The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 98: Guess the Flaming Mushroom Cultivation

The loss of magic power can be seen by Liszt. He is not a magician and cannot explore the essence of the loss. But as a scientific-minded traversal, he has his own unique insights.

"What is the biggest difference between the mushroom ingredients and the new ingredients?"

"According to Bob with a crooked neck, in fact, the growth conditions of most mushrooms are very good, at most they are different in temperature, humidity, and nutritional ratio."

"But the flamingo mushroom can grow in the shiitake mushroom ingredients, indicating that it is not so exclusive to the shiitake mushroom ingredients. The new ingredients have been tried for so long, and various proportions have been tried. It is still not possible for the flamingo mushroom species to survive. This should not be a problem of the ingredients. "

"It's not a matter of ingredients, what is it?"

After a while.

有了 He had an inference-the biggest difference between the mushroom ingredients and the new ingredients is that mushrooms grow on the mushroom ingredients!

Shiitake mushrooms have been planted for many years. No other mushrooms have invaded, but flame mushrooms have been produced, indicating that flame mushrooms are likely to be mutant varieties of mushrooms. This variation may not be an independent new variety, but an accompanying variety in the growth of shiitake mushrooms.

Mushrooms are fungi.

The fungus is always strange, and the mycelium of shiitake mushrooms and flame mushrooms may have entanglement and promote each other.

So, he said, "Mr. Gao Tai, tell the serfs involved in the cultivation, and mix the fire mushroom species with the shiitake mushroom species to see if they can."

"Mixed breeding?" Galtaire didn't quite understand, but still did.

With a crooked neck, Bob heard what Liszt said, and his spirits rose: "Lord Lord, Bob will try mixed breeding now. Be sure to cultivate Flame Mushroom for Lord Lord!"

"This shiitake shed, don't disturb it, don't destroy the growth environment of Pleurotus ostreatus." Lisite subsequently warned.

It doesn't matter if the flaming mushroom is cultivated at a slower speed, he has not yet reached the state of relying on medicine to improve his fighting spirit.

But if he kills all the mushrooms, he will go crazy.

Uh ...

For a moment, five days passed.

Every day, Liszt goes around the thorny cordyceps bushes to see the progress of fertilization and logging. The logging team is very experienced, especially after the smithy has built a batch of sharp axes, the tree cutting efficiency is faster. A large circle of trees around the bushes were all cut down.

Basically, thorns and cordyceps can affect the trees in the area and they are all cut down.

The beacon dragon and horse is quietly eating weeds. It is pregnant, but it can not be seen, and riding is normal. According to Marcus, it is okay to continue riding in these months.

In the box, the thornworm lay on the jade powder, and moved comfortably.

Liszt can clearly feel that the emotions of the thorn thorns are rising in these days, and they are always in a state of excitement. This is very abnormal. In general, the emotional fluctuation of the elf worm is very small-after all, the elf worm is magical, and it is still a worm in essence.

"Does this little guy really want to evolve?"

When this idea comes together, he quickly annihilates it, because the probability of success is too small, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, and the greater the disappointment. Don't hold an unrealistic illusion.

At this time, Blair, who is in charge of supervision, came over.

"grown ups."

"Anything found."

Blair was hesitant, but he said, "I don't know if it's my fuss. Around the bushes, there are many thorny seedlings emerging from the soil like grass, and half of my fingers have already grown. . "


Liszt followed Blair to look at these thorny seedlings.

It is true that in the open space where trees have been cut down, young thorny seedlings emerge from the fallen leaves, very immature, but very spiritual.

The thorn thorn is not similar to the earth species. It is simply a barbed shrub, at most one person tall, non-toxic, non-flowering, and fruitless. The reproduction depends on the continuous expansion of the roots and the development of new seedlings. Strictly speaking, thorns are weeds and weeds, and thorns are a wild spirit.

丛林 No one sets foot in the wild jungle, there will always be a small number of naturally bred elves.

But the wild vegetation is very messy, the land is barren, and the breeding of elves is very low. Far less than the species cultivated by humans for a long time, the number of elven worms has been bred.

Not to mention.

The species of wild elven worms is also difficult to guarantee. It may be a weed or a poisonous fruit tree, and its utilization value is relatively low.

The thorn thorn was contracted by humans. The biggest use is to build hedges.

Especially some big aristocrats will plant a hedge on the periphery of the manor to isolate the contact between the aristocracy and the civilians.

In the town of flowers, thorn worms are really not very useful-outside the castle are transformed into horse farms, and no hedges are needed at all.

Anyway, it is also an elf bug, and Liszt still wants to cultivate it.

"Does such a large piece of thorn seedlings grow here in these two days?" He gently pulled out a seedling, which was tender, but there was no trace of magic flowing on it.

"At the beginning, I didn't pay too much attention." Blair shook his head. "Not only did I fail to notice, but all the serfs did not notice, as if they had grown overnight."

Liszt looked into it carefully.

It is true that maggots are not "magic thorns", but ordinary thorn seedlings.

还是 He still decided to summon the smoke task first and see the situation. When the smoke was distorted to become a snake text, he was stunned-"Complete the task and reward the fast-growing species Thorns."

This means that the nutritional task of thorns and cordyceps has been completed, but the reward is relatively regrettable. There is no potion thorns, but a kind of thorns that can grow quickly.

"Fast-breeding thorns, what do I want this thing for?" Liszt sighed, not every smoke mission can bring rich rewards.

不再 He no longer struggles, and instead looks at newly released tasks.

"Mission: Without the devastation of fruit stealing monkeys ~ ~ The coco palms can finally produce ripe coconuts, but only one of the coco palms, it seems to be a little different. Understand why. Reward, an elf worm. "

After reading the mission, I still felt regretful and was quickly healed and excited.

Why is Coconut Coconut Fruit Unique?

Because it's breeding Coconut Elves!

Familiar with the routines and rewards, Liszt looked away from the thorn seedlings and said to Blair: "Do not stop fertilizing the bushes, but logging can be stopped and you can build fences. You stare carefully and record The growth of these thorny seedlings. "

"As you wish."

Uh ...

After a while.

Liszt has appeared in Oyster Tun.

The construction of the houses in Zhishenghaotun was not fast. Barely hundreds of serfs were relocated. The houses were no longer constructed in a random way, but arranged in an orderly manner according to a sketch planned by Liszt himself.

In the area near the sea, there is a huge square.

On the Qiang Square, a hill made of colorful shells symbolizes the specialty of oysters, seafood.

On the sandy beach of the East Coast, there are clusters of tall coconut trees. Among them is a cluster of coconut trees near the oyster tun. Under the tree there is a slightly larger house and yard-the fruit stealing monkey training ground.

Domesticated some of the best serfs of stolen fruit monkeys. Living here, they have been liberated from the fields and sea water, trained and raised stolen monkeys full-time, and become glorious-coconut fruit farmers.

"Lord Lord!"

When I saw Liszt, several coconut fruit farmers knelt down to salute.

"Let's get up. It's not a short time since you trained monkeys to steal fruit. Can the monkeys pick fruits from the tree?"

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