What Ye Ting, or Sander Lever, proposed in a series of academic lectures, is that the transformation magic should be independent of the transformation magic. In fact, it is the transformation he mastered in the world of Harry Potter. magic.

Even in that world, transformation magic is a type of spell that is independent of magic spells, so put it on Azeroth (the plane of World of Warcraft, the planet that is the main stage) and treat this as an independent magic. Factions make sense too.

After all, in the arcane magic of Azeroth, transformation magic belongs to the transformation system. The theory is complicated and the effect is unstable.

At least in terms of the arbitrariness of transfiguration, the transformation of inanimate objects into inanimate objects, and the transformation of inanimate objects into living things, the magic of the Harry Potter world far exceeds that of Azeroth. At least the mages of Azeroth can only temporarily turn high-intelligent creatures into low-intelligent creatures, such as sheep transformation, pig transformation, and the same magic spells of barbarian witch doctors (mostly frog transformation).

Of course, it is not that the mages of Azeroth have never tried transformation techniques in other directions, but countless mistakes and accidents have told them that this way is unavailable.

But now, Ye Ting's appearance tells them that you are wrong.

He used his subversive theories and incredible transformation magic to make the mages understand that it was not that transformation magic was profound and complicated, but that the direction was wrong from the beginning. His technique was simple and effective (compared to Azeroth's transformation magic). )'s transformation magic and its theoretical basis have successfully proved that transformation magic based on transformation magic is a deformed transformation magic.

Soon, this theory caused an uproar throughout Dalaran. The archmages had a heated discussion about it, and even the civilians of Dalaran would chat about whether the transformation spell would eliminate the magic of change. form a faction and start useless arguments.

In short, Ye Ting became a famous person in Dalaran, and people wanted to know him. Within two or three days, he received numerous invitations to banquets. People always said hello to him when he walked on the road, and many magic apprentices also greeted him. accepted the request to become a disciple.

He couldn't even sit down and read a book in the library in the Violet Castle in the center of Dalaran. Even in this place where he was supposed to study quietly, there were a steady stream of mages trying to chat with him, which made him reluctant. This did not interrupt his study career which lasted for more than a year.

However, for him, it was all necessary.

The reason why he did not hesitate to take out the transformation magic and share it with everyone was to improve his status in a short time.

Only in this way can he better master the magic of this world and master more powerful knowledge and power.

Although as the center of power and scholarship in Dalaran, most of the libraries in the Violet Castle are public facilities, but they are not just for individuals to browse at will.

As a mage, Ye Ting could only read some of the most basic magic theories and some popular books here. More advanced and professional knowledge requires higher authority. This authority may be a contribution to Dalaran, or it may be more Permission from a high-status person, or perhaps an exchange of knowledge.

So, Ye Ting spent a year in the library, basically mastering the basic theory of arcane magic, and learned the most common magic, so that he would not be timid when facing the mages of this world.

Then he began his own plan to gain prestige.

What could be more compelling in Dalaran than a new theory of magic?

The magic from another world that Ye Ting possesses naturally meets this requirement.

Therefore, in order to maximize the use of the capital he had, he spent time combining Harry Potter's Transfiguration with the Transfiguration of Change Magic, and launched a new system that was different from the original nine schools of arcane magic. Ten Schools, the School of Transfiguration.

In fact, compared to arcane magic, although the spells in the Harry Potter world lack power and aggressiveness, they are quite simple and convenient in many aspects.

Unfortunately, these spells are too complex compared to the nine schools of arcane magic. For example, Apparition belongs to the transformation system in arcana, the flaming and fierce fire spells belong to the evocation system, and the disarming spell and coma spell belong to the enchantment system... so First, it would be too troublesome to build a separate system for this.

Coupled with the fact that he needed to have one skill at his disposal, in the end, he only used Transformation to establish his prestige in Dalaran.

The time when Ye Ting came to this world happened to be the first year of the Dark Portal, when all the plots began.

This year, Gul'dan, an orc warlock from the alien planet Draenor, has opened a huge portal across the stars - the Dark Portal.

Through the Dark Portal, the orc tribe of Draenor has sent a vanguard force to Azeroth and established a vanguard camp in the Black Swamp near the Dark Portal to prepare for the invasion with all its clan strength.

According to the original history, there were still four years until the orcs defeated the Stormwind Kingdom in the southern part of the Eastern Kingdom (the name of the entire continent) and invaded the continent of Lordaeron, making the human nations aware of this huge crisis.

As the saying goes, heroes emerge in troubled times. Only in times of war is the time for everything to be reshuffled, and it is also the time for Ye Ting to gain enough benefits in this world. Just like in the Harry Potter world, Ye Ting believes that the best way to obtain the knowledge and power he wants in Azeroth is not to actively seek it out, but to establish his own power and influence.

After all, if you want to collect information and establish research, an organization or even a country is much more convenient than a simple individual.

In the world of Harry Potter, he tasted such sweetness - after becoming the savior, he easily obtained the research results of the entire Ministry of Magic for hundreds of years, and at the same time browsed the world's collection of books, and successfully established the original magic book.

In fact, in this era, Ye Ting had no choice but to do so.

In fact, Ye Ting's original intention was not to come to Azeroth at this time, because from the first year of the Dark Portal, after the whole plot started, countless troubles would ensue on this poor planet. And then, everything is happening: first the invasion of alien races, then the resurrection of the ancient gods, then the undead natural disasters, the invasion of demons, then the civil strife of the guardians of the planet, then the civil strife of the guardians of time, then the war of the mortal races, and then again It was the invasion of alien races from another timeline, then another invasion of demons, then the rise of the ancient gods, and then another world war...

If all this happened on the earth, ten earths would be destroyed, even the strong ones Azeroth, which has grown up in large numbers, is considered to be in danger and on the verge of destruction when faced with countless big troubles.

If it were possible, Ye Ting would never get involved in this chaotic era so quickly - it would take thousands of years to develop.

Unfortunately, sometimes, trouble will not be transferred due to human will.

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