The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 322: Dark basement (part 2)

Originally, she could not recognize him. The light in this dungeon-like room was very dark, and he purposely shrank to the farthest corner. It is simply impossible to confirm his identity by observing the face.

However, she does not need to do that. Because she heard it and saw his painful look. That kind of exhaustion of power and even the confusion of consciousness awakened the moment of vivid impression in her memory.

That was the memory of her father, the black warrior Anakin, who personally fought him before the brave tournament started. In the final stage of the battle, he was in such pain, but he still persisted desperately. He fought against the black warrior Anakin who was already an eighth-level strong, and became a victor almost miraculously.

After the battle, she rushed to his side. At that time, he was very similar to the present, lost all his power and looked dying.

Before that, she didn't know much about this person who was about to become the successor of the Ana family and her fiancé. And in that battle, she saw and saw a lot of things that she just heard and couldn't understand.

Perseverance, hard work, never give up even when facing opponents whose strength far exceeds him, and fight to the last minute. That was a respectable character recognized by her as a knight. The marriage contract, which was originally decided only because of the need of family inheritance, has also become less sad.

She doesn't really understand what love is. She once decided to be a warrior of God for life, she didn't even have time to understand that kind of thing. However, if it is this person who will be with me in the future, it may not be bad.

Inherit the sense of responsibility of the family, fight seriously, and love seriously. Before she knew it, Ulysses had left a deep mark in her heart.

Therefore, she didn't want to see him in such pain, and she also knew how to relieve this pain. After all, in the highest room of the castle, she had learned how Mihalu and Hydra did from beginning to end.

Miharu told her that Ulysses' physique is a bit special, and it is easy to enter a bad state if he uses more than his own limit strength. At this time, just do hot things together, and he can be cured soon.

Indeed, this is the case... After carefully recalling what Mihalu had said to him, Noah stopped hesitating and interrupted Ulysses' struggle aloud.

"Noah..." Ulysses reluctantly opened his eyes and stared at the girl in front of him who was bound by chains and shackles.

There is really no room for the Abyss Conviction to be done. Now Noah has almost lost all resistance, and he can do whatever he wants. This kind of temptation, maybe he can easily get rid of it in peacetime.

But when his body has a problem and he yearns for a female body, Noah, who constantly exudes a seductive fragrance, is simply a delicacy in front of him, giving him a desire to "eat" her both physically and mentally.

But reason told him that this was wrong, and the situation this time was completely different from that of Hydra. Noah was not his enemy, and he didn't even do anything to harm him.

She was just an innocent girl who was convicted by the abyss. To tarnish her purity in this way is a crime for Ulysses.

"Sure enough, it's you... Ulysses... Are you in pain?" Noah looked at Ulysses who curled up his hands and feet with a pitying look, trying to hide himself in the corner.

She could hear the painful gasp, although Ulysses was trying to hide it, but the weak tremor betrayed him.

She didn't quite understand why Ulysses became like this. But she knew what she should do to ease his pain at this time.

However, there is a big problem in front of her, that is, her hands and feet are now bound by chains and shackles. What should I do? She never tried to practice this skill in this state.

These chains have greatly hindered her ability to move, more than one meter, for her, it is an area that can no longer be crossed.

And Ulysses, now at least four meters away from her...

This is really a big problem! At least for her.

After all, she had never practiced such advanced skills. The skill exercises carried out on the bodies of the younger generations of the knights only reached the stage of touching each other.

However, at a critical juncture, human potential is unlimited. Noah quickly retrieved the precious book that he had memorized in his mind, which was said to be the collection of a certain respectable elder. The practice of binding and restraining skills is a very advanced skill. She has not had time to practice it. Now she can only rely on the power of knowledge from the elders.

I have to say that the accumulation of knowledge of the elderly is a rich treasure. Soon, she found what she wanted.

That is a way of guiding the behavior of love without moving. In this case, even if she is trapped in chains, she has a lot to do. It can be said that there is no better way to suit her current situation.

A moving distance of one meter is enough. For her, this one-meter field is the battlefield where she is fighting. She is a serious person, no matter what she does, she will try her best to do her best. So, this time, she will go all out to do her best.

This is not only for herself, but also for Ulysses.

"Ulysses." Noah spoke again, but his voice was slightly different from the previous one. It was a low-pitched voice with a little temptation, as if he was giving a hint to Ulysses.

"Ah..." Ulysses tried hard not to listen or watch. But he couldn't do it, it was too difficult.

"Look at me." Noah moved his body gently and tried his best to expose half of his body in front of Ulysses. Since the armor had been stripped off, she now only had white underwear on her body. In the dim light, her white and greasy skin looked extraordinarily soft.

As an elite paladin, Noah has suffered many injuries. But as the owner of the Silver Sword Angel, her body is perfect, and there is absolutely no trace of scars, not even a slightly darker trace.

In the dark basement, her body was like the most beautiful white jade, exuding an intoxicating luster. The slender waist, the chest that had been pressed by the armor, the slender legs, and the smooth lower abdomen all seemed more alluring in the dark environment. Especially when her hands and feet are bound, and she has almost lost all the ability to resist, this beauty is simply tempting to commit crimes naked.

"Bang! Bang!" Ulysses' heartbeat was speeding up, and his blood was boiling. Noah's movements, postures, and voices all exude a kind of hints. For his body, who was longing for something, it was almost a fatal temptation.

"My chest is a bit sad, can you take a look?" This kind of difficult suggestion was of course not designed by Noah herself, it was all the result of her serious study.

Moreover, "I feel a little sad in my chest" is not a lie. Seeing Ulysses in such pain, she can't look at it.

"Chest? You are hurt." The good boy Ulysses was deceived immediately, and came to Noah's side almost without hesitation, and entered her one-meter area.

"I'm not very clear, can you help me check it?" Noah, who is also a good boy, was almost reciting the precious book that he borrowed from Mihalu, which is said to be the collection of a certain respected elder. Lines.

"Check?" Ulysses' hand was shaking, and he vaguely felt something was wrong.

But the painful expression on Noah's face was not pretending, could it be that the Abyss accidentally injured her when he captured her.

This is not without precedent. When fighting Hydra, it just beat them half to death before sending them to him and let him deal with it. Could it be that it treated Noah in the same way.

"Healing!" As a habit of a light wizard, Ulysses first chose to use healing. It's a pity that the healing technique he used, who was exhausted, had no effect, and the painful expression on Noah's face seemed to be more serious.

"It's useless, this kind of disease treatment is useless." Noah shook his head, and then continued to perform seriously, all for Ulysses.

"I'm a bit cold, can you come over for a while?"

"Um...I see..." Ulysses hesitated for a while, and finally approached Noah.

"Thank you, for this first, just wait like this." Noah closed his eyes, and then leaned towards Ulysses. Since her hands and feet cannot move freely, she can only use her body.

In this way, Noah leaned his well-developed chest against Ulysses, while controlling the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, while using his body most efficiently. Let your breath and heartbeat be conveyed to the other person's heart.

This is a higher level of skill than simple physical stroking. The movements, eyes, voice, and posture all need to be perfect in order to complete this skill. For Noah, this is an unprecedented and difficult challenge. In the disadvantageous state of being unable to move, this is the only way she can find.

Feeling Noah's warm body, Ulysses' heart rate rose rapidly.

When he was far away from Noah, he was almost unable to support him. Now, Noah is by his side, where he can reach, where he can push down...

What...what to do, I'm almost out of control!

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