The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 149: The crusade begins (below)

"Stay back, Lufa!" Kaye, who had anticipated Helen's outbreak in advance, swooped down from top to bottom in desperation. She had no hope of defeating Helen. However, it would be impossible for her to watch her partner regardless of her death.

"Cough! Go!" Zuofei, who was thrown out by Helen, reluctantly supported her body with a snake spear, and then, like Kay, rushed toward Helen who was advancing quickly regardless of danger.

This is, my partner...I feel the murderous aura erupting from the silver-haired Destruction Witch on the front, and Lu Fa has a cold feeling all over her body. However, the voices of Kay and Zofi gave her courage and strength. In his mind, Euses' embarrassed smile flashed across.

She can still fight, and she can't just give in.

Full effort, output! Holding the platinum emperor dragon sword in his hand, Lu Fa quickly backed away. While fighting for time, he exerted his greatest strength. The golden dragon shadow came out from the platinum emperor dragon sword and poured into the magic armor she was wearing.

One, two, three, four... On both sides of the chest and waist of "Black and White Fourteen", four originally dim and irrelevant gems glowed bright red at the same time, and the purple magic circle began to revolve at an unprecedented high speed. At this moment, this armed force has been exposed to the limit.

Lufa felt that this imperfect weapon had reached an unprecedented realm at this moment. If it is said that she could exert one hundred percent of the power before, then she has now reached four hundred percent.

attack! While pulling away quickly, Lufa focused his attack on one spot, and then blasted out the huge magic power he had accumulated without hesitation.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Four consecutive purple magic beams shot out, and then hit the same place.

The flashes of the four crosses were superimposed together and hit Helen who was advancing at high speed firmly. This time, Helen did not completely ignore it as before, but raised her hand to block Lufa's attack frontally.

The blazing energy light wave produced a violent high temperature phenomenon, and the rocks and ground around Helen were melting at a high speed. The power of Lufa's attack was higher than she had imagined.

However, this alone is not enough. This kind of temperature, for Helen, the same doesn't make any sense. Even in the volcano on the bottom of the sea, she can move freely inside.

She is not a human being, but a weapon, a perfect weapon that can fight in any terrain and climate.

"Ding!" From top to bottom, Qinglong Zhanyue Knife struck Helen's body again. This time, it's the head. However, this blow was enough to break the ground, and even a single hair of Helen could not be cut off.

"Shit!" The spinning black snake spear hit Helen's heart for the second time. However, this time, it was the back, the exact opposite position of the strike just now.

"Gah!" Helen let go and grabbed the Azure Dragon Moon Slashing Knife that had hit her head. At the same time, he violently pulled Kay down in the air, completely ignoring the black snake spear that continuously drilled fierce sparks behind him.

It seems that the pair of cyan wings is too obtrusive. After catching Kay, the first thing Helen did was to tear the two huge wings apart with both hands, then slam her to the ground fiercely, and finally threw her out like a broken doll.

"Wow!" The strong impact directly hurt Kay's body. Helen didn't show any mercy at all, just an attack, and Kay was abolished.

"Kay!" Zuofei retracted her snake spear, her whole body solidified for a moment, and then suddenly turned around, slamming her huge snake spear against Helen's ear fiercely.

This is the most fainting location. Although it is not easy to hit, as long as one hit, it can cause fatal damage.

Unfortunately, such experience only applies to humans. Helen didn't even tilt her neck, so she grabbed Zofie's snake spear, completely ignoring the serpentine blade twisting and spinning at the front end of the snake spear.

"Zofi! Let go!" Lu Fa, who had retreated, took the initiative to advance for the first time. From the part of her black and white armed shoulders, the two gray-white parts that were originally folded like paper tape suddenly untied, and then turned into two long free-floating bands.

These two long white bands fluttered in the air at a strange frequency, extending, and instantly cutting the ground it passed through into countless pieces. Seeing from the sky, it was as if two scalpels were slashing across the ground.

"Ding!" When Helen was about to treat Zuofei the same way he did with Kay, the two sharp and flexible vaginal belts instantly rolled up Kay who was thrown aside and Zuofei who had been caught by Helen's weapon. They forcibly pulled out of Helen's attack range.

"...?" Helen, who only grabbed Zuofei's weapon, was stunned, and then threw Zuofei's snake spear to the ground. The black snake spear passed directly through the ground, not knowing how deep it was thrown into the ground.

Then, Helen suddenly made a strange movement. She shrugged her nose vigorously, as if she was smelling something in the air.

"!!!" Soon, she showed an expression that seemed to be unbelievable, and set her eyes tightly on the leucorrhea released by Lu Fa who had just passed by her.

"Zofi, take Kay to retreat soon. This mission has failed." Although he didn't want to say the word "failure" from his own mouth. But both Lufa and Zuofei knew very well that their opponents this time were too strong. It is so strong that even if all three of the strengths of the three are above the level, it is impossible to defeat it.

"This is an order! It is not allowed to refuse to execute it!" After giving the final order to Zofi, Lufa gritted his teeth and took the initiative to issue the final shock to Helen.

"Ding!" The leucorrhea fluttering at high speed hit Helen's chest first, making a crisp vibration.

"Huh!" The magical attack completed once again concentrated on Helen's body, forming a huge purple cross-shaped explosive beam.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!) .

Now, she can only do this. Compared with Zofi and Kay, who has an infinite future, her sacrifice should be the most reasonable. Anyway, even if she doesn't come to perform this mission, she won't live long.

Then, right here, in this beautiful world formed by the power of three people, burn all the last life force.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!" The front end was extremely sharp, and continuously bombarded Helen's body with a long white belt that could easily cut steel and tear the earth. Compared with this pair of murder weapons, Helen's petite body was as fragile as a fragile crystal.

However, the sound of a weapon that was sharp enough to cut steel was a weird and piercing sound of striking Helen. With the sparks that kept flashing, it looked like he was hitting an iron block with a heavy cone.

Helen didn't dodge or defend, just staring at the long white belt that hit her with a strange gaze. At the same time, he shrugged his nose again and again, seeming to be looking for a special smell.

This weird phenomenon lasted for about ten seconds, when Helen's eyes suddenly lit up, and then he grabbed the long white band that was piercing him.

"Shit!" Made of some special material, the long white belt, whose flexibility and hardness reached the treasure level, was abruptly torn by Helen's fingers, flashing dazzling sparks.

"Come here!" Helen pulled hard, and easily pulled Lufa, who was wearing the "Black and White Fourteen" model, and who was much larger in size and weight than her.

"Bang!" There was a fierce collision between the heavily armed Lufa and Helen, who was wearing only white pajamas. There was a loud sound like two chariots crashing together while driving at full speed, and then bounced off.

Helen, who had grasped one of the long white belts, stared at the armed and Lufa wearing this armed. That's right, it's the taste. Although it was very light, it was indeed the taste of the person she had been looking for, that is, the taste of her father.

where! where! Helen, who wanted to see her father more than anyone else, and even launched an all-round search plan with no dead ends, has truly lost control after smelling this smell.

It's not over yet! Lufa desperately manipulated another long white belt, sending out a more violent stabbing.

"Get in the way!" Helen's right hand suddenly swiped, and a sharp wave of air shot out from her right hand, completely cutting off another vaginal discharge from Lu Fa. The aftermath passed, and even tore most of the armor Lufa was wearing.

At the moment Lufa's armor shattered, Helen's nose smelled a little stronger than before. There is nothing wrong, it is floating out of the enemy in front of her. It was already very light, but, that was undoubtedly the smell of her father.

dad! After confirming this, Helen did not hesitate to rush towards Lufa, who had lost the ability to resist, then pounced on her body, and began to violently remove the armor that prevented her from smelling her father.

"Ka! Ka!" The fragments of the special magic weapon made by the Development Department of the Supreme Sacred Knights Order began to fly all over the sky. In the face of Helen, this ultimate perfect weapon, it was not enough to be her opponent.

Soon, Lu Fa's armor completely turned into countless pieces of metal scattered around. And then, the underwear she was wearing also turned into pieces and fell from the sky.

Everything that hindered Helen was ruthlessly destroyed, whether it was armor or underwear.

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