The Devil Priest and the Brave Beautiful Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 111: Mobile Church (Part 1)

Putting the lost "Sister Party" cherished into his arms, Euses finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although everything last night felt like a dream, the feeling of heartache in the end was true. In any case, he didn't want to try that kind of grief that seemed to be torn apart.

Thanks to the great Supreme God, Euses quickly and familiarly drew a cross on his chest. The trajectory of the cross coincided with the sacred cross pattern on his chest in the white robe.

Along with his movements, a faint white light flashed in the air, but Juss, who was thanking him, did not realize this. Unconsciously, some of his habits began to approach the self who used to be, who came back once last night but fell asleep again because of the disappearance of Annie.

"Miss?" Outside the door, Sebastian's butler's voice came. In order not to disturb the study time of this Cavendish family eldest lady, no one can enter this room without permission. From morning till now, several servants have knocked on the door, but Ulysses, who was asleep, did not respond. Now, it was the castle's steward to come and inquire in person.

"Sebas, I don't need to prepare lunch anymore. I may not eat dinner anymore, so I won't use it to disturb me for the time being." Joy filled Juss's heart, letting the gloomy breath that surrounds him since waking up. Swept away. For him now, there is much more important thing to do than eating.

"Understood, Miss." Sebastian left the door of Juss's room. In the eldest lady's room, there is the sealed food prepared by the castle owner Cavendish, the water sage, so he doesn't have to worry that the Cavendish eldest lady will be hungry.

He who has served Cavendish the Sage of Water for many years has long been used to this kind of thing. The longest time, Cavendy the Sage of Water, his master, got into the laboratory for a month without permission.

At this point, the eldest lady and the master really look alike.

"Yeah." After confirming that Sebastian's butler had left, Juss carefully opened the "Sister Party" he had collected, turning to the last page he could turn to. Unsurprisingly, there is still only his own handwriting, and Annie's small and delicate handwriting is still missing.

However, this does not prevent him from writing to her. Even knowing that she won't reply, writing to his sister alone can make Jusses feel at ease.

Annie. Are you OK? I met you last night. However, at that time, I felt very strange. Compared to the usual me, it seems to have become stronger. The time I spend with you is very, very happy, so happy that I seem to have forgotten the time.

Finally, when you disappeared, I was really sad. If it weren't for this book to come back to me, I would be depressed for a long time. If you can still see the letter I wrote to you, please tell me more about you when we meet next time.

Where are you from? Is it in this book? Or somewhere else? I want to be the same as last night, where can I find you? No matter where you are from, I will be happy. As long as I can meet you, it doesn't matter where you are.

After writing this letter and confirming that his handwriting had become part of "Sister Party," Juss felt a big rock in his heart. Everything about him and Annie started from this book. As long as this book is still there, his fate with this wonderful sister will definitely continue.

Definitely, will meet again. Flicking across the pages of "Sister Party" and listening to Annie's hopeful singing for the future, Euses believed that this miracle would happen again like never before.

By the way, that church... I don't know why, Juss's mind suddenly came up with a scene of the place where he and this wonderful sister met in reality for the first time. I didn't pay special attention to it at the time, but now that I think about it, there is a strange breath that can't be described in words in that church. If it weren't for Anne's appearance to be too conspicuous, he would definitely pay more attention to the church which is not big but very tidy.

Is that church still there now? Juses walked to the window and looked down at the town below the castle through the window. Looking at the past from this angle, almost the entire town can be seen at a glance. However, Juss could not see the shadow of that little church.

Remember, that church was in the woods some distance from the town. And it seems that no one has been there for a long time, is it abandoned?

Juses tried hard to find the shadow of the church in the woods surrounding the town. Unfortunately, he didn't have the correct coordinates, no matter how hard he tried to observe, he couldn't see even a little shadow.

Go take a look, I don't know why, Juss suddenly had this idea. There was the place where he and Annie met for the first time. Although the time was short, the quiet and sacred atmosphere in that church gave him a deep impression. Since coming to the human world, he has entered such a place for the first time.

Are human churches like that? Now go there again, open the door of the white cabinet, can you still see that wonderful and lovely sister? Although he knew it was a one-sided delusion, when Juss realized it, he had already jumped out of the window.

This action is not a lady at all. If Sila saw it, points would definitely be deducted... During the fall from the air, Juss couldn't help but think so.

During the recent period, Syrah seems to be caught in some kind of fanatical research. Borrowing a large number of books related to the human world from Sebastian Butler, he didn't specifically come to trouble him. But what book is she reading?

"Pop!" At the moment when his body was about to hit the ground, Juses's hand lightly patted the cold outer wall of the castle. Then he made a beautiful tumbling in the air, and then jumped continuously like a dragonfly. Without being noticed by anyone, he easily slipped out of the castle of his teacher Cavendish, the Sage of Water.

Not here... Juss first searched the east side of the town, and found no man-made structures except for a few hunter's huts hidden in the woods.

It's not here either... the next search area is the west side of the town. This time it was even worse. I didn't even see an artificial building. Instead, I found a large swamp and an acquaintance who unfortunately got trapped in the swamp.

"Help!" Ricky, the trainee knight who was the first to speak to him after he came to the human world and achieved initial results, made a dying voice for help. On his body is a black giant python that is half a meter thick and more than 20 meters long.

Obviously, in the face of this giant python, which can be comparable to the fifth-level beast by relying on physical strength, Ricky’s unskilled sword skills and the armor on his body did not play any role, if it weren’t for Euses just passing by. In this case, probably within a few minutes, this young and promising knight must return to the arms of the great Supreme God.

"God, devil, angel, no matter who is good, come and save me! I swear, I will never confess to anyone again! Whoever can save me, I will give him my most precious things! Ah..." Ricky's eyes went black, and the armor on his body had begun to shatter. If he loses the protection of the armor, his death time will be greatly advanced.

In fact, if he hadn't added a small halo to his armor by his trainee sorcerer friend before he set off, he wouldn't even be able to sustain it at this point in time. Who knows, this kind of giant python, which should only inhabit the most dangerous Jinghu Lake in the legend, will come to the swamp near the town.

When the consciousness was about to move away from the body, Ricky saw the angel. An angel who fell from the sky in a white robe. Then, the heavy pressure that made him suffocate quickly disappeared. It seems that everything is about to end.

However, how could that angel's face be so familiar...

"Da!" Juss jumped down from the tree, ready to save the young man who had seen it once. Although he didn't know which stage his strength was equal to, he should have no problem dealing with this big snake.

The python, who opened his blood basin and was about to enjoy his afternoon snack, stared at Juss from the sky fiercely. However, when it saw clearly who jumped from the tree, its whole body shuddered suddenly, and then it directly threw the prey it had obtained, fleeing into the muddy water of the swamp with a panic gesture of seeing its natural enemies. There is not the domineering that a qualified hunter should have, but he is as panicked as he sees a cat and a mouse.

At this time, Juses also remembered. Last night, he seemed to have seen this thing, right by the quiet little lake, what did he do in the end...

What happened in the swamp area was just a small episode. Healed the apprentice knight who passed out. After confirming that he was fine, Juss continued on his journey to find the church. And in the last corner, he finally found what he was looking for.

Just like last night, this little church was hidden in a forest, unremarkable. If he hadn't walked in once, I'm afraid there would be no way to find it even if he stood outside the woods.

However, it was indeed here, right in front of him, and it did exude a certain kind of magical aura. That kind of breath, warm and comfortable, just like the white robe he was wearing, made him feel cordial.

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