
Lagosas let out a long breath, the smile on his face did not diminish, this move, although it consumed some magic, but the damage and loss it caused was completely profitable. The so-called large-scale magic moves, the first time Ragsas used, the effect was also unexpectedly good.

“Hmm… Whaa

The beasts paralyzed on the ground are struggling, constantly emitting miserable wails, facing the threat of death, the desire for survival, these living monsters, naturally unwilling to be caught here, the wounds on the body with the rudeness of the movement, open and slowly expand.

Blood is dripping!!

The flow is endless.

This move can be described as a great injury to the vitality of the beast tide and a heavy loss. The blood of the beast flowed on the ground, gradually condensed into lumps, and the thick bloody qi permeated the air, deeply stimulating people’s eyes and noses, and there was a faint fishy smell in the blood, and the heart was disgusted.

The only three unhindered high-level monsters slowly gathered together, undertaking the momentum of the horn, the fierce god stared at Ragsas, the high-level monster flame giant lion stepped on the iron hoof, spraying with high-temperature flames, the breath was accompanied by choking gas, the eyes of the flame symbol were filled with blood qi, and the originally clear pupils underwent unknown changes in the case of a large number of similar deaths and injuries.

The crimson blood pupils, under the gaze, seemed to be able to imprison everything in front of them, and the body stiffened involuntarily.

The high-level Warcraft wind python is wrapped around a large tree with lush leaves, its body is slowly wriggling, and the “silk” sound produced by the rubbing on the surface of the thick tree is so clear in the quiet night. The head hangs slowly, and a long forked tongue is extended to sense the heat hardness around it.

When capturing a human-shaped object, the snake’s pupils stood up, and a powerful air flow erupted around it in an instant, turning into an air blade cutting through everything that blocked it. Hearing a few “bang~” sounds, the big tree where the long curly body stayed immediately burst open, and countless wooden strips and pieces of wood danced in the sky, falling like butterflies, which was very natural.

The last three-meter giant bird flying in the sky, Diao Sparrow, flapped its wings, white feathers under the moonlight, like moving clouds and flowing water, dancing gracefully like a pure// pure girl, and looking very extraordinary and holy.

However, when facing Ragsas, the white // clean wings suddenly froze, turning into sharp white blades, and there was an illusion of refracting silver light. Inexplicably, there was a chill in my heart.

None of these three Warcraft are good-tempered masters, let alone in a state of irritability now.

Sanity and everything, all left behind.

For the sake of the same kind, revenge.

The driving force generated by anger is a steady stream of power.

First, the Flaming Giant Lion rushed towards Lagosas, followed by Diao Que and swooped down. And the wind python stayed in place, his cold and ruthless eyes, as if looking at a dead man again, the fangs on the side of his tongue loomed in his lips.

Waiting, waiting for a fatal moment.

“It’s just right, Thunder Dragon’s Collapse Fist.”

Ragsas smiled lightly, raised his hand, the magic seeds in the air are converging, the magic power runs very quickly, in a moment, a large number of thunder attribute magic power is instilled in the arm, and the tight magic power is connected together, forming a shallow thin protective cover, deeply golden // color, the brightness at night is difficult to see directly, as long as you look at it for a few seconds, it will cause a brief sense of vertigo.

When the Flame Giant Lion was in a state of rage, the hair on its whole body was ignited by fire, like a continuous undulating wave, ups and downs. Surprisingly, the high temperature felt from above, its hair was not affected in any way, sparse and ordinary red, it was difficult to imagine how high the temperature could withstand.

Suddenly, the Flame Giant Lion opened its vicious mouth, and several sparks popped out of its throat, and soon, a fist-sized fireball condensed and shot out, shooting out in the direction of Ragsas.

Right in the middle of Lagsas’s fist, a low explosion sounded, shattering the clothes on Ragsas’s arms, but this did not have any other effect on the arms, just the destruction of the clothes.

The sturdy protective shield flashed with crystal brightness, and the impact of the fist broke the attack of the fireball, Lagosas stepped on the thunder step with a bang, thunderous explosion speed, punched the flame giant lion, and struck hard at its huge face, penetrating all the power, directly knocking over the heavy body of the flame giant lion.

With a rotation of three hundred and sixty-five degrees, it flew out heavily, hit Diao Que’s body, poured out tens of meters away, and smashed a large pit in the ground, and a large amount of blood flowed out from the wound of the Flame Giant Lion, and it seemed that he could not survive.

Diao Que was also hit to a certain extent, sliding on the ground for a long time, kicking up a lot of dust.

Take advantage of your illness, kill you.

Ragsas stepped out again, and in a few steps, came to Diao Que, took advantage of the moment when he did not get up, “clicked”, and directly violently twisted Diao Que’s neck.

Diao Sparrow, Fall.

Just as Lagosas twisted the neck of the bird, the snake moved.

Maintaining the habit of snake raids, the speed of the instantaneous burst is comparable to a streamer. Before Lagsas could react, the wind python squirmed its slimy body and wrapped around Rao’s body, tightly bound.

Trapped in a dead end, unable to move.

Warcraft don’t know how to cooperate with each other, but it doesn’t mean that they won’t seize the moment. When hunting beasts, they will grab their prey to reveal their flaws and deliver a fatal blow.

“What a beast.”

Lagosas whispered, the strength of the whole body under the influence of the snake body, can not exert several layers of strength, green tendons rise, like a coiled dragon revealed, Hengtong five meridians and eight veins, forming a violent trembling. The gap opened slightly, but in the next second, it was suppressed by a powerful force.

Snakes are born with skills, and in addition to magic, the strength of the body is the second most important. Treating Lagsas as if it were prey, the snake’s pupils flashed with bloodthirsty madness, the sticky head was almost close to Ragsas’s face, sticky // thick cyan body, and the smell of fishy stench that could be heard by the tentacles made people want to give him a punch immediately.


Lagesas tensed the strength of the muscles of the whole body, and took advantage of the moment when the gap was loosened again, guiding out the powerful current in the body, directly rising hundreds of volts, and increasing layer by layer, faintly having the urge to rise thousands of volts.

The edge of the snake that trapped Ragsas is slowly turning red, and it is still deepening its color, and you can vaguely breathe a trace of aroma and flesh aroma.

Real roasted snake meat.


The sharp tingling sensation caused the snake’s body to loosen quickly, and a bad feeling rushed straight to the snake’s brain.

Flee, flee.

If you don’t run, you will die.

Fear is spreading, the wind python regrets that he is too impulsive, regret is not the beginning, he already knows why he didn’t take the opportunity to escape, this person in front of him, no, this demon is too terrible, it is the most terrible enemy it has ever seen.

Not an opponent at all.

That power, the power of thunder and lightning.

“If you want to escape, it’s late.”

Looking at the panicked behavior of the wind python, Ragsas sneered a few times, in the end, evil beasts or evil beasts, even if they have wisdom, they can’t change eating at all.

Harnessing the power of the wind, the wind python soared into the air, vainly trying to quickly fly away from here.

Lagosas did not move, looking at the wind python that was fleeing quickly, holding it with one hand, the thunder and lightning in his hand met again, spread out a palm, pointed behind the wind python, and a golden streamer cut through the sky and quickly flew into the distance.

Thunder and lightning balls brew terrifying and amazing powers.

Hearing the sound of “bang~”, the wind python was blown apart, and the minced meat foam in the sky was a little disgusting. Looking at the three destroyed beasts and the disabled monsters in one place, Ragsas’s heart was as flat as water, and he did not make a wave.

“Everyone, after watching the good show, isn’t it time to come out.”

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