The Devil's Origin

32. Gladiator



It was that day when I was eating lunch dessert.

Colin, a merchant, told me about rumors flowing into the backstreet.

"Yes, the dark auction. It's like there's going to be an auction for the survival of the Demons next time there's going to be human trafficking and organ trafficking."

"It is! We need to go rescue him!!

"I thought you'd say that! But I'd rather take a positive offense here than be handed out and alert before the auction badly"

"A positive attack means competing off at an auction?


"But it's got to cost a lot of money, right?

"Well, who do you think I am? Dark merchant Ketsey, right? You're building a fortune."

Oh, Colin's reliable!

"Then we have to leave to rescue the Demons!

"Besides, the cream on the edge of my mouth. Do something about it."

He began consulting with the two of them on a plan to recapture the Demons while being wiped away by the Verk who was next door.

"This is the Dark Auction venue..."

It was a venue built in the guise of a vague house.

I just see the blur and stage in the dim and I don't see the faces around me very well.

There, me, Velk and Ketsey were to infiltrate.

Everyone was turning into humans and wearing deep hoods.

"Be sure not to get out of it"

Verk stopped me from going to the end, but Colin was pushing me off.

"Children stand out, so don't speak up"

Colin, as he's used to, talks to the manager.

When the auction finally started, it seemed to look at a nasty human blame.

"Even such a little kid was put on auction..."

"Human girls and boys can sell high. Chest shit bad."

rare animals, organs, stripping, and humans.

Various things had been put up for competition.

"This eyeball product...... what a minotaur!!

The perimeter squeaks.

"Minotaur is the target of this one?

"No? That's a confusion that forced a cow's skin to sew on a human head."


"Oh... no, Mao. You know what I mean? Does that look like the Demon Clan?

Indeed, I could not see anything specific to the demonic tribe from the big man with the cow's head.

Colin, however, specified the amount for the competition several times.

"Let it go, you're going to race it off?

"No way. I'm just participating in an auction by specifying an amount that won't be dropped appropriately this way. Now you know I'm after the Demons. Then, when the next Demons are sent out, they'll have information."

Ha, I see... Colin was so familiar with too much detail about whether he had really seen the hell out of the human world or even behind it.

The bull-headed man was being raced off by a fat man over.

"From here, then, it will be a service item. I'm sick, but Arnovi's girl!

"Oh, the auction's over now, huh?

'Cause it's okay.

People with illnesses and damaged limbs are competing.

"At the end of the day, a man without his right arm! The arm of swordsmanship is a standing man slave! Besides not looking bad, the size of your cock is fine as a sex slave!

"That's it."

"Is that it? You look like a human..."

< < Gladiator LV58, right? It's a demon clan with a figure close to someone called the gladiator. You're on the verge of extinction.


"I knew it, didn't I? I have a good nose. You're an idiot, man. I would have sold it for a higher price if I'd realized it was the Demons."

"Are you going to drop the competition?

"Of course."

That said, Colin has competed off to good health.

"Ya cheap and helpful! Damaged limbs are cheap."

Colin grows hazy with his cheeky face.

"Well, I'll be back at the inn with Verk as soon as I'm ready to receive it."

Even as I saw the dark parts of man and felt indescribable, I was taken to the inn by Verk.

Then would I have stood for two minutes?

Resting in a private room, Colin came back.

"That's why I've been cleaning you up. Say hello. He's your lord."


You were bathed over there, and there was a sturdy, beautiful guy there.

Desert colored hair and eyes. Rigid and long limbs, thus painful right arm defect.

"You're a gladiator."

"I am the Demon King. Follow me."

A man can't hide his surprise that his identity has been discovered to be a demon tribe, he wanders his eyes.

"Is it Mao? Even if you knew I was a demon, would you still calm down and show me? I'm a slave. If it is bought, follow it."

"Then I'll give you your family."

"... even women are going to buy it?

Is that it? I don't think there's some kind of conversation engaged.

"I'm having the most expensive inn today, so take your time. Heh heh, because of that. Have fun."

"Now, Lord, I am next door, so if you need anything, slap the wall"

"Nah!? Say what..."

"What, give me a nani. I'm so proud of you. I can't believe you can mate with the Demon King."

"What are you talking about? To such a child...... sane shabbat!?

"Something that wouldn't tarnish the Lord if it weren't for this opportunity... thank you for that glory"

They left me and the gladiator.

"You, what's your name?

"! Ah, oh. There are many names. The first thing they called me was Ged."

"Well, let's call it that. Ged, hold me."

"Behold! Boy, no, Lord. Are those two saying something to you? It's not sane to hold such a little girl."

"So I'm the Demon King, so that's something I can't help..."

"I know it's called Mao. But, Lord, an imitation that doesn't take care of one's body like that is better off. It may seem like a slavery thing..."

Oh, that uh-huh. The conversation is not engaged. I mistake the Demon King for the name Mao.

If you're a demon, you know I'm a demon king...


I'm turning into a human now. I'm trying not to detect magic.

But if it's not Verk, I don't know how to solve magic.

After all the trouble, I thought I had to keep doing this.

"I have to be held under certain circumstances. You must be mine, right? Obey me."


Ged doesn't quite listen to me say if guilt solicits it.

Great enough good sense man. It can also be said that it is the conscience of the devil clan.

When you take off your buckwheat and clothes, you go up to bed and invite Gedo.

"Please. Ged. Make me... good."

Ged hesitates, coming up to bed.

The physique difference was faint.

He was about 190 long, but Ged had tight muscles.

"That arm, it looks painful..."

"Oh, the previous lord... it's an old story... doesn't it bother you?

"Yeah, yeah, faster, I wish I could have helped. I just thought so."

"... that's sweet. I hope you are the last Lord..."

As Ged lays down, he caresses me with his remaining, successful arms.

"Oh, you're really small... you could break it in my arms"


Caress concentrates on the lower abdomen.

The dust and my son are caressed. Ged is going to thoroughly drive me crazy.

I was ejaculating when my pleasure in the numbing brain marrow ran.

"Sa, this will help you sleep. Good night."

"Stay, stay."

Or gentle. This is a gentle man. But this does not serve its original purpose.

"Gee, Ged's, too, is getting bigger. Make me feel better."


"Hey, me. Ged would be fine. So please."

Contrary to Ged's reason for hesitating to hold me small, his anger grows when swollen.

I grabbed Ged's wrath softly.

Hino, this is pretty big.

Thicker than long, that was still enough for me to hold on with both hands.

I stretch my tongue out at that rage I've grown.

"Kuya, stop... eh"

Ged can't stop me well with his left hand alone.

If you're licking the pepper and ahead, your anger gets bigger.

The bitter advance also began to flood.

As he licked the jupple, was it too shabby lately, Gedo released a large amount of cloudiness from its tip.

I wore it on my face, of course. Wipe it.

"It's gotten old again..."

"Mao... Lord... I'm so sorry..."

Yeah, Ged says, he pushes my body down with one hand and makes me open my legs. And I began to untie my anus with my tongue.


of adults, and the caress by the tongue of a large ged was amazing.

Guess Ged has also been treated as a sex slave before. The caress feels good.

"I'm sorry... to be like you... to the little one... cum"

When I apologized for that, I tried to cover myself, put my shoulders on the bed, and opened my anus with my left hand all the way, and I screwed that rage.


The thickness of the cali is different.

Too thick, my body swells up.

"Damn... I'm sorry..."

"Hiha... hippopotamu... so... uhh..."

It goes on and on with the chisels. It can't even get past the cali to too thick.

Smudge, chisel and make a noise, and the area of the cali crosses the sphincter.

"Ha ha...?

"Oh, just a little... oh, sorry... lord... mao..."

When the cali part falls out, it slips into it.


To its thickness, I scream.

Ouch... feelings.

"It's okay... now... it irritates the prostate..."

Ged, in that way, makes the inner part of me take precedence over his own anger, and stimulates the shallow part of it.

"Hino... ah... oh..."

I can't swallow the saliva and it floods out of the edge of my mouth for the pleasure of being rubbed by the mess.

"Mao... Mao..."

I can beat him when I slip.

"Yes, just... go to the back... come..."


"Yours... you should like it..."

That said, if you can't wait to pull it out to the cali part as long as the ged should, you started poking that fury up to the deepest end at once.

"Guh!! Hih... oh!!

"Oh what a sweet body... it's going to melt... mao... mao..."

My body shudders. The giddy sound of rocking the bed makes a wooden spirit in my ear.

I can only gasp at that stroke that breaks my body.

"Ku... Mao... Let's go... Let's go... Gu"


At the bottom of it, my consciousness flew away for a moment at the pounding.

The shaking of the resilient gladiator continued until nightfall.

< < The LV1 went up in mating with the Gladiator! You've earned LV56 Invincible Martial Arts and LV60 Martial Arts! I produced 20 Gladiator Eggs!

"Master Velk, are you okay? He looks like he's going to kill you."

"May Fly"

At night, Verk and Colin came into my room.

My belly is cloudy and swollen like a pregnant woman.

Ged is turning blue because of his guilt.

When Verk can hold me with each sheet, he quickly draws the procedure.

"I'll take you straight to the castle."

"First of all, what are you going to let such a little girl do? Is that a hobby of having someone who's been humiliated by people?

"May fly. If it isn't the arrival of the Demon King, is it something like you that will make him hold you? You had a lot of fun last night."

"Oh, that... that looks more pathetic than that. I don't know how to treat that person as a tool..."

"Tool handling? You look like you want to die."

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Please, quickly take me to the Fountain of Life!

When I was seen laying eggs, they finally believed I was the first demon king.

Ged didn't seem to believe me for a while, but he swore me loyalty again.

"I didn't know you were really the Demon King, etc..."

I don't mind. I hope it's time to treat the little one.

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