The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 221: Guess who I am

"The head hurts..." Lufa, who underestimated the power of the good wine treasured by the former Paladin commander, knocked on her head. She couldn't remember how she came to this room. If it is on the battlefield, it will be over if you become drunk like this.

"The ground is shaking..." Kaye's situation is not much better than that of Lufa, she feels that the ground seems to have a tendency to crack, otherwise it would have been shaking so badly just now.

"You two are okay?" Juses, who returned from the underground with Helen, looked worriedly at the two girls who were obviously still in a hangover state. Unexpectedly, the head of Cliff's wine was so powerful.

"Uss, good morning." Lufa stretched, then staggered to him. As a result, one foot was unstable and fell to the ground.

Juses hurriedly reached out to help her up, and then felt a strong scent of alcohol, which seemed to be really drunk this time.

Lufa's soft and elastic chest pressed against Juss's chest. She didn't have the slightest resistance when she just got up, so she fell softly into his arms.

The earth shook slightly again, and it seemed that a ravaged underground space was venting its dissatisfaction.

"Don't make affection in front of me." Kay, who was not awakened from the hangover, blushed, looked at Juss and Lufa who were hugging each other affectionately with wet eyes, and made a solemn protest.

"You can take a good rest before you wake up." Juss shook his head looking at Lufa who was drunk in his arms.

It seems that there is no way to set off before noon today. The two companions who were drunk like this, let alone walking, even standing still is a problem.

As Juss carefully carried Lufa back to her bed, she stretched out her hands and grabbed Juss's shoulders.

"Usis..." The drunk Lufa's voice was unusually cute, as if he was acting like a little cat.

"What's the matter, do you want water?" Euses carefully stroked Lufa's moist front hair and asked softly.

"" Lufa blinked her big cute eyes, then took the initiative to straighten her body and move closer to Juss's face.

Seeing Lufa's face getting closer and closer, Juss's mind went blank for a moment. When he realized what was happening, Lufa had already sent her passionate and moist lips.

With a little drunkenness and a little jump, Lufa kissed Juss, then closed his eyes and fell asleep contentedly.

"Lufa..." Juss looked at Lufa, who fell asleep like a good baby. Is she joking? Is it fun to tease him like this?

Smooth out Lufa's messy hair, and cover her with the sheet. Juss turned around and found that Kay, who was also drunk, was looking at him with a very distrustful look.

"No! No!" The drunk Kay shook his head resolutely.

"Nothing?" Euses looked at Kay, who didn't know what he was talking about, inexplicably. He didn't do anything.

"I won't kiss you, absolutely not! I won't die!" Kay looked at Juss fiercely, as if she would be rude as soon as he leaned over.

"It's okay, I won't do that kind of thing." Juss smiled dumbly.

Think about it carefully, although he has encountered kissing a lot of times, but the number of active actions is really pitiful, but he has been forced many, many times.

From Mother Ice Phoenix to Teacher Sila, from Dark Princess Ka Lei to White-clothed girl Helen, almost all have used him strongly. Although he does not reject this kind of thing, he always feels a little weird. In the fairy tale books he had read, it seemed that the prince was kissing the princess. How could it be the other way around if it was replaced by him.

"Really?" Kay looked at Juss with obvious disbelief, as if looking at a wolf in sheep's clothing.

"Really, I promise, in the name of God." Juses drew a cross on his chest and said very seriously.

"Well, since it's in the name of a god, I believe you first." Kay's expression relaxed a lot.

"Sleep well, don't force it." Juss walked to Kay's side naturally, then touched her forehead, and then touched his forehead.

"If you have a little fever, it's better to take a break. Although you won't get sick, you can easily do things wrong if you are drunk." After comparing the temperature, Juss said gently.

"Ah, thanks." Kay's face seemed to turn redder the moment Juss's hand stroked her forehead, but her face was already red, and Juss didn't notice.

"Take a good rest, and go to Glorious Academy together when the wine wakes up." Juses smiled and covered Kay's sheets.

Although Kay was the least polite to him of the three, he didn't feel much malice.

In fact, he and her didn't have any special hatred. Everything started because of the accident. Now that he thinks about it, he can only smile bitterly.

There was really nothing he could do about the accident in the bathhouse. Ka Lei's Moon of Doom is not something he can manipulate, it would fall into that place, it was purely an accident.

"Yeah." Kay closed his eyes, and his consciousness began to blur.

Perhaps this guy is not as bad as he thought. While thinking like this, the things that happened during the time with Eusis slowly flowed through Kay's heart.

Although the time spent together is not very long, but on Juses's face, she saw the most smiles, simple and gentle smiles.

It is a smile that only people with a genuinely kind and pure heart can show, not the fake smiles of those who are hypocritical. That kind of innocent smile, she would often see when she was still in the orphanage. But when she grew up and became a seventh-level powerhouse and began to set foot on the battlefield, she rarely saw that smile.

Hate, destruction, hatred, and curse, the battlefield is always full of negative emotions of this kind. After joining the Thirteenth Squad, the enemies encountered were even more crazy, and the only way to kill them was to kill them.

After a long time, she almost forgot when she last smiled from the bottom of her heart. She only feels warm when she is around her companion.

"Sleep well." For the first time, Juss, who tried to talk to Kay normally, was in a good mood. Although I don't know if this is a special case, at least, this time, she didn't show hostility to him so blatantly.

In fact, she is really a beautiful girl if she is not too serious. Her slender figure is the tallest in the trio, her **** are as straight as her exposure, and her temperament is even more outstanding.

How to describe it, it should be like the feeling of a majestic general who is charging and fighting. After entering the seventh level on this continent, the gender gap has basically disappeared, so there are many female generals who have left famous names in history. If it were in the same era as the Warring States period, she would have been such a general.

"Yeah." As if feeling the curious gaze of Juss, Kay turned over and turned the pair of straight **** to face him.

I don't know if it was accidental. The buttons on her chest were not buttoned properly, revealing a large part of the snow-white chest, making Juss wonder where to put his eyes.

Helen should get dressed, have the gems been put away? Is Zuo Fei still there with the old team leader...

In order to avoid his own random thinking, Juss began to change his mind, trying not to pay attention to Kay, who was showing a seductive posture in front of him.

"Haha, I'm here, I found it!" Just as Juss was a little flustered and his heart beat faster, a familiar voice sounded from behind him, and he watched as a pair of powerful hands embraced him.

"Guess who I am?" A familiar voice rang in Juss' ear. The girls in this cave are all known by Uss. Lufa and Kay are both having a hangover. Helen has gone to change clothes, so there is only one truth.

"Zoffie...Huh?" Euses opened his arms and hugged him, then turned around and said the name of the girl holding him. But at this moment, an accident happened.

The strong twin peaks that are not inferior to Lufa blocked his face, and the person who owns the pair of full peaks is a girl he does not know but who seems to have known each other.

She has beautiful red hair, a slender figure, and an energetic and confident face. On her chest, a pair of full mountain peaks are leaping gently, exuding a mature and alluring breath.

She has soft but strong facial lines, and her expression is confident and strong. Unlike Zuo Fei, who always smiles like a child, the smell of an adult exudes from her. Even with the same smile, she is full of charm under the background of her proud figure.

Bold and enthusiastic, she was looking at the bewildered Euses with a cheerful smile, and then happily stuffed his head into her chest, exerting her best advantage, squeezing his face. Department.

This kind of action, which didn't know if it was childish or adult, lasted for a full minute before she reluctantly freed Euses from her chest.

"Ask again, Euss, who am I?" She looked at Euss's blushing face mischievously, with a strong aura exuding all over her body.

"Zoffie...'s sister?" Juses said with some uncertainty.

He really couldn't think of other answers. Since Zuo Fei has a grandfather here, it shouldn't be impossible to have a sister.

However, they are really alike. Especially the sound is almost exactly the same. Will Zuofei be like this when she grows up?

It's unbelievable that such a small Zuofei might grow to be so tall in the future, and his **** will become so full.

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