The Deity of War

Vol 6 Chapter 1606: Indigenous and foreign

Qi Ying was on the side and smiled secretly. (((卡蒂诺小说网

Why can't you shoot?

Qi Ying’s heart can actually guess a seven or eight points.

炙 is very powerful.

However, the power of 炙 is that it is actually integrated with the bungee continent, or that it is fundamentally part of the bungee continent.

炙 Master the power of strength and near infinity.

But its power will never cause any damage to the bungee continent.

Just as strong as a person, it is impossible to use the power of one hand to lift yourself up.

Oh, to a certain extent, it can also sense the world will of the bungee continent, so it is very clear that the bungee continent does not allow it to leave.

At least it relies on its own strength and can never do it.

and so.

You can only hope that someone can find a way out of **** and freedom from the outside world.

With self-consciousness, I understand that staying in the bungee continent will always maintain its current state, and with the gradual consumption of the world's own source, it will gradually disappear with other small worlds.

If you want to get longer, you have to break through and pursue immortality.

It is the only way to leave the bungee continent.

Hey, spread your wings and soar.

Although it has not been broken, the speed of the road is slower than that of the ordinary Lord.

"While the predecessors are powerful, there is still a big gap from the legendary Kuangpeng in the main world!"

Qi Ying thought in his heart.

Hey, there are similarities with Kun Peng.

In the main world, Kunpeng is also a kind of beast that exists in the legend and existed since ancient times.

However, although Peng Peng is a beast, it is not unique with the white tiger, the green dragon, the Suzaku, and the four beasts. It is a mythical group.

Among them, only one Peng Peng is the level of the gods.

Others are not gods.

In the Middle Ages, the Kunpeng ethnic group still existed in the main world, but the gods in their ethnic groups disappeared.

Ordinary Kunpeng, the strength is not really strong, the general adult Kun Peng is the strength of the virtual world. However, after all, Kun Peng is a mythical ethnic group, and each of the Kun Peng has two very strong abilities.

One is naturally a change in the dual form of Kunpeng.

The other ability is extremely terrifying and has the ability to shuttle in space.

In the state of Peng, the battle is stronger, and when it is turned into a shackle, it can freely shuttle through space cracks and turbulent space. There is no place in the world where Peng Peng can't reach.

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At that time, Kun Peng was a mysterious and powerful ethnic group.


In the Cataclysm of the Middle Ages, the Kunpeng ethnic group disappeared.

A group like the Kunpeng ethnic group that maintains pure blood, once destroyed, is difficult to rebuild.

The four-beast family, whether it is the White Tiger family relying on the establishment of the sacred revival, or the Qinglong family has always maintained the strong status of the saints, because the members of the four-beast family are too many, as long as there is a trace of the blood of the four gods, even if it is extremely thin Can also count as a part of them.

Therefore, there are many members of the four-beast family.

The number of people has been established, and the survivability is naturally tenacious. Even after the Cataclysm, in the descendants of the blood ethnic group, there will be a **** enough morning and evening, and the talents are superior enough and strong enough to stand in the forest of the world's strong.

just now.

In the main world, it is difficult to see the existence of the blood of Kuangpeng.

Even if it happens occasionally, there is no one, and it has the magical ability of the ancient Shupeng ethnic group.

"Compared to the analogy, in fact, the predecessors are also considered to be the bungee of the mainland. In the bungee continent, the predecessors are just the same as the existence of the gods!"

Qi Ying’s heart suddenly had a vague perception of the existence of the gods.

Qi Ying once knew a half-god, the great man in the domain of the country. From the population of Xia, Qi Ying learned that some gods existed. Some gods were made by practitioners, but what exactly What is the essential difference between the gods and the demigods for the gods? These questions have not been given a clear explanation.

However, Qi Ying has experienced a lot of things, going to the colorful worlds, but he has a little more understanding.

Just thinking about it.


The wind was on the rise, and some of the saints on the back were somewhat unstable. Some of the saints even fell, and almost fell out from the back of the donkey.

Qi Ying Ding Shen, found that the original 炙 suddenly stopped the movement, the body shape stopped, the speed so fast before, naturally let the saints who have not responded for a while, out of the ocean.


All the holy patrons did not go to the account of the blasphemy, and all eyes were cast around.

As a result, they made them stunned.

They are the East China Sea that goes from the city of the storm.

But now, almost back to the original place can not be said to return to the original place, before they were in the city of storms, and now is not far from the city of the storm, a sang city that can be reached by a broken space.

As far as I can see, it is the sky above the gods, and the endless branches and leaves.

"For a long time, we are back again?"

"Really are……"

The Lords, one by one, are crying and laughing, and some people have also made a fuss. "Since this predecessor will not contribute in the action, are we not running the East China Sea?"


Qi Ying smiled and calmed down everyone's arguments.

"The weakest point in the bungee space is in the city of Sangcheng? I never noticed it, and I can't figure it out." Qi Ying turned and yelled at the hand, "Thank you for your guidance!"

He waved his wings and the wind blew the leaves on the top of the gods, and then slowly sang. "You should have heard that the first real thing in this bungee continent is this one." God Sang? And the seed of the **** sang, where did you come from, have you thought about it?"

"The seed of the **** sang..."

The Lords looked at each other and faced each other with a speculation.

Qi Ying is also amazed.. "The seed of the **** sang, is it from the weakest point in space?? Many years ago, the space barrier of the bungee continent was opened?"

He snorted. "That is nature. In fact, the creatures of the bungee continent are all foreign. You are actually foreigners. The whole world, the guy who will move, is really bungee. Indigenous people in mainland China, probably only me, and this little doll." The little doll that he said is naturally Qi Lie.

"No wonder... no wonder you are so close to each other."

Qi Ying feels.

At the beginning, Qi Ying only thought that 炙 is a kind of big monster of a kind of fire, so the fire is strange and intimate.

Until now, I realized that the original Qi and Qi Lie are the only indigenous people on the bungee of the mainland. The so-called bungee mainland natives should have moved from the main world!

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