Time flies quickly, very quickly!!

The end of the sunset is approaching.

Makarov, who was already drunk on the side, was full of alcohol. He walked crookedly, still carrying a small wine barrel in one hand, shaking his head and blushing his face, and his eyes flashed Venus. The two white whiskers were dipped in wine, dripping out continuously, and there was a long burp of wine, and the mouth was still chanting.

“Hiccup! ~ Today everyone, it’s time to eat and drink, have fun, celebrate new members joining our family, give me hi, hahaha…”

Rob came over and hugged Makarov, quite helpless, and said with a wry smile: “Makarov, you have drunk too much.” ”

“It’s okay~, Rob, I didn’t drink much, I really didn’t drink much, but I’m not drunk in a thousand cups…” Makarov drank the barrel in his hand, continued to laugh with his own care, pushed and shoved Rob, and continued to walk two steps, and after a while, he fell down drunk.

Rob sighed softly, and there were more than a dozen demon tailed little guys lying around him, all of them unconscious, sleeping on the ground backwards and backwards, regardless of the cold. The rich aroma of wine fills the air, and the entire guild is indescribably “fragrant”, even if you smell a few sips, there will be a kind of fluttering confusion.

On a rectangular table in the distance, Macaou and Wakaba sat opposite each other, their eyes filled with sparks, and a fierce light radiated.



Wa Kaba. Mine put down the cigarette holder in his mouth, smiled wickedly, raised the wine glass in his hand and touched Macao’s wine glass, and made a “clang” sound.

“Hehe, you guy, how much J did you earn this time.”

“Not much, just 130,000 J.”

“Oh yo~, it’s amazing, mine is also 130,000 J, it’s really a fate.”

“It’s actually on par with me, you bastard.”

“Next time I must have more than you, this is my goal.”

“Xiu, you guy, you can’t drink too much.”

“Miriana, get my wine back.”

“Don’t be leashed.”

On the other side, there is a big drama of chasing after each other.

“Let’s go take the task together tomorrow, brother.”

“Kagura, you just came back, take a break, you earned enough this time to spend you a while.” Simon smiled and rejected Kagura’s offer.

“Tell me about your mission this time, your brother and I have only taken on D-level tasks until now, alas, all trivial things, where can Lagersas take you to the sky in one step and accept B-level tasks.” It’s a pity that my strength is not as good as yours, and I have barely stepped into the junior magic guide until now. ”

“Yes, when it comes to this mission, it is really very dangerous…”

Simon and several beginner wizards like him, listening to Kagura’s colorful description of the process, how thrilling, how moving, and finally harvested some treasures.

The guild was playing out this picture, and now, most of the members were half-drunk and half-awake, everyone was eating and drinking happily, and there were no figures of Lagersus and Juliet, and even her sister Jubia, who had been inseparable from her, stayed by Elusa’s side.

Behind the fairy tail is the sea, an empty and quiet place, usually where Rob teaches his students magic.

The setting sun was like Chen Hui, magnified more than twice, that kind of blur of close distance, the blood demon red clouds burned half of the sky’s coast. The deep blue waters are waves of flames, and the horizon of the sea is boiling and burning.

Bright, red deeply.

At this time, a slender figure stood there, the white plain skirt did not conform to the current scene, but it was shining and bright like the moon. In front of her stood Ragsas. I saw Lagsas looking at Juliet, and the golden afterglow in his eyes was deep and a little dark.

Juliet’s heart was excited, that expectant gaze, waiting…

“Haven’t you always wondered if you have a talent for magic? Then I can happily tell you that you have a top-level qualification, and what I said is all true. Ragsas’s crisp words sounded like thunder, word by word in Juliet’s ears. That serious expression didn’t look like he was faking at all.

Juliet couldn’t believe it, her face was sluggish for a moment, and she was in a trance and calmed down, and the doubts in her heart deepened. If he really has talent, why didn’t anyone spy on it at the beginning, and he also tested it several times in private, without exception, without any display, he is indeed an ordinary ordinary person.

Seeing Juliet’s hesitation, Lagsaston paused and continued: “Your physique is a phantom body, but there is something in your body that suppresses your own ability, so no one knows. ”

“So it’s my body?”

It’s true……

Is that really the case?

I really have talent. I, not an ordinary person…

Juliet’s eyes felt the urge to cry, tears rolling in her eyes, whether she really had the ability to learn magic, this is not a fantasy. Once Juliet’s father put a lot of effort into his daughter, but everything was in vain, so much was done, and nothing came of it. This world is not without the ability to let ordinary people have magic, but the price is too great, some will even lose something, Juliet’s father can never let his daughter suffer such pain for his own selfish desires.

In a family like the Roxes family, which is only for profit, no magical talent is equivalent to mortals, even if it is noble, so what, in the eyes of others, it is just a pitiful worm. That kind of strange gaze, contemptuous, pitiful, mocking, flat… Juliet has seen too much.

“I’ll help you unlock your abilities now, close your eyes, and don’t move.”

Lagosas approached Juliet’s side, a hand gently covering her head. It soothed her nervousness. Juliet’s eyebrows moved, her eyelashes raised slightly, and her eyes subconsciously wanted to close. Can’t help but wink. Pounding heart, a little fast.


(To be continued…) )

Recently, this week, I, ah, want to go back to the military inspection, once in the last year, and come back in the summer, and this week I am practicing subject three, there is not enough time, sorry.

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