The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 830: Bistro

Xinghuo Town is very lively. Three rounds of 30 frame ships transport goods and serfs, knights, and craftsmen, so that the area around Spark Plains has gathered nearly 8,000 people, which is already comparable to the population of some small cities.

When Liszt first closed the town of flowers, the town population was only a little over a thousand.

Vernal Ink stepped towards a new pub in Saloon.

"Master Viscount."

"Viscount Fernal."

There were a lot of knights in the tavern who did not wear leather armor. They greeted him with half-familiar snake text, and he also used half-familiar snake text to respond to these knights.

The official language of Xinghuo Town is snake script. The great Lord of the Dragon Knights stipulated that the knight class must use snake script as their daily communication language.

As for ordinary civilians, there is no requirement. It is OK to say snake or wind.

Fernard knew very well that Lord Lord was "de-eagleing" and downplaying the label of the eagle kingdom on these knights. However, he thinks this is redundant, because the knights have no loyalty to the eagle kingdom, they are only loyal to their lord.

The lords of these knights have surrendered His Highness Dragon Knight, the great Dragon Knight.

A small number of lords returned to China after paying the ransom themselves, but forgot their followers, and naturally did not get the loyalty of the knights. Therefore, most of the knights here are yearning for the future country of fire, and they can get the status of founding heroes, which is definitely better than the previous inaction.

Besides, following the great dragon knight, this glory far surpasses the ordinary lord.

Everyone knows that His Highness Liszt is not only a dragon knight, but also a wizard who is supporting him. The strength of the country of flames is far more powerful than that of the Grand Duchy of Sapphire, destined to dominate the blue sea. Fernall was also true to Liszt for this reason.

After learning the simple snake script in Heima Island, he came to the pioneer town of Xinhuo.

As a sky knight, he took several knight squads, the main task of which was to hunt nearby Warcraft, and to ensure safety for the serfs to cut down trees and occupy land for wasteland.

"A glass of pure dark beer." Fernal put several silver coins on the table.

The owner of the pub behind the bar immediately poured a large glass of slowly brewing dark beer from the barrel, and handed it to Vernal: "Master Viscount, please use slowly."


Fernal took a big sip, but felt that the cold dark beer was under his belly, and the tiredness of working in the forest all day was scattered with the beer: "Cool!"

Licking his lips, he added: "It's too expensive!"

The owner of the tavern grinned, "These dark beer is one of the few luxury goods in Firetown. It depends on the hardship of the great Lord Lord and His Highness, and of course the cost is very high. And also, please invite some magicians, Making crushed ice for freezing is another big cost. "

Xinghuo Town is still unable to be self-sufficient. All supplies rely on the supply of Heima Island. There is not much room for the cargo capacity of the frame ship, and every glass of beer will be sold at a high price.

However, among the artisans who went to Xinhuo Town, there were winemakers, who were already collecting wild fruit in the forest to make wine, and after a while, the wine was open to supply.

"Go and go, tell me less, you're a black-hearted boss!" Fernal didn't want to listen to these.

The tavern owner was not upset and continued to wipe the wine glass in his hand. He is an old man in Flower Town, which means that he is the earliest leader of Liszt. With the continuous development of Liszt, the status of these elderly people has also risen, and many elderly people have taken charge of the plantation.

Although it is not an official sequence, the serfs who control a plantation still have some power.

The owner of the tavern switched to a businessman because he didn't want to continue farming, and finally followed Liszt to Xinghuo Town and opened this tavern.

Business is booming.

Of course, pubs pay a lot of taxes.

The reason why Liszt allowed the tavern to exist under the shortage of living supplies in Xinhuo Town was to provide a place for the knights to relax and one to recover the rewards given to the knights. He doesn't care how much money he cares about, whether money can flow.

Money can only make money if it flows.

If Salvation Town has no place to spend and provide enjoyment, he will give the knights more gold coins, and the knights will not be able to lift up. Give them gold coins, and then earn back, not only to mobilize enthusiasm, in the end the money can be returned to the hands of his Lord Lord.

Isn't it beautiful?

A miser can't get home.

The evening glow spilled into the tavern from the window, and the noisy shouts of the knights soon disappeared, and then all the knights stood up in disarray, bowing and saluting at the Yingying figure who slowly entered the door.

Even the Viscount Fernand stood up and saluted with all the knights: "His Royal Highness!"

"Continuing your business, don't be polite, I just come here for a drink." The person who came in was the owner of the Liszt Flame Islands, the ruler of the sea of ​​shells, the future monarch of the kingdom of flames, who just woke up and dressed casually. , And is currently the only master of the town of Fire.

The knights took their seats after completing the etiquette, but the arrival of the Lord Lord made them restrained and did not dare to make a loud noise.

Fernal was also very nervous. Although Liszt was only 19 years old, his majestic temperament made him walk on thin ice and trembled.

You know, the young man in front of him had killed a dragon knight himself in the battle of dragon slaughter!

Fierce name!

Compared with Fernal's nervousness, the tavern owner relaxes a lot and greets with a warm smile: "Have you come here, is your favorite wheat beer?"

"Yes, a glass of iced wheat beer." Liszt sat down after he cleaned the bench from the Cavaliers.

He occasionally visits this pub for some beer this summer.

The owner of the tavern opened the cabinet, pulled out a barrel from the inner box, carefully unscrewed the lid, poured a glass of wheat beer, and gave Liszt respectfully: "Your Highness, your wheat beer."

Liszt took the glass and took a sip.

A long time ago, I took out a gold coin from the knight and put it on the table. The price of wheat beer is very high, because the raw materials and brewing technology are the best.

Refreshing wheat beer with light bitterness and good taste.

Liszt likes this beer best.

If it weren't for the space ring filled with all kinds of more important materials, he would definitely bring a few barrels of wheat beer to ease the heat of summer. However, there are only three space rings. They can't hold beer. They can only come to the pub in Xinhuo Town to help them.

Speaking of which he had an invisible dragon, he didn't get the space gem anymore.

The reason is simple. The coagulation of space gems is different from ordinary gem minerals. It is the direct aggregation of invisible dragons that consume space.

Perhaps that's why it's a sacred dragon, not a gem dragon.

Liszt was embarrassed to let the invisible dragon consume space super magic to condense space gems ~ ~ The growth of the invisible dragon is more important. Of course, the invisible dragon will actively consume the space super magic to condense the space gems at the most hilarious time. Next time, prepare a smoky grass dinner, and ask for space gems no later.

Put down the wine glass.

Liszt turned to look at Fernal: "Viscount Fernal, is your work going well?"

"Very well, Your Highness," Fernall replied calmly.

"Relax, it's off-hours now, we are all members of the tavern for a drink and pastime." Lisite smiled. "The development of the Flame Island cannot be completed overnight. In the next few years, we will all fall into this vast forest. Medium. But when the crops in the fields mature, this island will become our most fertile home. "

After that.

Liszt raised his glass, and signaled to Fernal and the knights in the tavern, "For a better tomorrow, to build our own home, toast!"

The knights shouted, "Toast for Your Highness' Glory!"

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