The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 832: priority

"A lot of indigenous tribes!"


Liszt is very satisfied with the mission reward. If the indigenous tribe is at the level of this small tribe in front of them, the more the better, the best source for serfs.

Between the beards, the snake text composed of smoke transformed into a new section of snake text.

"Quest: The discovery of the indigenous tribe is undoubtedly good news. Among them, the magical indigenous people reveal mystery. Why not carefully investigate the indigenous tribe to find out the origin of the inheritance of the indigenous tribe's cultivation system and clarify the development status of the indigenous tribe. Reward: the treasures of the indigenous tribe . "

"The indigenous tribes still have treasures. It seems that these indigenous tribes have some extraordinary origins."

At the moment, he intends to rush forward directly, grab these indigenous people who seem to belong to the head of the indigenous tribe, and then slowly question the situation of the indigenous tribe. But this idea was quickly dispelled again. The reason was simple. The native speakers did not understand the bird language.

And he did not have the patience to translate the native language word by word.

"It's better to assemble a knight group and bring in a few magicians to study the current situation of the indigenous tribe." He suddenly controlled the invisible Long Bud and left the indigenous tribe.

Fly directly to the pioneer team.

The pioneering team of Dulte Red Apricot Fruit not only has a large number of knights, but also many magic guilds dispatched past magicians to accompany them, which is convenient for this task.

Find Dult's location.

Liszt jumped down directly from the invisible dragon's back, and at the same time fell, opened his own dragon's power to release. The surging Long Wei swept the entire pioneering team, and the close knights covered their throats as if being held by invisible large hands, their chests were dull and their breathing was not smooth.

"Enemy attack!" A knight roared loudly, enduring uncomfortableness.

Even more knights clawed out the knight's sword they were carrying, ready to line up to meet the enemy.


In the panic of the Knights, Liszt landed on the ground steadily. When he stood up, he slowly retracted Long Wei and stepped out of the dust.

Keeping a high alert, Dult saw the direction of the sound, and a familiar figure slowly emerged, which was a deep memory that made him indelible.

Fire Dragon Knight.

Liszt Tulip!

"His Royal Highness!" Dult couldn't believe it.

"It's me, let the Cavaliers calm down." Liszt always liked this sudden appearance, regardless of how much turmoil he caused.

Since being a dragon knight, the majesty of the dragon knight must be maintained at all times.

Duarte saw Liszt's face clearly, relieved immediately, and immediately asked the knights around him to heal the commotion, and then he dismounted himself and bowed: "I don't know that Her Royal Highness is coming, Duult failed to meet His Highness."

"I was suddenly in trouble and came over to say hello." Liszt motioned to Dult to go to the camp with him.

When I entered the camp, I first asked what happened to the pioneering team during the voyage. It was not a big deal. Even if there is a storm, because of the Dingfeng and Dingshui beads provided by the territory, the fleet can still pass through the baptism of the storm and reach the estuary of the vortex river smoothly.

However, after arriving in the dense forest of the Vortex River, the situation was more. The first was that some serfs were sick and even killed when they were not convinced by soil and water. Then there were many mosquitoes in the forest. Many serfs were killed by mosquitoes. Finally, it was hot, and many serfs suffered heatstroke.

The fleet brought a total of 2,000 serfs, which tossed back and forth, and more than 500 serfs fell down.

As for the knights, the knights with aggressive spirits are very adaptable. Except for a few who were killed by the raid of Warcraft, the other knights still maintained their full combat effectiveness.

"It seems a little rushed, the knight can adapt to the environment of the Flame Island, but the serf is difficult to adapt." Liszte shook his head.

Somewhat uncomfortable in my heart.

The serfs of the Pioneer team are living and eating in the wild. The crisis is severe, and they are inferior to those of the town.

"His Royal Highness, it is inevitable that the pioneers will die. They come for the gold coins, so they naturally have to realize the consciousness of dying for the gold coins." But Dult didn't care. The development of the Vortex River Living Area is the top priority. "

The knights of this world have mercy in their qualities, but there are few knights who really have compassion on serfs.

The huge class gap makes the aristocratic class basically not treat the civilian class as people. Their mercy is only targeted at the knights of the same class. Unless they are killed during the charge, they will not be killed under normal circumstances. After paying the ransom, they can still return to the aristocracy.

Hear the words.

Liszt said solemnly, "Dulte, serfs are also human. You need to change your previous attitude. The Flame Islands need to be developed urgently, and each serf is an important resource. The knights of the future flame country will learn from these serfs. Be born to future generations. "

Dürr characteristically said, "His Royal Highness, I understand that I will protect the serfs seriously." Even so, his expression revealed that he did not take the serfs seriously.

This is a deeply entrenched thought that is difficult to change without undergoing blood and fire reforms.

Liszt knows Dult's mentality very well. In fact, he is also a noble. He really wants to come up with the concept of "Everyone is equal." I'm afraid he is not willing to say: "No, Dult, you haven't understood ... Now the serfs we bring from the outside will breed a sufficient number of knights in the future to protect the kingdom of fire. "

Dult didn't answer.

Liszt continued: "Every serf who came to the Blaze Islands to open up the land, after the founding of the country, I will give them the status of free people, give them land to cultivate, so that they can struggle to become the knight family in the near future, and become the backbone of the country of fire. power."

"Your Highness, are you too kind to the serfs?" Dult asked carefully ~ ~ No, you will understand my plan after listening to me. Liszt smiled slightly. "The reason for this idea is simple. Not long ago I discovered that there are a large number of indigenous tribes on the island of Flame. Their civilization is backward and their skin is darker than our skin color. "

"Aboriginal tribe?" Dult stared.

"These indigenous tribes can be used as serfs to develop the Flame Islands, aren't they?"

Duarte said excitedly: "Since there are a large number of indigenous tribes, it is obviously more cost-effective to arrest indigenous tribes as serfs. Although the serfs we bring are of low status, after all, they have the same bloodline as us and should not continue to be serfs ... I am now Only then can you understand His Highness' foresight. "

"As long as you know."

Liszt said faintly: "Immediately organize a knighthood and bring a few magicians to investigate the nearby indigenous tribes. I need to understand the origin and development of these indigenous tribes, and it is best to master their language ... But before the roots of the indigenous tribes are known, they must be kept secret. "

"Understand, I'll organize the Knights!"

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