The other person who escaped was Karkaroff.

As a former Death Eater, he had already felt a strong reaction from the Dark Mark on his arm this night.

After Ye Ting and others mentioned Voldemort's resurrection, he immediately believed it.

In the past few months, he had felt abnormalities in the Dark Mark many times. For this reason, he had discussed it with Professor Snape, who was also a former Death Eater, more than once.

Now, apart from Voldemort's resurrection, he couldn't think of any other reason why the Dark Mark would react so violently.

So, he ran away, having betrayed so many of the Dark Lord's loyal supporters that he didn't dare to meet them.

But Ye Ting doubts that he will get far, because the Dark Lord has a way of tracking his enemies - especially the Death Eaters who betrayed him.

Everyone went all the way to the Defense Against the Dark Arts office. They searched everywhere and rummaged through the cabinets, but found nothing.

"Is Alastor really hidden here?"Several professors were dubious. They searched the office thoroughly, but did not see any clues.

"I think you should have overlooked something. Ye Ting looked at a large box with seven locks in the office,"Has that box been checked?""

"Of course, it's just an ordinary box."Hagrid said,"There are only some textbooks and magic props inside."

"No, there is a mechanism here."Ye Ting stepped forward and checked carefully.

After a while, he came to a conclusion

"A specific key is required to actually unlock the secrets of this chest"

"The key must be with Crouch," Snape said coldly,"So now, we have no evidence to prove that Moody is the guy."

"No, now that the mechanism has been discovered, there is a way to crack it. Ye Ting shook his head and said confidently,"Give me a few minutes.""

He pointed the wand at the first keyhole, and moved his eyes closer, as if he was using the wand to pick the lock. However

, what he was picking was not an ordinary lock - even if Muggles are the most skilled bank vault doors, they can't pick the lock. It's a matter of"Opening the Alajo Cave" - ​​he opened a complicated magic lock. This magic lock is quite delicate and complicated. If there is no key, even Dumbledore can't do anything with it.

However, for Ye Tinglai Said, this is a piece of cake.

A few minutes later, a burst of sparks was seen between the tip of Ye Ting's"Weaver" and the keyhole, and then a click came from the keyhole.

The first lock was opened.

Ye Ting opened the box again. This time, what appeared in the box was a bunch of spells.

" seems like no one is hiding in it."Furong pointed out weakly.

"wrong! Hermione retorted,"This box has seven locks. I think they must be opened.""

Soon, Ye Ting began to crack the second lock.

Perhaps practice makes perfect, or maybe he has mastered the routine of this magic lock. The second lock was opened in just over a minute.

This time again When he opened the box, he found that instead of a spell book, there were various broken looking glasses, some parchment, quills, and a silver invisibility cloak. The professors and other wizards who were watching were surprised to see Ye Ting quickly He cracked the third, fourth, fifth and sixth locks, each time much faster than the last time.

However, when he opened the box, what appeared was different each time.

In the end, Ye Ting didn't even look at the seventh lock. He just pointed at the seventh keyhole with his wand, and the seventh lock opened in response.

"Incredible!"Dumbledore took a breath,"You have completely cracked this magic lock and created the corresponding universal breaking spell!"

"If you specialized in lockpicking, all the magic locksmiths in the world would be driven crazy."Snape's face was stiff. He was once again overwhelmed by Ye Ting's ability.

However, Ye Ting had long been accustomed to these compliments. He didn't say anything and just opened the lid of the box.

The bottom of the box It turned out to be a big pit, like a basement.

There was a man lying on the floor about three meters deep, as skinny as a stick, as if he was asleep - it was the real Mad-Eye Moody.

His wooden leg was missing, and the magic eye His eyelids were empty, and several locks of gray hair were missing.

People looked at the sleeping Moody at the bottom of the box, and were shocked.

This could already prove that the previous"Mad-Eye" Moody was a fake - that is to say , the conspiracy of Voldemort's resurrection is real.

Dumbledore climbed into the box, gently landed next to the sleeping Moody, and leaned over to look at him

"Knocked out - under the Imperius Curse - very weak."Of course," he said,"they need to keep him alive." Severus, please find a cloak and throw it down - he's freezing. He needs to be handed over to Madam Pomfrey, but his life is not in danger yet."

Snape did as he was told. Dumbledore put the cloak on Moody, covered him tightly, and then climbed out of the box.

Snape picked up a set of glass bottles on the table - Ye Ting had just opened the first At the six lock mark, he took this out of the box, unscrewed the lid, turned the bottle upside down, and a stream of viscous liquid spilled onto the office floor.

"Polyjuice Potion indeed," said Snape."How simple, how ingenious. Moody famously drank only from the curved bottle he carried with him. Of course, the impostor needs to keep the real Moody around so he can keep making the decoction. Look at his has been cut for a year"

"In other words, it was the impostor who put Harry's name into the Goblet of Fire in the first place."Dumbledore sighed,"He has been planning this conspiracy for the past year. It was he who took the initiative to put the trophy into the maze, and finally they succeeded... We were indeed careless... Except for Harry, there are also Good thing he's still alive."

He turned to Ye Ting and the two girls

"I have to thank you. You risked your lives to save Harry from Voldemort and the Death Eaters. The bravery you showed tonight greatly exceeded my expectations of you. I ask you to show your courage again. I You are asked to tell us everything that happened, and Harry, you too."

Next, the scene fell silent. The young wizards and other unrelated people were all invited out of the office, leaving only the professors of Hogwarts headed by Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick as soon as they woke up. Harry's godfather, Sirius Black, and Lupin were also there; in addition, there were Ms. Bones and her men, including her secretary and several Aurors.

Everyone gathered around Ye Tingsi People listened quietly to their statements - of course, mainly Harry. After all, Ye Ting and the others came"late" and did not see everything.

Just as they were telling how Ye Ting took them with the trophy When the Portkey function returned to Hogwarts, there was a sudden noise and footsteps outside the door.

The door was opened, and standing at the door was an acquaintance that everyone knew.

Cornelius Fudge

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