17. Market

Back from the moonlight side, I began to think about what I could do for the Demons.

No matter how hard you worked to give birth to the Demon Nation, you will be killed by humans and brave men as you are today.

What can we do to break that negative chain?

Yes. When I was roaring alone, I noticed something.

Well, I don't know.

He didn't know too much about his enemies.

If I didn't know, I couldn't have figured out what to do.

I decided to take a consultation with Verk, who was giving up children in the breeding room.

"Hey, Verk."

"What is it"

I was just teaching simple magic to a child who took his name under the clan and named him Lucis.

Verk might disagree with what he's going to say now. I have to choose the word.

"I want to go to a human place."

"I won't."

Shit, it was too straight.

"I don't know too much about humans, enemies of the Demons. So I want to go somewhere like the human market and observe humans"

"It's dangerous."

"Look, I, I already have an LV59!

"Still, 59, right?"

So, from LV120, it's still there? Is it still 59?

"Look, take a look at this developed arm second-class muscle!

"I don't know about puffin."

I tried to put a lot of effort into my arms to show my sturdiness, but I fingered Verk and puffed him.

"You'd be on the market to procure materials once in a while, too, wouldn't you?

'Cause they're turning into people.'

"Then I'll magically turn myself into one."

"It's dangerous."

Damn, you're near like a hard-to-attack castle fortress.

I can't be ashamed of myself here, but I'm going to try something like, hey.

"Because I would never do anything dangerous"

"The very existence of man is dangerous."

"Because if you come with me, I'll never leave you"

"It's dangerous."

"Because I will never leave the side. Because it's stuck!


"Because I'm holding onto Verk perfectly!

Maybe another push. Sprinkle Velk, who has shut up.

"Because I, beside Verk, can be relieved.... You'll protect me, won't you?

"... let's do it."

Yikes!! I don't know if it worked for a mediocre child's ascension, but Velk fell!

It was Caios the Lizardman who put out the help boat to Verk, who began to care about the protection of the Demon King's Castle.

"Lord Verklusis, I'm in charge here. I also saw Lord Red Dragon returning to Demon King's Castle earlier. Regards, Demon King"

It's a whim, but don't worry if Alec's around. With the LV180 dragon, protection would be safe.

I had Velk dressed up like a town child, with magic and magic that made the exterior look like a person undetected from the outside.

I don't seem so different, but now I look like a human being.

Velk did the same magic, not dressed like a regular magic swordsman, but rather as a young man in town (still superbly shaped).

I decided to magically travel to the nearest town and walk from there.

My right hand is tied to Verk.

"This is the market......!

It was a market full of hustle and bustle.

It's cheap. I seem to be dazzled by the way people are overflowing with public stories such as the recent price of salt in the multiplication of products such as cheap.

"Never leave"

I can hold onto Verk all the time.

The smell of spices and sweet fruits and the fragrant smell of vegetables.

When I'm at Demon King's Castle, the irritating smell I've never smelled overflows with saliva.

"Bo, how about this? It's a delicious sugarette grill."

Offered from the side was like a sweet treat with plenty of cream on a crepe-like dough.

"Hey, Verk. I want that."


Verk took two pieces of copper out of a bag of coins he took out of his pocket and gave me the sugarette grill.

When I chewed on the ham, the cream melted out of the inside, spreading sweet aromas and flavors all over my mouth.

"Hey Hii!!

What is this delicious?

Do humans eat all this delicious food? Damn I'm so proud of you!!

There are other skewers or fruits that look delicious on the road, I want to eat that one, I said I want to eat this and it was not to Verk.

Verk bought me everything, whether I would be happy to bake care of him.

Oh, speaking of which, the money I'm spending here......

"Speaking of money..."

"Don't worry. We have some compatibility."

Was that money the treasure of Vercrucis?

"There's gonna be other costs for the chicks to feed. What should I do? You're just losing it..."

This is a matter of oblivion as the lord of every castle in every country.

Verk, as I thought a little, is no use the problem. I replied.

"Now that demons are a rare species, it doesn't matter if you sell their by-products"


"The castle is so crushed that scales become gold."

Scales become gold...... Ah, dragon scales! That's going to sell high.

It only came to me with the impression that it was going to grow more frequently or that it seemed difficult to clean on the scales falling flabby.

"Besides, I checked before this that there was also demand for stones that sealed magic. Vercrucis is a species like the Fountain of Magic. We can produce as much mass as we want."

I see, buy a cheap stone and sell it at a high price with magic on it. Can you do that too?

The right-handed Verk was firmer on the lifeline than I imagined, and I figured I could count on him.

Does Verk have a familiar shop, where he bought wheat meat and meat?

Because of its aesthetic shape, it is often asked to put it aside in various shops.

Because I have a little girl (unfortunately, it's me), I often get a candy bar today.

While Velk was negotiating, he heard a lot of information when he listened softly.

"Sounds like we're about to start a war with the Rod Nation and its neighbors."

"Speaking of which, it looks like the Garland Empire is starting to attack, and we have brave men in our country, but when will they attack us?"

"Recent prices are also getting higher because we're sending them to neighboring countries. Damn, if you think the demons are gone and you're at peace, this time it's a fight between humans."

"But there was a time when Garland had a sign of it."

"Oh, I wonder if the brave ones will fight when they have to,"

"You can't do that, arrangements with the Temple should be inviolable to human strife..."

After all, it looks like humans are starting to fight each other.

What an ugly creature.

Demons rarely compete on the same species.

Yet man can't believe that if he had no enemies, this time he would be fighting within himself...

Where will there be threads?

Where, the thread that rebuilds the Demons.

Yes, it was when I was thinking blurry.

Oh, that.

Rigid your right hand. I only have my right hand. No Velk......!?

I was obsessed with the stories of the old men earlier, and they were chasing after me, and I was in a different place than where I was just now.

Shit, this isn't good.

Back on the road in a hurry. It's somewhere I don't know.

Well, calm down. Look for that beauty shape first.

Shit, Verk doesn't know that beautiful blue hair today because he's wearing a hood.

Look for 2m long. No. Rather, where are we now!?

Running around the market half crying, I went out to the square.

Square at the crossroads. The more I look at it, the less I know where I was running.

Shit, what am I gonna do?

I'm lost!!!!

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