
When I was accompanied by Velk, I headed to rescue the demon survivors in the southwest ruins of Lake Gnar.

"This is the ruins..."

The ruins that soared in the depressed bushes were almost like fortifications to say they had been destroyed.

Something's going to haunt me... It was about daytime, but it created a dim atmosphere.

"Shall we go scouting?

"Yes, no, I'm coming with you..."

Even though I honestly don't like haunts and stuff, I stepped into the ruins.

Using sensation, the demonic reaction appeared.

Harpy LV35

I have multiple reactions.

Apparently the Demons are not alone this time.

Exploring inside while sticking to Verk for a while, I heard a gusty noise.



A gleaming thing ran this way.

Verk instantly pulls out the sword around his hips and reacts to that line.

"The one who came to kill us!!

It was Harpy's boy who attacked this one with sharp eyes.

The earlier blow was carried out from its sharp bird-like legs.

"Oh, I'm the Demon King!

Get a little out of the shadow of Velk and make a declaration.

"Huh? What the fuck is a little kid saying?"

And you don't believe me, do you!?

Harpy's boy starts attacking us again.

"Lord, please step back"

Verk gently pretends to be a boy.

Is it because of the level difference, the boy was at a disadvantage?

"Halbyte, what's wrong?

At that time, Rin's voice comes from behind the abandoned house.

"Hahum, don't come out!!

Coming out of the back was a beautiful harpy about 17 or 8 years old. I watched this one so that a few harpies, about five or six years old, could hide on its back.

"You guys are harpy! I am the Demon King. I'm here to protect you guys!!

"Well! Demon King, is it!?

Harpy, called Hahum, looks back at this one as surprised.

"Hahum! There's no way such a chick is a demon king! It's a human trick anyway, they've come to get us!!

"You rude little thing, let's get rid of the charcoal..."

Verk is about to run out of time for the discomfort of a boy called Hulbert.

I chant.

"Obey!! My demon king!! I command the blood flowing in its body. Obey me!!

Demon King's obedience should be adapted to a demon clan lower than mine!

Halbyte lay flat on me as he seemed to suffer.

"Damn, so...!!

"It's proof that I'm the Demon King. They're here to protect us from humans. If we stay here, we risk being mowed by humans. Come with me to the Castle of the Demon King."

When Hahum lays flat on me, he pleads with his bell-like voice.

"Well, what the hell! Thank you, Demon King, for helping us. My brother Halbyte has fought humans with it to protect us. For this reason, there is a strong suspicion… let me buy it with my life for the sin of spearing the Demon King"

"Hahum! What are you talking about!!!

"Halbyte, I'll take care of my brothers."

Hmm. Leaving my will behind, the story goes on.

"Hahum, Halbute, and his brothers. It is only natural that you strip your fangs to protect yourself. Let's acquit ourselves of that blame by following me. So get up, and get ready to get out of here right away."

"Well! Thank you Happiness...... thank you, Demon King"

"Nee is himmu. Don't we have to hide anymore?

"I don't want to be in a cage..."

"Yeah, don't worry. The Demon King will help us. Demon King, we submit to you, our Harpy clan."

"... I'll follow you from the ginger side."

Good. Apparently we managed to talk.

As I relieved myself and lowered my chest, Verk slipped away.

The Harpies had Velk back again as they were getting ready, but they weren't alone then.

"Get off me!!!

"Lord, I am a human observer. I was asking how things were here. Do you want to kill him?

Right, was there a person in the role of watching over this place until the crusade of the humans took place?

I was not sure what to do and decided to tamper with that memory.

"No, it's not a good idea to kill him and let him know there are other demons. Let's tamper with memories here."


"Vee, are you there?


Speak up in the darkness, and you'll be right back. A vampire vee appeared to melt the darkness.

"You, for sure, would be good at human memory tampering, etc. Can you rewrite this guy's memory and let the Harpies escape?"

"I understand. Thank you, sir, for the maid's clothes. Welcome home.


"Then why don't you put a tail on the cat and a tail on the end of the story?

Mm-hmm, Nekomi. There's an example of Ketsey, and, well, okay.

"Let's drink."

"Okay, I'll do it right away"

With that said, Vee put his hands on the human head and began to tamper with his memory.

Verk looks very, very disgusted.

Vee's memory tampering came to an end, or Harpy's discipline came to an end, and he took everyone out to Demon King's Castle.

"This is the place...?

"Hiroi! Oh, some little ones!!

All the Harpy boys are curious, and they immediately start to twitch.

"Some kids here are about your age. Come play with me."

So first, the harpies went away.

All that remained were the elderly Hahum and Halbeaut.

"Demon King, those kids seem so happy... thank you"

".................. thank you"

"Six months ago, our settlement of Harpy was raided by humans and most of it remains. Those kids and us who are here now, what they've sold off on the black market. He ran away on the brink of being bought off by a good man."

"Were you..."

"Yeah, he said our harpy singing was worth it"

To the Demon King, thank you. Saying so, Hahum sang in a cool voice.


If there is a song that shakes my soul, would I say this?

Halbeaut also follows the song with a stretching alto voice.

Those who work busily in the castle will stop and fall in love with its beauty.

"You can only sing, but always for the Demon King..."

"Well... that would be appreciated"

It was such a beautiful singing voice.

Well, that's right, I have to think about mating.

"So I have to mate to give you a clan..."

In this case, is it a favorable hahum?

Wow, I know. I know it from previous experience.

I'm sure he looked like such a beautiful sister.

I don't waste my expectations. Ugh, because they betray me.

"I'll take it."

Betraying that idea, Rin Rin says Hal Beaut.

"Well, I can go..."

"I hope Hahum is resting."

Does it mean that Halbeaut will mate?

I headed to the mating room with Halbyte, saying I figured it out.

Contrary to his defiant eyes, Hal Beaute followed me very closely.

Sit tight on the bed for two.

Hallevude was a beautiful boy with beautiful hair and eyes in adorable yellow.

About 15 or 6 years old.

Harpy has no arms and instead grows fine feathers.

Her upper body was wrapped in loose clothes.

I'll take it off gently.

"Am I supposed to hold him?


"Little guy like you, I think I'll hold you..."

With your help!! That's what I've been trying to say.

Take off your clothes and face him.

Halbyte rubbed my cheek with those wings.

I'm tickled, and now I'm wrapped fluffy with those wings.

The feathers that hit my back make me feel good.

That's how my lips fall off so they peck me when I'm wrapped up.


Bird kisses turn into deep kisses.

My body melts into its spoil without fear of being broken because my physique is not that involved.

I find it difficult to untie my anus with Hal Beaute's arms, and I bury my fingers gently.

"... you solve it yourself, you're a slut"


I had no choice, I had no choice. Somehow I can say something casual to Hal Beaute like a quarrel friend.

"Hey, tell me you want it."


"Fine. You know what?"

Hal Beaut's eyes become a prank.

"... ho, I want..."

"I won't give it to you"


Halbyte laughed when he shrugged, knocking my body down.

And put a harpy genitals on my anus with kupu.

"Hey, he wants me."

"Not again..."


"... I want you"

At those moments, they come in puffy.

"You, you're not cute at all, why not?"

There's sweat floating around the forehead of such a halibut.

"Don't hold me if you're complaining."

"You're the one who's in trouble if you don't hold him, right?

"You guys are in trouble too!

Yeah, maybe, yeah, well, Halbyte repeats the insertion.


The piston gets faster.

Hal Beaute is shaking my body like it feels good too.

"Yes, let's go"


Thus, the mixed blend of sweetness and fun, like a kind of sport with Hallbute, marked the end.

Today we headed to the ruins, and there was a lot going on.

It was when I was so tired that I was so tired.

I hear beautiful alto singing.


"Are you awake?

When I feel sorry for the singing I stopped, I feel good about the feathers sliding through my saggy, naked skin, whether they still remained wrapped in halibut feathers.

"You're still asleep."

Now I fell into a deep sleep listening to a Hal Beaute song that turned into a lullaby.

< < I got LV35 demonic singing in mating with Harpy! I produced 40 Harpy eggs!

"I can't believe that kid sang a courtship song... how much you liked it, Demon King"

Hahum says in an inadvertently cool voice.

Huh... Was that beautiful song I was hearing on the edge of that sleep a courtship song?

You're lying. He kept saying bad things about me even after he woke up.

And... and...

Let's put it bluntly. Hahum was a female.

Female, female. Hal Beaut's sister......

"Oh... my... plan to throw away my virginity..."

"How are you, Demon King?

I fell for it.

Halbyte is a severe ciscon. I don't think I have that chance.

Ugh... in a pleasant singing castle that sweetens Harpy's freedom.

I weeped thinking softly of my son.

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