The Devil's Origin

87. Preparation


It feels good to have a sheet of silk touching my naked body safely.

Oh, when's the first time?

What awakened me so well.

The two weeks that were blacker and more anointed than those dongs were shallow sleeps, just dark thoughts ravaging my head.


It's been a really long time since I woke up feeling this good.


It would be great if it didn't hurt anywhere else.

No, I mean, this hurts more than...


It's in there, isn't it, this?

"Ve, Velk, pull it out"

"... sooo... sooo"

You consumed a lot of magic, Verk is rare - or you may have begun to see your face asleep - asleep.

Hey, you're going to stay pierced.

I gave up when I realized it was useless.

That's how I decided to start sleeping again.


"Verk's sleeping face was adorable"


"You don't have to sink like that"

When he woke up, he apologized for passing out before pulling it out.

The magic that Velk instilled in me circulated through my body, and I'm in very good shape.

But I decided I shouldn't go outside until this one looks a little more decent.

I'm worried about you.

Verk feeds me the elk meal I got rebuilt today.

I could swallow it without throwing up anymore.

"Hey, Verk."

"What is it?"

"After all, I - I want to save all demons"


"I know that's absurd. But I still want to save you.... and think about Blob."


"To do that, I think we really need to coexist with humans."

"... it"

I've been thinking about it ever since.

Think about it and think about it - I resented humans, but honestly, I can't forgive them, but when I think about the Demon Nation as the Demon King, I came to the idea that I had to coexist, not compete with humans.

It is hatred and fear of the devil tribe that man created the blob.

Then we must endure that remorse.

"Is the Lord thinking of something? May I ask you something?

"Oh. Humans try to kill or exploit demons because demons still attack humans. Even if I order the Demons not to attack, given their previous relationship, they will never stop attacking the Demons."

"I guess so. Demons and humans have hated for a very long time. It won't go away any time soon."

"I rebuilt the Demons, and I thought of destroying humans. But then..."

"A brave man will come out."

"If we are lucky enough to defeat the brave men of today… there may be another new brave man. It's like I was born to defeat the Demon King."

"Sure... it must be a complete treat"

"Oh, so... I'm wondering if I can somehow draw the brave here."


"I think we can work from the devil to the human, even if it's difficult."

"But it is"

"I know it's hard. But as it is, the future is perpetual, the Demons and humans have no choice but to be on the parallel line. The Demon King kills the Brave One, and the Brave One kills the Demon King. That repetition can go on forever. We have to cut it off somewhere."

I've been thinking about it.

This too, too much seasaw game.

Such a world where demons and humans are created on the assumption of fighting.

It's like being on someone's palm.

Demon King, that thought is dangerous.

From whose point of view, on earth, is it dangerous?

... I'm sick of it. To be rolled in someone's palm is.

I'm the Demon King.

Live like I want to live, and make the world the way I want to.

I'll do what I can for what I want.

"But it seems very dangerous to use the brave."

"I know. The mightiest brave man, dashi. But, Verk."

Verk stares at me with a harsh look. But hey, bring up the trump card.

"What do you think I've been seeing brave men for, over and over again? I sowed it properly."

"Seeds, is it"

"Yes, for me to know him. And to make him know the devil tribe"

Enemies to destroy, that it is not just.

To bloom other than hostility towards the devil tribe.

"Is it weird that the Demon King wants to take in the brave?

"There's no precedent."

"Do you think the Demons will allow us to take in the brave?

"...... like Rex in Veerwolf, there are a lot of demons who were killed their parents and brothers. Must be hard to convince."

"You wouldn't disagree with me, would you?"

Verk laughed lonely.

"It was decided by the Lord, ready. I can't stop it."

But Verk squeezes my hand.

"But when a brave man tries to harm you, I will do everything in my power to shield you."

Velk gives me a fuss.

"Lord, I will be with you as your faithful servant, even if the way ahead is Tsutsu's way"

He thanked him deeply and deeply for his loyalty.

A few days made my debilitation a lot better.

"Well! Demon King!!

"Elk, you're worried."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Demon King."

I'm crushed by a copel who jumped in.

Ugh, it's a fluke, but it twitches.

I'm sorry to bother you. But don't soothe here.

I have something to do.



"Between the round tables, gather everyone together."


"Yes, all the demons I've gathered. I want to make arrangements as soon as possible. Can you do that?"

"Yes, sir."

I'm ready.

to save everything.

Never again, to create a sad demon tribe.

To do that, I have the approval of other demons as well as me.

There are so many demons who hate humans, more brave than that.

Whether you can make me admit it or not, the story changes.


The most powerful brave man of all time.

I could only recognize my worth by being a brave man, a sad brave man.

Taking advantage of being that brave man gave me a little chest ache.

But I'm sure Kira would.

If you are not a brave man, but a Kilratur, you will listen to me.

I'm sure there's a breakthrough there.

Between the round tables, we'll have all the demons I've ever been with.

From the various races, from the aliens to those who form the human form.

In total, there were more than fifty demons.

... thinking about it, me, wow, you've been hanging in there...

It's a little far-sighted.

It was a roll when the various races aligned uniformly.

"Demon King, we have all the demons."

Kaios gives a bowl of grace.

The demons seemed to be a little confused at the same time.

"You can see the demon king, the ultimate extremes..."

"Oh, demon king..."

"Oh, I'm glad to see you..."

Looks like they were all worried about me.

Fenrill or something. You're crying a little.

"I worried everyone. It's all right now."

"Demon King......"

"Confronted by a mass of malice created on man, there were things to think about"

About Blob, my chest still hurts when I think about it.

"The Demons were slaughtered by humans, and all the clans here now fell to the point where they were almost destroyed"

Yes, some demons were hunted down until they were one of the last.

Some demons keep killing their flesh parents and captivating them with hatred.

"For the Demons, man is a hateful opponent, a killer"

"Yeah, yeah, you're right. Demon King."

I agree with my words as if the demons were excited.

"As well as that, for humans, we demons are the ones to kill."

The humans are trying to eradicate the demons.

"The relationship can also be described as a thumbnail of the Demon King and the Brave."

The demons are confused. You don't seem to know what I'm going to say.

"The demon kings led by the Demons and the humans defended by the brave have for a long time continued their chain of battles over and over again. That's what we all know."

The demons have already bothered.

"I want to save all demons."

"Demon King......"

"Every demon tribe is like a beloved child to me. It's painful for one to lack, and I feel so sad that whoever lacks it will lose a thousand."

Yes, any alien thing is an important demon tribe to me.

"I've been trying to figure out what to do to save all the Demons."

"Demon King, but it is"

"It could be an absurd story. It may be an impossible wish. But I don't want to see my demons mourn anymore."

Close your eyes.

- Come on, here's the fight.

"So I thought. I thought about it and came to one conclusion."

The demons are quieting down and waiting to see what I can say.

"I wonder if there is a way to coexist, not to dispute with humans"

"Demon King!!!

At the same time, the wrath of the demons burns.

"What are you talking about!! The Demon King is the one who knows what humans have done to us!!

"Coexist that!? What a ridiculous thing!!

"Even if this one wanted it, it wouldn't stop humans from slaughtering demons!!

"I'm not talking!!

Verk cuts his hand to the side.

It is a sign of silence.

"It's a parallel line as it is. There has always been a struggle. I want to break that chain. Without dispute, I believe that is the only way for the Demons to live in peace"

"But I don't think humans would accept such a thing!!

"So I want to use his people"


"The Brave - Kill Latour."

Rex barks.

"I won't forget!!! The brave man is the one who killed my brother!! Using such a guy, etc!!!

"My clan has also been destroyed!! I won't forget. That despair, you can't forget!!!

"Your hatred, I know the mourning too! I also know it's unacceptable. But using brave men to restrain humans, that leads to the path of peace."

"" Demon King!! Are you asking me to forget my revenge!!!

"You cannot forget the hatred. I can't tell you to throw that away. But for the devil's sake, bear to use the brave!!

I desperately persuade those who stain their eyes with anger.

It was then.

"Demon King, I understand the story. But aren't there a lot of bargaining materials to convince us?

Vee... Vampire Victor presses the field with a cool voice.

"What do you mean...?

"No other demon tribe could have gotten a clan without you. reluctantly, but you will obey. But I can add more clans without you. Humans are also my bait. I don't suppose you want to attack that, do you? I can't accept what you say."

Vee smiles frozen.

"Do you turn off those who face your teeth? We can't follow anything that isn't even“ ready, "can we?

Vee is telling me to show it.

Prepare to be my demon king.

"Lord Victor, you're in front of the Demon King! Be disrespectful!"

Velk tows it.

"I would disagree with you the most. I didn't know you were going to ride the Demon King's proposal."

"... My Lord made that decision after he was troubled. You can't betray that decision."

"O demon king who can obey us, you have presented coexistence with man. What are you going to do with those who say no to that, those who do not obey?

That's what Vee says on behalf of the other demons.

Show your credentials as Demon King. I'm saying.

But what I have...

What do I have? What have you got? What trump card do you have?

I don't have anything to make them follow.

I got a high level, too. There is also magic. But I couldn't do anything to hurt the disobedient.

You couldn't hurt my loved ones.

Uh, no more trump cards!

Blistering and crushing certain things.

"... I'm gonna hate you"

Oh, my God.

But - Piscilli and the place freeze.

Huh?... Huh?

"hey... how horrible..."

"Fear has frozen me..."


The demons say it.

What, did I say something weird like that?

Vee laughs with a sweaty face.

"I see, Demon King. You pulled a trump card that worked just as well as the usual."

Wipe the sweat off your forehead Vee.

"For us, there is nothing scarier than losing your“ love ”. Yeah, it's really scary. I thought my spine would freeze. We will have a little oita against you. But it's all on the assumption that you'll accept it. Being hated by you to the Demons means losing everything. Oh, really, what a" trump card. "

Vee fuku.

"As the head of this Victor Ugene Dracroix, the bloodsucking clan, let us swear to follow you and not to attack humans as bait. My clan will do as you wish."

Vee swears by Four.

Look at that, the other clans do the same.

"This Rex hatred for the brave will not go away, but according to the Demon King, my Veerwolf clan will do as the Demon King wishes"

"This Caios, the Lizardman clan, obey the Demon King."

"I, Elk, as the head of the Dream Demon Clan, will obey the Demon King in all his clans"

"As representatives of my clan, all Dragons follow the Demon King"

Declare even the Dark Dragon chaos.

Then the whole demon clan will make a declaration with the clan that they will obey me.

"" "" "Everything is for the Demon King" ""

All the demons were there.

Now we can strike a fabric stone for coexistence with humans.

I can hit it......

“I'm gonna hate you." You're too influential for the Demons, aren't you?

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