The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 138: Second type of contact

For the next thing, Juss couldn't figure out whether it was a dream or reality. Seeing him speechless, the three naked beautiful girls on the opposite side gathered together to discuss, and then the girl in the middle with a beautiful pink long came over and said something to him. what.

Of course, with severe tinnitus, he still couldn't hear what she was talking about. But what he learned from the books told him that if he doesn't know what to do, then smile. No matter when or where, smiling is the easiest way to eliminate the sense of distance.

This method is really useful. After seeing his smile, the girl with the beautiful pink long smile also showed a smile. It is full of kindness and can make people feel a warm smile.


"Look, she really can't hear anything, really poor child. Probably because of the shock just now, I don't know what to do. Kaye, you must have scared her." Although there is no way to communicate, but see The **** the opposite side's uneasy expression like a little rabbit naturally revealed Lufa's kind nature.

"It must have been scared by Kay!" Zuofei also followed up, forming an absolute advantage of two to one in an instant.

"I, I didn't want to scare her, it's just..." Kay didn't know what to do. Is she really wrong? However, she clearly only followed the action guidelines of the 13th squad to guard all nearby unknown objects.

Could it be that she looked scary when she was on alert?

"For the average person, your Azure Dragon Moon Slashing Sword is too powerful. So, didn't I say that when you are not in combat, don't take it out casually. As long as you get close to the sword, you will suffer a lot. A big influence. This kid, it's probably scared by you." Lou French said earnestly.

The Thirteenth Squad of the Supreme Cult Paladins-Unlike his Paladins squad, this squad is dedicated to the special work of battlefield battles and removal of dangerous beasts. Fight all year round in dangerous battlefields, and fight against many dark organizations and dangerous beasts. When necessary, they even have to face hostile forces.

In order to meet the needs of the battlefield, the armor and treasures of the members of this team all adhere to the same design concept, pursuing the greatest lethality and destructive power. On the battlefield, they will ruthlessly tear all enemies to pieces.

It is for this reason that every member of the 13th squad has a superb level in combat. Only those with strong combat effectiveness are eligible to join this team.

However, for this reason, it is not easy for them to get along with normal people. The murderous aura that was accidentally radiated was enough to cause most ordinary people to suffer serious mental damage, and Kay's performance just now fully proved this.

(Of course, Euses was not scared because of this...)

Relax when you need to relax, fight desperately when you need to fight. For the strong who often go to the battlefield, this is a resting method that must be mastered.

If you have been in a state of nervousness and anxiety like on the battlefield, it is easy to cause serious mental problems, and in the end it will directly become a murderer who can only kill. So, no matter how heavy the task is. After a period of time, the thirteenth team must take a rotation.

"Yes, is that right?" Kay put away his Azure Dragon Moon Slashing Sword. She did not deliberately reveal that sharp murderous aura, it was just an instinctive reaction. Now it seemed that she was really overreacting.

"Yes, so, Kaye, you have to take responsibility." Lufa said solemnly, not even joking at all.

"Take responsibility, take responsibility!" Zuofei, who was always taught by Kay, continued to booze.

"Take responsibility, it doesn't matter, but what should I do." Kay, the top student in the trio asked puzzled.

"This..." Lufa tilted her head and thought, then pointed to the girl who was obviously in an abnormal state:

"First take this child back to our home, and then take good care of her. It may take a while to recover from what she looks like. I hope I haven't been too scared."

"I see." Kay nodded, and then walked towards the dizzy Juss.

Grab his right hand first, twist it back behind him, and then...

"Stop! Stop! Kay, I didn't want you to arrest her! What are you thinking about treating a child like this!" Lufa hurriedly stopped Kay's actions. If you don't stop it, I don't know what she will do. Sure enough, Kay now needs to learn in many ways.

"However, the safe take away method I have learned is indeed..." Recalling the method of transporting the human body he learned at the headquarters of the Knights, Kay confirmed that his steps were correct. Moreover, when she touched the girl's body, she had a strange feeling.

It was a shivering sensation that all the pores all over her body shrank, which made her blood flow a lot faster. This feeling, just like the tension and excitement when facing a terrifying opponent, made her feel excited and trembling.

If the condition is not "take away", then it is simpler. Without using the Azure Dragon Slashing Moon Knife, he locked his throat with his left hand, and then twisted his right hand, and the world was quiet. The method is simple and straightforward, and it can be said to be effortless.

"No! No! Really, Kay, you rely too much on that knowledge. It was used for murder and prisoners on the battlefield, not at this time." Lufa felt that he needed to teach Kay more to normal people. knowledge. Otherwise, she can't live a normal life alone.

Although Kay's combat talent is the best of the three, his overall ability is also the strongest. But in the normal way of dealing with people, maybe even Zuo Fei, who is like a child, is inferior. At least, Zuofei, who is as innocent as a child, can never do such a thing as a weak ordinary girl as an enemy.

"It's better for me, Kaye, remember not to be so rough, this is not a battlefield." Lufa walked to the girl with an uneasy expression with a gentle smile, and then reached out and took her hand.

"Come with me, don't worry, there will be no danger."

"You are so cute, you must be frightened by Kaye. Don't worry, although she looks like that, she is actually very soft-hearted, and even small animals won't hurt her casually."

"I am Lufa, and Kay and Zofi are over there. They are all good children and won't hurt you."

"What's your name and where do you come from. Can't you hear it? Still don't understand?"


Euses certainly couldn't hear him. Because of the sequelae of continuous flying and falling from a high altitude, his tinnitus tended to get worse. In addition, seeing the beautiful bodies of three girls all at once made him even more difficult to speak. For him, such a scene is too exciting.

However, although I can't hear, I can't speak well. Still feeling the kindness expressed by Lu Fa in front of him, after a little hesitation, he was pulled to his side.

At such a close distance, without the obstruction of water mist, he could see the beautiful bodies of the three girls in front of him more clearly. The soft skin, the naked curves with their own characteristics, and the good smell made him feel more dizzy, and the boundary between reality and dreams became more and more blurred.

Hey, this feeling is...Like Kay, Lufa also had similar symptoms when he touched Juss's body. This was the first time she encountered the feeling of trembling all over her body when she touched her, and couldn't help but feel excited and tense.

When was the last time you felt this way? By the way, it was time to fight against Sophia's red-haired ghost and **** Leilu. At that time, the three of them joined hands to summon the power of heraldry in their bodies, and then expanded their strongest domain-the sacred peach garden.

There was no clear division of victory or defeat in that battle. Because in the end, everything was destroyed by some huge force. However, at that time, she did have a feeling similar to that now, which can be said to be the extreme excitement and excitement when facing death.

For them who have been fighting for many years on the verge of death, this feeling is the best power catalyst, allowing them to increase their combat effectiveness to the limit by another level. The strongest power of the three of them, the sacred Peach Garden, was finally completed under this feeling.

Why, just holding the hand of an ordinary girl, there will be such a feeling. Obviously, the child did nothing, but when he touched her body, he would have such a sense of crisis and tension. It was as if what she was holding was not the hand of an ordinary girl, but the hand of the **** of death.

Ah, the heart beats so fast, the face seems a little hot. This feeling is really incredible. It turns out that if you are too nervous, will you have this feeling like being in love?

"Lufa, it's time to go, why keep holding her hand." Zuo Fei had already put on her bath towel, and was looking at Lufa who didn't know why she was holding the mysterious white girl's hand motionless. In her memory, Lufa seldom held on to others like this.

"Ahahaha, there is nothing, let's go." Lufa, who recovered from the stunned state, took Juss's hand and walked towards Kay and Zofi.

Euses certainly didn't know what Lufa was thinking about holding his hand and giving himself a friendly smile. In this way, she involuntarily took the initiative and brought out this bathhouse that only allowed women to enter.

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