
Well, hello everyone.

How are you feeling?

This is the Demon King.

Right now, I'm... on the lap of a brave man.

"It's dangerous."

"I know... but there's no other way"

I'm arguing with Verk that no is where I'm going now.

I want to know more about a person named Kira.

I think we need to have a direct dialogue in order to do this.

So I'm going down to the human city to have a dialogue with Kira...

"I won't accept it"


After all, near this iron wall, Verk couldn't have allowed it either.

Don't tell me. You can go, but if you find out, the rest's too messy.

"This is really necessary. Let me through there."

"It's dangerous."

Verk tries to hold me up and head back again.

"Hey, what are you doing!

"It's a parallel line as it is. If... you just have to make sure you can't go"

Hey, man, that means going to bed!

"Verk, it's tyranny!

"Say whatever you want. If you want me to go somewhere dangerous, I'd better crush it."


I call Verk with rough eyes.

"Because it's okay. Don't worry about it. So let me do my job as Demon King."


"My ultimate purpose is to protect the Demons from harm. To do that, we need to know about the brave man who is our greatest enemy. So don't stop going."

"The brave... like you. I'm trying to take you away from me."

"This is where I am. It's at Verk's place. Until that will is bent, the brave will not take action."


"When I get home, make me feel like I have plenty of room. So now let me go."

"... Lord"

Verk broke it for me.

He allowed me to leave the city on condition that I would be back before sundown.

I just went out to the city, and Kira said, I decided to go to a place called the Hero Pavilion.

Looks like the brave guy was famous for staying there.

Something tells me you were working out in the morning, but you have a lot of stuffy sisters.

Brave man, that's just great. It's true.

Even though it's on the inside.

Kira, who was barebacking, surprised that cool face when she noticed me.


"Kira, stay. Good morning! Morning workout? Amazing!"

"No, that's not true. Oh, I'm glad you came to see me."

Kira smiles so brilliantly.

Oh, butterflies and such a divine grin that the women fall around.

I really think it would be a waste to point it at a mediocre boy like me...

Wait a minute on the ground floor of the hero pavilion. Kira left, saying she was going to gently shower the sweat she shed in her morning workouts.

The ladies around us were lovely today, Master Brave, aren't they! Talking more excitedly.

"Do you know me, the brave man?

I can talk to your sister.

"Yeah, that's right."

"Really... I envy you... I want to swap positions... no, me, I'll give you a penny, so why don't you tell me what the brave man was talking about?

Hey, it's a way to hold a crime deal, sister.

"Uh, it's a private story with you, so I need to ask you..."

"You just have to tell me what you were talking about?

"Uh, sorry!

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

"It's not inferior to being alongside a brave man when he's a cuter boy, but because he's like you..."

It seems terrible.


Looks like Kira's back after the shower.

Only then do I think it's a help boat.

"Bye, sister!


Go to Shirasa and Kira. He seemed scared of serious eyes......

"What were you talking about?

"Hey, nothing. Kira, stay with me. We were just talking about how cool it is."

Kira was surprised for a moment and broke her face.

She looked really happy, but she laughed with a glowing face.

Kira laughs with a somewhat more human look than she did when we met before.

When I held hands with Kira, I went inside the hero pavilion.

There are plenty of cakes here, and Kira ordered a lot of good cakes.

Don't do it, Kira. I don't know if you want to be soft on me, the Demon King!

Peek carefully at Kira as she cheeks the cake all over her mouth.

It was time to look inside.

"Mao-kun, are you good?


(hahahahahaha maotan cheeks all over my mouth!! Oh I want to be that cream I want to be a fork, no I want to get rid of Maotan!!)

Wow, that's a full throttle, Kira.

More than that, gather information first, gather information.

"Speaking of which, Kira, how long have you been a brave man?

"Hmm? Since birth, I guess."

"That's tough..."

"I guess... but since I was born, I never even felt like it was hard."

But that means it's different from the others.

The heresies of its existence must have been difficult among humans who wanted to exclude something different from people.

"How long have you been exorcising demons and stuff?

"Mmm. Yeah, I think Mao was already in his year."

Since I was such a little girl!

After all, I notice that anomaly.

"But since you were a kid, didn't you stop your father or something?

Kira snapped with her given up eyes.

"Because you're a brave man."

"Because you're a brave man... you're a human too, aren't you?

Yes, even the brave ones are human. I can't believe that there are parents who make human children do that.

If I were you... I wouldn't let my cousins do that.

Yeah, but you're a brave man.

(Oh, is this girl really worried about me? Nobody treated me like a human. As a brave man or not treated me, this girl...)

"I had no hesitation in waving this sword to protect what was important."

That's how you hug me.

"Right now, I'm really glad I had this power. I can protect you, Mao."

Kira really is a brave brave man...

(ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is all I can get out of here for about 100 days. Ooh)

Not even this.

No, really, I just need this.

Don't pull it out, me!

"Hey, what do you think about the Demons?


"No, right. You've fit a cobolt before. I wonder what you think."

"An enemy to defeat."

It was a quick answer. Right, that's normal for a brave man.

"Why is he an enemy to be defeated?

"Why is that..."

Shit, did I ask you too straight?

But Kira's brain seems vague and thoughtful about it.

"The Demons attack humans unconditionally. We need to get rid of it."

"But that cobolt was frightened, wasn't it? You didn't attack me, did you?

Come on, this is the place to be.

We have to make Kira think that the Demons may not just attack humans.


"Me, I think."

Staring into Kira's eyes.

"The Demons attack humans because they attack the Demons."

"The fruit... you want to say the opposite?

"I don't know... maybe"

Kira listens to me like she's indulging.

"The Demon Clan has a family, and sometimes they attack to protect that family."

A shock runs into Kira's eyes.

(I don't know... does that demon have a desire to protect his family?!? No way, no way...)

(If so, then what I've done...)

You shouldn't!

Not from here on out.

From now on, you will deny the existence of the brave - Kira.

"But! I know who you are!

"... Ugh, yeah?

"That you've been protecting humans for a long time. That you've worked hard for it."

"............ yeah"

"That you've been trying to save a human being by yourself."

".................. yeah"

"Thanks for coming."

Kira began to cry pompous.

Oh hey, I didn't say anything to make you cry like that!!

"Thank you, Mao"

"Ugh, I'm sorry about your visit? Are you okay??"

"I guess I wanted someone to know. My agony. Thank you, Mao. Think of me."

"Ugh, yeah."

"I'll think about it for a second. About the Demons. Maybe there's a demon clan with intelligence like Mao."


"Maybe I'm missing something."

Parallel lines, far away, but I felt intertwined.

Good. This dialogue was not in vain.

I could sprout that possibility in Kira's mind.

I think with a hug all the time.

(Maotan, Maotan, how thoughtful! I can't believe I imagine that much from how one of those cobolts looks!! And that spirit of mercy directed also at the Demon Nation!! Hahahahahahahahahaha, you must be the Virgin of Maotan. You must be the Virgin!!! Virgin Virgin Virgin or something. Oh my Excalibur is going to get excited!!!)

Let me tighten it up cool at the end.

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