In the afternoon of that day, Ludo Bagman sent a summons order, and all the warriors must gather together to take pictures.

Ye Ting took Hermione to the gathering place, which was a smaller classroom. Most of the desks were pushed to the back of the classroom, leaving a large open space in the middle. But there were three desks facing each other, placed in front of the blackboard, covered with a long piece of velvet. Behind the velvet-covered desk, there were five chairs. On one of them sat Ludo Bagman, who was talking to a witch Harry had never seen before. The witch was wearing a magenta dress. robe.

Viktor Krum stood in a corner with a gloomy face as usual, not talking to anyone. Furong was sitting on a chair. When she saw Ye Ting coming in, she immediately laughed happily. She kept shaking her head, making her long silver hair shine with a dazzling luster. A potbellied man held a large, slightly smoking black camera in his hand and was watching Fleur from the corner of his eye.

When Ye Ting arrived, Ludo Bagman stood up on his own initiative and greeted Ye Ting with some respect. He knew clearly that he still owed Ye Ting many gold galleons.

The other woman looked very surprised when she saw Ye Ting, and she immediately came forward

"This is Rita Skeeter," Ludo Bagman pointed at the witch in a magenta robe and introduced him proactively."She is writing a short article about the Contest for the Daily Prophet.……"

Her hair was styled into delicate, stiff, weird curls, which looked particularly awkward when paired with her big-jawed face. She wore a pair of jeweled glasses. His thick, fat fingers grasped the crocodile leather handbag, and his nails were two inches long and painted bright red.

Of course Ye Ting knows Rita Skeeter. She is a famous unscrupulous reporter who often gossips for the sake of sales.

"Oh, are you the famous Mr. Ting Ye?" Rita Skeeter excitedly stepped forward to interview Ye Ting,"I have heard of your name a long time ago. Ever since you won the wizard chess competition, I have always wanted to do an exclusive interview with you. , but there has never been a chance. After that, you have made many achievements. Otherwise, we……"

"No, Miss Rita, I don't want to do an exclusive interview."Ye Ting waved his hands in disgust, as if he had seen something disgusting,"Go and complete your mission quickly, Miss Skeeter, and don't program me in your notebook again, or I will kill you next time. I'll teach you a lesson."

Ye Ting snapped his fingers as he spoke, and Miss Skeeter's shorthand notebook immediately burst into flames. The few pages of the press release she had just written with the automatic recording quill immediately turned into ashes - what was written on it was exactly a paragraph Skeeter started writing about the news about Ye Ting as soon as she saw him.

Miss Skeeter wanted to complain, but found that she couldn't say anything. At some point, she had fallen into Ye Ting's trap. The gag curse

"Don't pity her, because her pen and that nonsense mouth won't let you go."Looking at the confused looks in Hermione and Fleur's eyes, Ye Ting explained,"This woman likes to stir up trouble, dig out other people's privacy, and then make it up. When it is published in the Daily Prophet, everyone likes to read what she writes. Something, because that other people put happiness above other people's pain. In fact, as Rita Skeeter wrote about in the Daily Prophet, many people ended up miserable. Some people couldn't find jobs because of it, and one person received countless hateful letters from people, and finally that person committed suicide."

Fleur and Hermione looked at each other, and then they gave up on pleading for the female reporter.

The fat man holding the camera in the corner saw the reporter's experience and immediately put down the camera he was about to raise. This camera can be compared to Bisky. Te's notebook was much more expensive, and he could guarantee that when he took pictures of Ye Ting, the other party would dare to use wandless magic to make his camera suffer the same fate as the notebook.

Without the interference of reporters, Ye Ting, Furong, and He The three Min chatted, and the two girls were somewhat tit for tat, but generally it was Fleur who was bullying Hermione and having a great time.

After a while, the door opened again, and the last warrior, Harry Potter was taken into the classroom.

Bagman suddenly saw Harry, stood up quickly, and jumped forward

"Ah, here he comes! The fourth warrior! Come in, Harry, come in... there's nothing to worry about, it's just a wand-testing ritual——"

"Detection wand? Harry asked uneasily

"We must check whether your wand is fully functional and in good condition, because in future competitions, your wand will be your most important instrument."The expert is upstairs with Dumbledore," said Bagman. Then take some photos. The reporter lady will arrange everything."

He pointed at Rita, but she didn't say a word. The situation was a bit awkward. The female reporter was still fighting against Ye Ting's silencing spell.

Bagman had no choice but to look at Ye Ting pleadingly, and Ye Ting shrugged. , the ban was lifted.

The reporter who was finally able to speak gasped for air and glanced at Ye Ting in fear. She finally knew why Ye Ting was able to avoid harassment from reporters and various reports after winning the championship.

After a while, she finally came to her senses.

"Maybe it's not a small article, Ludo."Rita Skeeter said, staring at Harry. Since she couldn't report on Ye Ting, the two girls seemed to have a good relationship with Ye Ting, so she couldn't report on it. She was in Viktor Krum just now. There has been another bump in the road. In other words, the only one who can take action now is this little boy.

"Before we begin, can I have a few words with Harry?" she asked Bagman,"one of the youngest warriors, you know... just to add a little color to the article"

"no problem! Bagman said loudly,"That's it - I wonder if Harry objects?""

"Um——"Harry said

"Very good."Rita Skeeter said. In the blink of an eye, her bright red claw-like fingers grabbed Harry's arm with astonishing strength. She pulled him out of the room.

Ye Ting smiled with some schadenfreude. When he gets up, Miss Skeeter will definitely give Harry a huge torture - especially when the reporter is faced with countless news materials, but hits the wall everywhere and has nowhere to start. Moreover

, Harry himself is also a A person with a lot of stories, who particularly meets Miss Skeeter's criteria for compiling news. It is estimated that she will gain a lot this time.

After a while, Harry returned to the room under the leadership of Dumbledore, but, During this time, Miss Skeeter had arranged for him a tragic and tragic past.

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