The Devil's Origin

27. Outside: Kopel Your Day

Outside: Kopel Your Day

Today, I'd like to introduce you to a day at Demon King's Castle!

Your first job in the morning is to go wake up the Demon King!

Prepare warm water to make the Demon King feel better.

"Not necessary."

Ah, before me, the Verkursis were prepared.

Master Velk is always next to the Demon King, sometimes the nearest side of the Demon King.

I've been to ask Master Velk to take care of the Demon King, but it's always unnecessary. will be turned down in the words of

Next, prepare for the Demon King's morning water ami!

The Demon King loves morning water ami. I'll grab a fluffy towel and get it ready.

"Not necessary."

Alas, Master Velk has crossed the line again.

Master Velk gently wipes the Demon King and he will get dressed today.

I'm always jealous with you.

Master Aleciolas says it seems to be something of an authorized stalker.

You must be a stalker.

I can't help it, so I'm going to the morning meal schedule next.

Mr. Elk from Incubus is very good at cooking.

"Ugh. If you want to target me, grab my stomach first."

When did you see it, she's a beautiful sister, but the smell smells like a raptor male.

I'm here to help Mr. Elk.

Yes, there was only one thing I could do!

My specialty in cooking is sweet.

The Demon King loves sweet treats.

I sometimes look at the recipes I get and try new desserts.

The dishes are made on a large plate and appropriately eaten by everyone.

As a result, if you sleep, you may not be able to eat rice.

There was Alexiolas the Red Dragon in the dining room with a big yawn.

Master Aleciolas, I'm a little scared.

I just slept in the castle.

But the truth is, I know that I've gone far to find the Demons and come home tired.

Master Velk often says it's very crummy, but he's really a hard worker.

"No, your guide hurts again this morning"

"Hmm. Awkward was a good training"

There were Lizardman's Kaios and Servel Tiger's Sybil.

Looks like you two were training your swords again in the early morning.

You're both strong, but you're amazing.

"Morning, Kopel"

This is my best friend, Rex.

Rex-kun is a demon closer to a wolf than I am to Veerwolf.

Rex-kun checks to see if there is no Master Verk for a while before entering the dining room.

He doesn't seem to like Master Velk since he was half-killed once.

Once I asked Master Velk, he said killing him wasn't enough, so I think you two might want to not see each other.

"Hey, dog bastard, out of the way."

Ugh, Master Colin of Ketsey told me to be mean again.

You will be made to get rid of both of them securely.

Mr. Colin is a castle procurement clerk.

You buy all sorts of things cheap and sell them high. Awesome.

Master Colin is basically a tough hit on us dog demons, but he occasionally gives me beef jerky.

I know. This is what Tundre is all about, isn't it?

At the end of the meal, it's like laundry or cleaning. I'm splitting it up with everyone in the castle.

Even so, you don't really need to clean it. For some reason, the castle is always clean.

Is this also the help of the Demon King?

I'm glad I don't have a role today.

Walking through the castle, I met Vaugholf.

I also love Vaugholf. Often, exchange information on where to hide what you like.

But I don't think you can have it to brag about the ball the Demon King gave you.

Walking again, now Nahl of Nagaraja... uh, Nahl managed to get there.

When I asked him where he was going, he said, "Look at the room."

I said the same thing yesterday.

Are you lost?

You've reached the breeding room!

There are a lot of other demons in here in addition to my children.

My children are firmer than I am.

My father didn't hold on, so he said we'd hold on. [M] Ugh.

"Oh, was Kopel here too?"

It's the Demon King! Is the Demon King off today or are you relaxing?

I can't do it unless it's two days off a week, and I remember you saying bump.

Oh, naturally, there's also Master Velk.

Master Velk looks like he intends to teach magic to the children of his clan today.

I, too, want to teach my children something, but all I can teach is about cooking.

After playing for a while, the sun has fallen.

I'll do the meal schedule again.

Now it's time, now it's time to help the Devil King with his night's support!

"Not necessary."

Argh. I knew I had lost to Master Velk.

I remember when the Demon King used to call it the kind of castle fortress that couldn't be attacked.

Master Velk is too strong an enemy to approach the Demon King.

Today, it was a good day to see you all!

Tomorrow, I'll be glad to be of more help to the Demon King.

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