The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 285: Ayu's Gift (Part 2)

Standing under the big tree, Ulysses could not make a sound.

Although this place is exactly the same as the place in his memory, it is not there. Because after that incident, the tree is no longer there.

Even if he re-grows a tree in the original place after leaving Mila Village, it has only been a few years, and it is absolutely impossible to grow to such a height and size.

When he was young, he even felt that it was impossible for him to climb to the top of this tree. That was something that only Laxia could do. And on that day, the encounter under this tree completely changed his life.

In a trance, the events of that day, the memories that were deliberately forgotten, even Ulysses himself thought he would no longer think of memories, clearly surfaced in his mind.

It was the deepest scar in his heart, a scar that could not be healed with any magic or magic.

That day was the beginning of his destiny change, and also the beginning of Yulia's tragedy.

But at that time, he didn't understand what that meeting meant to him, and what it meant to his sister Yulia.


It was a foggy day, the air was very fresh, and Yulia's physical condition was rarely at the "good" level. For Yu Liya, who is frail and sick, this is a rare day like a festival, which means that she can go out with him and Rasha instead of staying in the room to rest.

It is a pity that Laxia could not accompany them that day, because she went to a nearby city to become a swordsman certified in combat. (Unlike sorcerers who only need to reach the corresponding magic level, they can automatically go to the sorcerer union to receive certification badges and clothes. Swordsmen and other professions require actual combat certification)

As Laxia's childhood sweetheart, Ulysses is of course happy for Laxia. But I don't know why, Yuliya was a little bit lost when she heard the news. Looking at her unwilling expression, it was like a competitor who had been left behind again.

However, that is of course impossible, Yulia and Rasha are completely incomparable. It's not just Yulia, the entire Mira Village can't be compared with La Xiabi. Rasha is a true genius swordsman, a perfect warrior except for a slight sense of direction.

Becoming a brave may be just a distant dream for others, but Ulysses felt that if it were Rasha, it might be possible to do it.

Aunt Lana has collected many strange books, which are said to be the stunts of legendary swordsmen in ancient times.

But for that kind of thing, he can just look at it casually. He could only stare at the huge sword painted on one of the books that was more than two meters long and looked like a door over the weapon. Let alone use that kind of giant weapon, he might not even be able to pick it up.

On the contrary, Yu Liya is very interested in those books, especially one of the books that describes many beautiful heraldry, which is her favorite. Really, no one is a child, how can he still believe in such legendary things. You only need to pay your life to gain power. If it is that simple, there will be legendary powerhouses everywhere in this world.

"Can't Sister La Xia be with us?" On the rare days of good health, Yu Liya looked at La Xia's home with disappointment, as if she wanted to find the familiar figure.

"She has already set off early in the morning. If it is time, maybe we will go to the old place in the afternoon. We will wait for her first." Ulysses actually knew that Laxia could not come back so quickly, but in order not to let Yulia Disappointment still gave her a hope.

He actually hoped so. Yu Liya's illness has been showing no signs of improvement, and it has been getting worse recently. The days when three people can play together like this may be less and less in the future.

Sure enough, I still have to work harder to study the light magic, I don't know if I can find a way to cure Yulia.

"Well, let's go, brother." Laxia is not here, which is a disappointment for Yulia.

She is no longer a child, and as she gets older, she begins to understand some things. The body that I thought would get better with age, not only did not heal, but it became weaker and weaker. If this continues, she will have less and less time to go out. The time spent with my brother and Sister Laxia will also decrease.

How long can the time we spend with my brother like this last... For Yulia, this is a problem that I feel scared after thinking about it, but I have to face it.

"The weather is good today. After the fog has cleared, it must be a sunny day." Ulysses looked at the sky and confirmed the good news.

With their sister Yulia, the two began to march towards the familiar canyon together. The season is the beginning of summer. At this stage, orchids, lilies, hibiscus, and an unknown red flower are blooming in the valley. This is one of the most vigorous times of the year.

As there was no Rasha by his side and Yulia's poor physical strength had to be taken care of, the two walked very slowly. After more than an hour passed, it was not halfway there, and there was still a long distance from the destination canyon.

The weather was very strange that day. It was already morning and the sun was almost out, but there was no sunshine. A lot of fog attracted the sunlight outside. Although there is often a lot of fog in the mountains, this is not a deep mountain. The appearance of so much condensed fog still makes Ulysses feel that something is wrong.

"Yuliya, is it okay?" If it weren't for confirming that the roads around him were familiar, Ulysses would think he had gone the wrong way. If you change to Laxia and fall into this kind of fog, there is no doubt that one hundred percent will get lost.

"Brother, I'm fine." Yu Liya's face looked normal, but she was already panting. Although Ulysses has tried to slow down as much as possible, for her who can only stay at home, this kind of exercise is still a bit large.

"Take a break." Ulysses only needs to listen to the sound of Yulia's breathing, knowing that she is actually very tired, just trying to do her best.

His beloved sister always looks like this, which is really worrying. But he will take good care of her, even after becoming a priest, he will stay with her until he can find a way to cure her illness.

"Yeah." Although she loves to be aggressive, Yulia is a very obedient and good boy in front of him. After he cleaned, the two sat next to a big rock together.

I don't know when, the fog has expanded. Almost half of the world occupies, and the area seen by the field of vision is all shrouded in this thick fog. It closes simultaneously from all directions. In this fog, things seem to be floating like water drops.

Unknowingly, the dense fog expanded more and more, like sea water that flooded the earth, slowly and unstoppably swallowing large tracts of land, and also engulfing Ulysses and Ulysses on this land. Liya.

This fog seems to be wrong... It's not the first time Ulysses has encountered heavy fog in the mountains, but he has never seen such a strange fog before.

These thick mists, as if they have their own lives, are constantly gathering and moving. From the fog, some strange sound can still be faintly heard.

"Ding!" It's not an illusion, it's a real sound.

"Gah!" The screams of some monster before death echoed in the fog, making people shudder.

"Hiss! Chih! Click!" It sounded like the sound of flesh and blood being cut, bones being chopped off, and something being chopped into pieces.

"Brother!" Yu Liya's body trembled a little. She felt that there seemed to be something terrible in the mist.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you, Yulia." Ulysses stared at the weird sea of ​​fog. Like Yu Liya, he also felt a similar terrifying breath.

However, this makes no sense. This is near the village of Mila, in the mountains just over an hour away from the village. I have never heard of a large number of powerful beasts around here. In fact, for some reason, there is not even a slightly larger carnivorous beast near Mira Village, only some meek herbivorous beasts are here. Living nearby.

But the terrible breath in the mist only leaked a little bit, making Ulysses' hairs stand upright. It was terrifying, and it didn't belong to the breath of ordinary monsters at all. If you want to describe it, it's just like the monsters in the legend.

Such a terrifying monster, even if there is only one, is enough to completely wipe out a small village like Mila Village. But in this fog, there seemed to be as many monsters as a legion. If this is the case, this is a crisis in which even the country may perish.

Why, so many terrible monsters appear here. Are those monsters really there? Ulysses had deep doubts.

Suddenly, the whole earth shook, as if some huge monster was running on the earth.

Then, from the depths of the fog, light appeared.

It was not any kind of light that Ulysses had seen, like swords, but the number was terribly large, unusually sharp, unusually sharp, as if even the sky had to pierce through it.

It was just such a short moment of brilliance, but tore open the entire fog, allowing the sunlight in the sky to return to the earth again.

After the sword light disappeared, the fog suddenly shrank, the huge footsteps disappeared, countless terrible breaths disappeared without a trace, and the scenery familiar to Ulysses appeared in front of him again.

On the blades of the grass unfolding under the sun, on the new sprouts of the vigorous wheat, the dewdrops trembled like glass beads strung on a string. The wind blowing from a distance blew it off, and the water droplets spread out, with the colors of the rainbow.

The feeling of depression and horror just now disappeared without a trace, as if something came here through time, and then returned to the place to go back, leaving no trace.

"Brother, what is that?" Yulia held Ulysses' hand and looked at the place where the sword light disappeared with curious eyes.

"I don't know." Ulysses shook his head, telling the truth.

Just a quick glance, but the sword light just now was the most terrifying sword light he had ever seen. He couldn't describe the power of those sword lights, but instinctively felt that if he was within the attack range of those sword lights, he would be torn to pieces if he couldn't even resist.

"It seems to be..." Ulysses stared at the place where the sword light disappeared. It was unexpectedly discovered that it was actually the destination of him and Yulia, the canyon that was always full of beautiful flowers.

"Brother, let's go take a look." Like Ulysses, Yulia, who saw the sword light, seemed to regain her strength all at once, and she took the initiative to take his hand and move forward.

"I see." Ulysses looked around in confusion. The surrounding scenery is exactly the same as before, but the fog just now is obviously abnormal.

There was a heavy storm last night, and the neighborhood seemed to have been hit by a thunderstorm. Is it because of this that the fog was abnormal?

While trying to think about the reason for the strange fog, Ulysses took Yulia to the destination.

About an hour later, the two finally entered the canyon. Ulysses found that there were many traces of lightning on the walls on both sides of the canyon. It seems that the thunderstorm last night did hit here.

But the strange thing is that the traces of the thunderstorm only appeared on the walls of the canyon, but there were no traces on the ground of the canyon. Many flowers that bloom in summer are blooming in the most beautiful colors, making this place look prosperous, and there is no trace of being ravaged by thunderstorms.

And the closer you get to the inside of the canyon, the more obvious the traces of lightning burning, as if these lightning were attracted by something, and finally gathered together and hit a certain place.

As for where these lightning finally hit, it is not difficult to guess. Because at the end of the canyon, apart from the cliffs, there is only one thing-that is the big tree that he and Laxia, Yulia often use for shade.

Oops, that big tree won't be burned to ashes! Ulysses was very worried that so many thunder and lightning were concentrated together, not to mention a single tree, even ten trees would be destroyed. He has seen a tree that was broken by thunder and lightning, and it was cut into two halves like being separated from top to bottom by a huge sharp sword.

Under that big tree, he and Laxia, Yulia left many fond memories. Three people play together, have lunch together, and sleep together. Without it, there will be less fun in the future.

Because of this worry, he and Yu Liya speeded up their pace and ran to the deepest part of the canyon, in front of the big tree.

Fortunately or hard to imagine, the big tree did not have any damage, but the surrounding mountain walls were covered with traces of thunder and lightning, giving it an unnatural feeling.

Then, he and Yu Liya saw and saw the figure of the girl.

She stood there just like that, holding two broken swords in her hands, standing under the big tree that had survived the thunderstorm. The silver braids danced gently with the wind. There is a trace of fatigue in the bright red eyes, but they are shining with a brilliance that makes people unable to look directly at them.

She is not tall, but standing under the tree, she feels countless times taller than this tree. There were still traces of blood on the pair of seemingly scarred swords, as if she had just experienced an arduous battle.

The moment Ulysses saw her, Ulysses' heart was beating violently, and there was a feeling of blood flowing backwards. Obviously it was the first time we met, but he felt that he was attracted by the silver figure.

Her eyes, her hair, her double swords, and the body that looked tired and standing still gave Ulysses a strong shock.

He saw such a beautiful and unique girl for the first time. From her, he felt something that he had never felt before in the people of Mila Village.

It was a kind of strong and pure beauty, as if even though the whole world stood in front of her, she would stand steadily in this way without taking a step back. Even if the battle is to the last minute, even if the battle is scarred, her will will never waver.

In her petite and slender body, there is a powerful soul that does not match her appearance. It is a pure soul as beautiful as a crystal. Just looking at her like that, Ulysses's heart was bewildered.

At that time, he didn't understand what such feelings were, but simply yearned for that mysterious girl. Even, completely unaware of the look in Yulia's eyes that was even more yearning than him.

He stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the girl. He didn't think it was very impolite. In his heart, there was a feeling of uneasiness, as if this girl could not be touched at all, and it would disappear with a single touch.

In fact, it was the same. She was not there, but the shadow was there. At the moment his hand touched, she disappeared in front of him, as if she had never existed.

Seeing that beautiful and strong figure disappear in front of him, he was stunned, feeling that something important was missing.

"It's a pity." Yu Liya was even more disappointed than him, but when she walked to the place where the girl disappeared, she was taken aback and showed a strange expression.

At that time, he didn't know what Yulia's strange expression represented.

At that time, he was completely immersed in a sense of loss of something.

For him, the silver-haired girl who suddenly appeared and disappeared, just like the fairy in a fairy tale, was full of mystery, and he couldn't help it.

Probably, there will be no way to meet again. He who thought that way at that time, could not have imagined that the mysterious silver-haired girl would be the one who killed Yulia.

"Goo! Ulysses, you bully!" Ayouna's grieved voice suddenly sounded in Ulysses' ears. At this time, he suddenly realized that he didn't know when, pressing Ayu's body on the big tree, he looked like a criminal with unruly intentions.

This...what's going on? Seeing that he was pressed on the tree, like Ayu who was about to be "bully", Ulysses's mind went blank.

What did he do just now? Indeed, I remembered the encounter with Lala, the girl who killed Yulia. Could it be that he unknowingly regarded Ayu as Lala, and then stretched out his hand...

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't want to do anything, I made a mistake." Ulysses quickly let go of his hand, which is really a big misunderstanding.

"Hey, Ayu remembers, Ulysses, you are a bad guy!" Ayu looked at Ulysses, who was trying to apologize.

Just now, she just got close to him a little bit, and was caught and pressed against the tree by him, which was really bullying.

"I'm sorry!" Ulysses could only apologize.

"Woo! Ayu wants a hundred fish-carved fish for compensation. You can buy them as soon as you go back, and give them to me when you come here next time." Ayu, who was as broad as the sea, offered an apology.

"Okay, I'll go back and buy it right away." Ulysses used the stunt that he learned when taking the priest exam-that is, the duck-filling memory method.

Buy a hundred carved fish for Ayu! Buy a hundred carved fish for Ayu! Buy a hundred carved fish for Ayu! Buy a hundred carved fish for Ayu! Buy a hundred fish-carved fish for Ayu... Repeat the point a hundred times and make sure that you won't forget it. This was Ulysses' final kill in the priest exam, but unfortunately he still failed to pass the exam.

"Woo! Remember, don't forget, the fish carving at the third store on Seventh Avenue in this city is the most authentic." Ayu looked around anxiously. Ulysses's figure is slowly fading, because of the sign that the expiration date of her power is about to come.

"I remembered." Ulysses nodded.

"So, then, Ulysses, do you have a wish that you want to realize right away? I'll pay you for it."

"Wish...if you can make it, if it doesn't matter if you make it, then I, I want to see...sister..." Ulysses' figure began to blur.

"I see, I want to see my sister and get this prop!" Ayu hurriedly flipped through her backpack. Ulysses' wish is not difficult, just give him a suitable prop and let him make a wish.

"Drink it to turn into a potion for a sheep doll, no!" A bottle of potion was thrown aside by Ayu.

"It is used to collect special liquids. Collecting three bottles can complete incredible magic, not!" The three bottles were stuffed back into Ayu's backpack.

"The statue that can be used to increase the degree of goodwill, each time you need to invest 10,000 gold coins, wow! It's not this!" The statue was put aside. Ayu is very poor and can't afford this.

"Found it, it's this! An incredible image recording gem!" Before Ulysses's figure was about to disappear, Ayu finally found what she was looking for.

"Take it! Ulysses!" While Ulysses was still in this world, Ayu stuffed the gem into his arms.

"This is a magic gem with incredible power in the legend. As long as you look at the recorded image inside, in the evening after seven days, someone will come to you..."

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