
Cloudless, soft in the wind, the sun hanging high in the sky, warm.

As always, the bustling crowd, the shouting and shouting are constant, all kinds of small vendors are fruits, barbecues, others, etc., lively scene, with the fame of Fairy Tail, even this city is also like this, especially some time ago moved the Ghost Dominator, this power that is not inferior to the Fairy Tail, with two Saint Ten level cities, is also difficult to find on the mainland.

In this way, Magnolia really stood in front of people’s eyes, this humble city, the rapid rise of giants, like a pearl.

After leaving the town of Mokomod for two days, the Lagesas gang returned here.

“Is this Magnolia?”

Jubia looked through the curtain of the carriage, her eyes were full of curiosity about the outside world, and she saw a prosperous scene outside, and the pedestrians wandered around at will, and they would not notice the carriage at all. In fact, from the day it became famous, there was a massive influx of people into Magnolia, and the local population has long been accustomed to it.

Some settle here, others travel. More people want to see what attracts two major forces to a city with a population of less than 100,000.

“The old man still doesn’t know if I will be happy this time when I bring him back two new members,” Lagosas thought for a moment, and the corners of his mouth smiled inexplicably.

Juliette hesitated a little, and said with a heavy heart: “Lagosas, you said that I, do I have a magical talent?” ”

This matter has been pressed in her heart for a long time, and she has been holding back, and now it is almost to the fairy tail, and her heart suddenly becomes chaotic, feeling a little irritable, and her wise head suddenly becomes dull, and she is worried that she can’t even enter the gate of the fairy tail.

Ragsas smiled and said comfortingly: “Don’t worry about this, you have talent, don’t be in a hurry now, I’ll talk to you later in the evening.” Our fairy tail is like a family, don’t worry about what is out of sight. ”

“Hmm… All right. Juliette looked at Lagsas’s confident gaze, and her heart moved, for some reason, what Lagsas said, Juliet’s own heart believed, maybe now, can only rely on him.

After a moment of silence, he turned his head and turned outside, his beautiful eyes wanted to see the scene of Magnoria, but if you want to live here in the future, you need to get familiar with it.

Elusa and Kagura seemed very calm, this mission did have a great harvest, whether it was fighting enemies or those treasures, after this time, the strength will be higher.


Fairy Tail Guild.

“I’m back.”

Lagosas habitually kicked open the door and yelled at the guild’s wizards. Elusa and Kagura followed, followed by Juliet, who pulled the timid and nervous Jubia in.

As soon as she entered, Juliet turned into a curious baby and looked around. Speaking of guilds, she had never set foot in such a place, let alone learned about the internal facilities. Of course, there is no need to mention Jubia, an autistic person, everyone’s ordinary, greeting ordinary gaze, in her opinion, is completely like the eyes of the devil, hiding behind Juliet.

At this time, there were not many people in the guild, but there were quite a few, and more than half of the members were present.

“Yo, it’s Lagosas coming back~!” Macao. Kuhwa responded.

Mirianna bent her crescent eyes, took small steps, ran over happily, and shouted: “Sister Elusa, welcome back.” ”

“How well did the task go?” It seems that the harvest is not small. “Wa Kaba. Minne said mockingly, and his gaze skimmed Juliette and Jubia behind Lagusas, a hint of teasing.

“Ahem… With me on the horse, I’m afraid I won’t succeed. When Lagosas heard this joke, he was speechless for a while, and said unforgivingly.

“Haha… That’s natural, after all, your strength is so strong. ”

Simon said with a question: “Lagosas, who are these two behind you?” ”

“These two are preparing to join the new members of our guild~.” Lagosas gave you a brief introduction to the Juliet sisters. After that, the gaze brush brushed on Juliet and Jubia, whether it was the mature and rhyme Juliet, or the shy loli Jubia, which can be regarded as rare in the guild, not only sister flowers, but also their own characteristics.


“What a beautiful sister.”

“I didn’t expect that there would be such two beautiful beauties joining the guild, and I felt so happy.”

“The one named Jubia is the type I like.”

There was a wave of discussion within the guild. Even Juliet, who has been in the scene for a long time, was a little nervous when she was stared at directly by so many pairs of hot eyes, but courage overcame panic and forced herself to calm down. As for Jubia, who had a timid personality, he was even more unbearable, almost crying, causing a “storm” attack.

“Woo~… Woo~, Jubia is so afraid. ”

Juliet squeezed Jubia’s little hand softly and said, “Don’t cry, don’t cry… With your sister to protect you, don’t be afraid, these people are here to welcome us into the guild. ”

“~Hmm… Is it true? Jubia covered her eyes, and the crystal thunderous pearlescent light returned to dimming.

“Well, naturally, my sister will lie to you.” Juliet comforted. A few black lines on the forehead can see that at this time, Juliet’s heart does not mention how depressed, this fairy tail wizard is good, but too enthusiastic, her little heart is a little unbearable.

“Hey~, don’t get too close, a bunch of bastards.”

Ragsas noticed this situation, and was a little helpless to his members, forcefully blocking in front of everyone, wielding thunder and lightning, drinking back the crowd who rushed over, and several people who could not dodge were almost stunned.

Kagura and Elusa joined one of the protectors, protecting Juliet, and ordered, “Back off, be careful to scare our new members.” ”

After this blow, the magic guides in the guild calmed down a lot in their minds.

“What’s going on? Lagosas. The voices present were noisy, but one of the distant vicissitudes came from behind Ragsas, and Rob walked out of the work cabinet.

“Oh~! Grandpa Rob, I brought back two new guild members, and the guild mates were so warm that the welcome went a little too far for fear of frightening them. Lagosas replied respectfully.

“That’s right! You guys converge one by one, don’t freak out the girls…” After Rob listened to Ragsas’s words, he made a serious face and scolded those guys who didn’t know the importance.

(To be continued…) )

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