The next day.

I was summoned to my room by Brother Zeros.

"Are you here? Yuki."

"That's familiar. It's been about three years since I've been in this room."

That's a lot different.

There used to be a map of the territory and a book that wrote stories about the region, but now it's all about the 'Magic Guild' and exam content.

Brother Zeros is sitting behind a desk with a window behind his back.

I don't know what you look like because of the backlight.

"I want to check with you. That's why I had you come."

"Am I really the rebirth of The Immortal Mage?

"I don't care about that"

"Don't you care?

"Whatever you are, I'm going to keep your secret. Do you believe that?"

"I believe you."

"Why not?"

"My brother has a lot of pride. I'm serious, and I'll keep what I say."

"Are you serious?

"Yeah, but?

"... right"

My brother dropped his shoulder and sighed, ha.

"You're amazing. Yuki."

"Oh, my God, suddenly."

"I've always been bad at you. Because I'm a common son, I didn't draw the same mother's blood, so I thought that's why I wasn't good at it. But it wasn't. I am no match for you. You didn't like it because you knew that..."

"It's not that big of a deal, I..."

"Yuki. Take this."

Brother Zeros took a sword out of the shadow of his desk.

Why are you offering me the sheath, pulling myself out, pointing that cut at me?

"This is an oath. Zeros-Grossalia is on your side no matter what. If you doubt it, press the sword and take my life."

"No, even if they take a knight's vow here"

"This is serious. Yuki, I'm saved by you. I'll pay back that debt."

"Brother, are you serious?"

"You can't help it, 'cause you're in character."

Brother Zeros is not bad in the first place.

Through that amulet, my brother has always been influenced by the teacher Kakhel.

That's why you said that to me.

─ I said.

"No, it's bullshit."

"You're a troubled man!

- Shit.

My brother is too serious. You don't stop when you think about it, family thoughts in weird places.

Really, I'm in trouble.

This is why people can't be left alone.

"Yuki-Grossalia accepts the Zeros-Grossalia oath. Accept my brother's vow to be on my side. This will do."

"I still owe you more."

"You should do something about that overly serious personality. Brother."

"No, as the Baron's son, I need to be firmer."

"That's the place. Brother."

"... I'm not sure what you're saying. Yuki."

My brother snapped his neck and laughed.

Talking about that, I heard a knock.

A maid from the main building came to tell me she was ready for lunch.

"You eat in the main building too, Yuki"

"No, because Martha's waiting"

"You should eat it twice. It's a breeding spree."

"Don't be lame, brother."

We left the room.


I heard a noise.

Seeing, across the hallway, Roomia stood.

He's staring at me and Brother Zeros, not even worrying about the book he dropped.

"Brother Yuki and Brother Zeros are getting along"


"You've been worried. Loomia. Me and Yuki are right..."

"It's been ages since I've seen anything like this...... I'm happy. Happy."

From Roomia's eyes, tears spilled.

"Not to Yuki. Well, ahhhhh!!

"Hey, hey, roomia!?

"Great. Brother Yuki, I've always wanted to make up with Brother Zeros..."

"Why are you hugging me!? Zeros, go to your brother."

"Brother Zeros, I won't give you a hug because I've been so mean to you"

"... no, I'm good"

Brother Zeros, didn't you look remorseful now?

"Yuki will soon be a trainee in The Magic Guild. You should be sweet now."

"Is that okay!? Brother Yuki."

"... you're not good enough to ask me here"

"I forgive you, my son. Let's talk to your father."

"Thank you! Now, for the first time in a long time, Roomia washes Brother Yuki's hair."

"Don't try to pull me into the bathroom as a matter of course. I don't like it because I'm embarrassed."

"Are you ready to wash yourself? Brother Yuki."

"... don't take Martha's job"

"I knew you weren't good enough yet."

I don't like it because I get bubbles in my eyes when I do it myself.

Look, you say 'vampires' hate water.

I was also known as The Vampire King (Vampire Road) in my previous life, so the water is fine, but I don't like water mixed bubbles in my eyes. The muscles are clear.

I was glad to wash my hair once a month because my body stopped growing in my previous life.

But I don't know now because I'm growing up. Washing my head every two days is a pain, and I definitely don't want to do it myself. That's why I'm asking Martha.

Damn, I was glad Martha was supposed to follow me to the King's Capital.

I don't know what I would do if I were alone...

"... pup"

"What the hell, Brother Zeros?"

"Yes, no, you had something you didn't like, too."

"There are people who aren't right for washing their hair."

"Not at all... I'm no match for you. I wonder what the hell I was fighting against."

"Then my brother will wash my hair with Loomia."

"There's no way I'm gonna take the pleasure of Loomia."

That's what Brother Zeros said. You put your face closer to Loomia,

"I'll tell everyone to get ready for a bath. Roomia needs to clean up Yuki. May His Royal Highness have no disrespect. Yuki is a representative of the Baron family."

"Yes, leave it to Loomia"

"Brother Zeros... remember later"

"Yes, sir."

I was angry at your brother for laughing.

... I also wondered if the Baron's family would be okay in the future if this appeared.

I don't feel bad.

Maybe I'm starting to look human, too.

"Glad to hear it. I can't believe I'm here with Brother Yuki."

"... just wash your hair."

"My brother isn't like my sister washing my hair and not even paying me back, is he?

"What are you gonna do to me?"

"Phew, phew, phew."

I haven't heard of the upbeat roomia.

The maid and the butler's nail are looking at us. He's even at the main building to Martha... so why are you following me? Why are you wrapping your arms around me, Martha? You washed my hair yesterday too!?

And after this... the roomies washed my hair with plenty of...

He was able to enter and exit the main building in a disintegrating manner, freely.

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