthlings and even PLANT residents, before the CE year, the earth did implement a Mars development plan in the old age almost 150 years ago. It was co-hosted by several major countries at that time, and with great resources, 16 colonial satellite communities with vast land and resources were established on it.

However, due to the environmental problems of Mars, the diseases caused by the strong Martian electromagnetic storm caused more than 20% of the population to die, which greatly exceeded the expectations of the high level of the countries at the time. There was a false report of all the deaths of Martian residents.

It is equivalent to abandoning the inhabitants of Mars and letting them fend for themselves!

However, it was totally unexpected that human beings with strong adaptability finally survived on Mars, and through 150 years of hard work, they have developed a civilized empire that is not much worse than the current Earth and PLANT, which is amazing.

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