The Dimensional Pursuit

Chapter 256: This girl is not that girl

"It seems that you intend to be hard-headed to the end, in that case..."

Before finishing the next words, Zhiban Qiandong suddenly moved, swiping his broad sword, and instantly slashed towards Zhong Tu with a dull whistling sound.

"...Then be prepared to accept sanctions!"

Zhong Tu's pupils shrank, his eyes condensed, and he raised his hands up.


Klein Field emerged, blocking the big sword cut by Weaver Qiandong.

Zhiban Qiandong was not moved because his attack was blocked-after all, he had already expected the result before the attack, so he didn't pause at all, immediately twisted his wrist and turned the knife, and the blade was against the Klein Field Outer Wall slid down quickly, and then stood up sharply. Along with the twisting of the waist of Weaver Qiandong, a big round cut came from the side.

Its power is so great that it even brings out a clear wave of air, like an air blade, slashing towards Zhong Tu's waist.

Zhong Tu did not choose to move back and be beaten again this time, relying on the Klein Field to despise everything, but a little bit below his feet, quickly approaching Zhiban Qiandong, raising his leg and kicking the latter's wrist.

This time it is going to be a real kick. Even if we can't kick off Zhiban Qiandong's wrist, it will definitely deform her attack and lose her power.

Zhiban Qiandong's eyes flashed, and the wrists of the hands of the sword cleverly moved again, avoiding the front of the foot, and slipping away from the edge of the center of the kick, while the blade turned upwards, slashing towards the clock Head.

There is not the slightest air of firework between the change of moves and counterattacks, and it shows the strong emergency response power of the Weaver Qiandong and the terrifying sword training skills.

Of course, there is also her terrifying dynamic vision.

After all, he had practiced in the dojo of Shino's House when he was a child, and the person who can get the highest qualification is not bad.

Zhong Tu retracted his foot on the ground, shifted his center of gravity, bowed his head and turned around, and while passing the decapitation knife, he swung his leg back and kicked it towards Chibu Chindong.

The heels of the feet brought white waves of air, exuding a breath of terror.

Zhiban Qiandong stepped back and quickly retreated from in front of Zhong Tu.

A beam of light hit the Klein court that suddenly lit up around Zhong Tu's body.

The shot was Yamada Miya. This seemingly weak and petite and bullying teacher is actually a rare fighter. He has a keen judgment on the opportunities of the battle, so he did not hesitate when he discovered the opportunity of the attack. Pulling the trigger, it was a blow to the clock.

Although it is not authentic, and even despicable, as a fighter, there is nothing wrong with it.

Didn't you see that Teacher Chin Dong said nothing?

As for when she wore the iron... she was dressed from the beginning. Otherwise, with her weak appearance and poor melee combat level, Zhiban Qiandong would not bring her to the scene.

Even if she is the head teacher of Cecilia's class!

She wouldn't make a joke about the safety of her colleagues.

Zhongtu stood still again, and looked at Yamada Maya and others blankly.

"Are there more people..."

"I am not afraid that there are more people than me."

After all, before Zhiban Qiandong and others understood what Zhong Tu's words meant, several young women suddenly appeared beside Zhong Tu.

"Kaohsiung, Maya, supernatural powers, Ashigara, Kirishima, solve them. Be careful not to kill them." Zhong Tu immediately opened his mouth and ordered without waiting for Kaohsiung and others to speak. At the end, he emphasized the attack intensity. Otherwise, with the intensity of the gunfire mounted on their ships, they could be killed with one shot, even with the crew, absolutely worthwhile.

"I can't guarantee this." Kirishima, who has a sadistic hobby, quickly glanced at the girl around her eyes, curled her lips.

"Fight, fight! Finally you can fight again!" Mayer said happily.

"Hehe, leave it to me!" Fighting mad with a fist clenched his feet and smiled.

Neither Kaohsiung nor Shentong spoke, but quietly observed the girls' combat power and analyzed their defense strength.

Then the space flickered, and a door-ship outfit appeared and mounted on Kaohsiung and others.

Fortunately, they still remembered Zhongtu’s request. They didn’t directly take out all the ship’s equipment. Instead, they only took small secondary guns or combined cannons that were lighter than their hull. The main gun came out, even if they forced control, they might not be able to complete the entrustment of Zhongtu.

After all, the bottom power is there, if it is too weak, they may not even be able to shoot.

Seeing this, Zhiban Qiandong's face changed again, and he couldn't help but shouted, "You, are you from the National Machinery Industry?!"

Subjugation Machinery, a mysterious organization unique to the IS world, seems to have been established during World War II and has existed for more than 50 years. It does not belong to any country, nor does it have any religious beliefs. It is not even clear which person initiated and which ethnic group established it. The purpose, scale, and reason for existence are also unknown. It is like a ghost-like organization.

However, in recent years, I have become very interested in IS. From time to time, there have been news that they have launched attacks on countries that hold IS, or have stolen and robbed IS cores.

This, coupled with the fact that the subjugation machinery industry also possesses quite advanced IS development technology, it is no wonder that Zhiban Qiandong mistakenly believes that they are also members of that organization when he sees the warship's cross-dressing posture.

"Wrong, we are the Dimension Fleet!" Zhong Tu smiled.

Then an order was given, and the beams shot in all directions, instantly exhausting the energy of the iron-strike IS driven by the girls around, breaking the absolute defense, destroying the IS, and even the close-fitting driving suits they wore, causing them to fall one by one. On the ground.

This includes Yamada Miya, and Cecilia, who was driving a third-generation aircraft, who was unwillingly stunned by the irritability, and turned into a "lying dead" like everyone else.

Only Zhiban Qiandong stood alone in the field, the IS sword in his hand was broken and incomplete, and the clothes on his body were damaged in large pieces, revealing some unspeakable things faintly.

Zhiban Qiandong stood there in embarrassment, with an ugly face looking at the Zhongtu and others who looked at her with interest.

"Qianxinchan, it could have been different, but who told you to be a coincidence? So I had no choice but to laugh. Supernatural powers, Kaohsiung, look for it and see if there is a dark ball in the remains of the body. If not, Just move people over."


Afterwards, Shentong, Kaohsiung and Maya, who loves to join in the fun, walked to the pilot girl who was defeated by them, and searched in the wreckage.

"Don't move around, otherwise I can only do something more terrifying. The love scene at that time may not be what you want to see." Seeing that Chintou Weaver seems to be moving, Zhong Tu immediately He shot a shot at the ground in front of her feet, and said with a smile.

"You guy, really isn't a good person." Kirishima on the side glanced at him, unceremoniously complaining.

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