127 – Serapia (1)


It’s so quiet.

People are creatures that make all sorts of sounds, such as breathing, just by being still, so if there were this many people gathered, there would have to be some kind of sound, even just a little bit, but now even that breathing sound doesn’t come out at all.

Literally, everyone is holding their breath, just rolling their eyes and looking at them.

“…Faust-sama, have you gathered all the people to go to Kael?”

And Aigokeros is trying to break the atmosphere of such silence.

Aigokeros tries to escape this breathless situation by questioning his master again about what he already knows.

“Okay, we’ve got them all together. Now we just have to catch the time and start.”

“I see, why don’t you train me separately?”

“Yes, I don’t know if it’s the existing personnel, but the newly recruited people are strong enough. Wouldn’t it be drastically stronger by giving Belial training?”

“Well, Faust-sama is right.”

Aigokeros and Faust forcefully create a subject for conversation and have a conversation, but to no avail.

The party of warriors surrounding them was just rolling their eyes at Faust.

Even though it’s been a day since the incident, everyone’s mood doesn’t seem to improve at all, and Faust laments inwardly as he sees such a warrior’s party.

‘…I’ll turn around.’

Of course I was wrong.

It was because she had to forcibly block or avoid Lucia’s offensive even at the risk of getting hurt a little.

Iris and Celestine, who had affection for me, just stand there blankly, looking as if they have been betrayed.

Irene is not shocked by my actions, but she looks at me with the face of someone who enjoys watching a morning drama, as if she was deeply impressed. It’s like, if you say anything here, the story of the morning drama will change arbitrarily, so you never try to intervene.

And lastly, Lucia… She acted calmly yesterday, but now, ashamed of herself, she just glances at me with her face blushing, and when her gaze seems to match, she hurriedly looks away.

There’s not much time left to go, and everyone is like this so they can’t strategize and cooperate properly when fighting, ah… It’s a headache.

‘And what else is Celestine?’

Obviously, I don’t remember carving the sentence of sharing into Celestine.

Because Iris and Lucia are connected by my magic, and Irene by divine power, they were able to share emotions, but Celestine had nothing.

But Celestine, as if it were only natural, had the sentence of sharing shared on the back of her shoulder blade.

Like Lucia and Iris, her back was shining pink, so at first I thought she was seeing it wrong, but it wasn’t.

Stella’s thoughts in Celestine’s body and I arbitrarily engraved the same sentence on Celestine as it had engraved on Lucia and Iris.

I was very surprised at first to connect to the sensory sharing network where I, Lucia, Iris, and Irine are connected without my permission, but I came to believe that it was because it was the thought of a being who was once a god.

In the first place, even if I tried to be surprised by now, it was too late at the latest because I had seen a lot of more amazing things.

…Anyway, what the hell was Stella thinking, so she carved something like that into Celestine’s body. If he hadn’t died, I’d want to confront him right away and forcefully question him.

“Then, can we say that Lucia-nim and her companions, who have been training so far, are now ready?”

“In general, it should be seen as so… but I can’t start everyone like this right now.”

you can’t cooperate

The reason for organizing a party is to organize something that cannot be done alone by being with everyone, but in this situation, even if we gather together, we cannot possibly get the benefits of forming a party as cooperation and cooperation are not possible.

Iris is in the forefront, Lena and Lucia are in the back line, attacking from a distance, and Celestine prioritizes preventing everyone from danger. As long as the mind is not properly stable, the mechanism cannot function properly.

If we start like this, we’ll just be free riding in the defense of Belial, Irene, and Elias.


We’ll have to delay the departure date a bit until everyone feels better.

Elias tells them more magical knowledge, and Belial and Irene try to leave immediately after completing the recruitment by making a deal and taking a break for about two days, but it is impossible to leave at this time.

…Okay, let’s slow it down a bit. Wouldn’t it be enough to hold it for a week?

It’s true that we have to defeat Cerapia, but it’s not a time attack, so there’s no need to be in such a hurry–

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At that moment, Shinwi in my arms reacts.

Even when it became a crystal, even when it consumed all kinds of mana, and even when it was processed into a magic tool by Elias, the spirit of the demon tribe, which had always been calm in its own way, trembles like crazy and emits high notes everywhere.

“Mr. Faust?”

“No, I didn’t do it.”

Even while I urgently make excuses to Aigo, who misunderstood that I had committed it, the vibrating spirit of the demons shows no sign of calming down at all.

It’s as if Shinwi is whispering to me.

Let’s go catch Cerafia as soon as possible.

If things are delayed further, something really irreversible will happen.

If Cerapia is left unattended any longer, the future I want, a future where Lucia can live comfortably, will never come.

“…I guess we’ll have to leave.”

The warnings Shin Wi gave me reminded me of only one fact.

The fact that if we don’t start now, the world will be completely destroyed by Seraphia.

It seems that Shinwi has a personality like the Ego Sword that often appears in novels.

In the original work, Shinwi was just an aura that symbolized a position, so there was never a time where I expressed an opinion like this… Tsk, it would be nice to say that most of the knowledge in the original work is now useless.

“I will follow the master’s command. Seniors, please lead the juniors. I will go and call Belial-nim.”

Aigo is puzzled by my order to set out, but he doesn’t bother to ask why he made that decision.

All Flora and Nero, including Aigo, literally act with the mindset and attitude of those who follow when ordered.


[Kiik… Kiik…!!]

In the meantime, countless monsters and monsters made as meat shields to protect everyone scream in response to Flora and Nero’s gestures.

The number of monsters is so great that if ordinary civilians saw this kind of sight, they could feel the illusion that the world had ended.

“let’s go!!”

“Be sure to behead that crazy bitch!!”

However, since this place was in danger of being erased by Cerapia not too long ago, the magicians of Eilyu Festival cheered loudly when they saw the overwhelming number of monsters.

There is no fear at all, everyone’s mood is very high. Even though it was obvious that I would be rejected, I grabbed my pants crotch and begged me to let me participate in the Seraphia Raid.

Well, I haven’t been hiding my identity since before, so it’s surprisingly not bad to receive such good attention, but it’s a bit awkward.


“Damn it…”

Serafia, who had been engrossed in her work while looking around the lower world, forgetting to work on her religious beliefs, sighs at the goosebumps of the Divine Wisdom that pierced her body.

The divine power of light dwelling in her body reminded Serapia of the fact that she could not finish all of her work.

If a little more time had passed in the future, he would have been able to put the mortals who fought against him into the world’s cycle of optimizing life capacity and reliably deal with it. close to

The only important thing for Cerapia now is to prevent the invasion of her nemesis.

No matter how much it is for the future, if it does not block the invasion of the present, there will be no present, so Serafia quits the work she is doing and orders everyone to bite her molars.

“Listen to the angels!!”


“Destroy all demons who dare to invade the heavenly palace without knowing the subject!”

When the spears held by Kael’s angels hit the ground once, vibrations that pierce the heart fill the sky, revealing everyone’s will.

Of course, the person being served by the angels is a very humble and pathetic person, but since the target of the angels’ loyalty is, strictly speaking, the deity of light, there is no need for the angels to care about such things.

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