The Deity of War

Vol 6 Chapter 1590:

“Be more detached and get more freedom?”

Miao Wei's heart closed his eyes slightly. ---End this beautiful, Hong Kong and Taiwan romance Watermark advertising test

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She is also thinking about her life, starting from the road of cultivation, and why is she practicing?

In order to be young, in order to be no longer bound by the tragic fate of women in the big family, for all kinds of things, it is really to be more free and unconstrained.


Miao Yu’s heart also opened, and she looked at Qi Ying’s eyes and began to become calm.

What do you do with so much?

Know what you want, you can.

"Where do you want to go next?" Miao Xin naturally pulled Qi Ying's arm. "I am with you!"


Western Region!

Since the dark clouds of the ancient battlefield have disappeared, many of the repairers who have experienced the change have come to the Western Regions to "treasure treasures", but the ancient battlefield turned into scorched earth has disappointed one after another, and it has become an extraterritorial place. - The repairers meet here, and things that kill each other because of their dissatisfaction in the mood often occur.

Those who have traveled around the world have their own personalities.

Therefore, conflicts near the ancient battlefields in the Western Regions often develop into unstoppable battles.

At the beginning.

Most of what happened here is just a small fight.

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Later, the people who participated in the conflict were becoming more and more powerful, and the number of people involved was increasing and the scale was getting bigger and bigger.

after all.

Who has no friends and friends, who has no family?

Sometimes, by some arguments, it will develop into a force conflict!

But also because more and more people are involved, the people who arrived at the ancient battlefields of the Western Regions have suddenly increased. In the past, there were few places where there were no tens of thousands of people. Now there is almost one place in every square. At least it must be a repairer of Dan.

Among these people.

Only those who are the most highly qualified are qualified to enter the most central part of the ancient battlefields of the Western Region.

That is, once thought that once you enter, you can no longer return, and then a strong repairer is also likely to disappear, which is called the area of ​​life and death.


For thousands of years here, there is no one to enter.

But now, at least hundreds of repairers are gathered here!

Including a number of saints, and even some of the saints who are not much weaker than the saints, as for others, although the strength is not so strong, it can be considered as the mainstay in the Lord.

Putting it anywhere in the bungee continent is a huge force that cannot be underestimated.

And now.

These repairers did not fall into blind conflicts and scuffles like their companions outside.

It is calm and calm, and constantly rummaging through it.

They believe that under the land where they live daily, they are really buried in valuable cities, and there are infinite treasures that can be excavated.

If you can't find it, you can fly directly to the bottom and start digging!

People outside are often shot.

Here, there is very little fighting.


No fighting happens, just because they all have their own things to do.

But the contradictions between them do exist, even when one party really digs into the real treasure, the other side will stop to watch, once the identification is correct, it will immediately grab the rob!

Killing people and winning treasures is a very common thing here.

all in all.

The situation here is still stable.

After all, what happens here, legendary, is legendary.

No one can deny how true the legends left in the ancient battlefields of the Western Regions were.

Just between the busy trainers all day long, on this day, two more people came out. When they walked or flew over the ancient battlefield, they often caught the attention of many people.

Who can take a leisurely walk here?

It is not a normal person!

"Look, the two people stopped in the air..."

"What do they want to do?"

"Unclear, not clear!"

"Hey, if they are honestly staying, they will kill them if they want to greedy our treasures. You can kill them directly! You don't have to take care of their real purpose. If you are suspicious, you will kill them." Yes."

Everyone has different ideas in their hearts.


Someone pointed at the sky and exclaimed. "You see, what are they doing?"


Many repairers, brush up and look up.

However, in the extremely high altitude, the two figures that appeared here in the recent time are standing on top of the clouds.

And around them, there are a lot of space cracks!

The cracks in the space are just like the spider webs. From the top to the bottom, some space cracks are relatively large, and directly take away some trivial things on the ancient battlefield or humans with insufficient resistance.


"Does this be open to us as an enemy?"

"It’s just a shame!"

"Get rid of both of them!"

A group of repairers, grievances are steep.

Most of them are already angry.

When I came to the legendary ancient battlefield of the Western Regions, I could hardly find anything. Not to mention the cultivation and inheritance left by the seniors. Even the complete treasures could not find any one. It was hard work but hard work. Who can bear it?


Someone really dared to hit the gun!

"Everyone, kill them both!"

Someone said evilly.



A large group of repairers, Wusong directly rushed up, everyone took up weapons or condensed their own means, counting the non-inflicted two guys who disturbed people.


"There are too many cracks in the space you created?"

The nursery heart brows.

Qi Ying smiled reluctantly. "There may be more points, but you must find some clues from these space cracks. I can really find the connection between the heavenly kingdom of the main world and the place here. Only one to investigate." In order to figure out exactly how to get to the main world."

Qi Ying explained a pass in one breath, which made the nursery heart more understandably.


It is only in this short period of time.

A large number of practitioners, like the tides, come from below.


The cultivators were furious and vowed to set the two guys who didn’t know the heights to die.


They didn't realize until they were very close to the two practitioners.

These two people, dare to appear alone in the center of the ancient battlefield center of the Western Region, must have some cards!

If not, how can these people, who are looking at them, continue to walk freely and freely in the sky, and can't do anything else?

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