The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 780: Devil sea island

Ah Ke confronted Yalong Sea Turtle, and the duration passed by every minute.

This left Liszt scratching his head. He has always been a violent temper in the battle, and he finished it after a few words. Since the world is king by strength, showing strength is the best way to communicate. After you show your strength, everyone knows what to say.

However, half an hour passed and A Ke has not acted yet.

At this time, the Yalong turtle moved, and saw that it slowly sinks, and the turtle's shell submerged into the water little by little, so the Opportunity stranded on its shell returned to the sea.

The next moment, a stream of water quickly retreated from the distance, holding the Opportunity.

"So, this solves the problem?" Liszt looked at the calm sea and felt a little uncomfortable. In fact, he wanted to hunt Yalong turtles by the way, which is a super dragon beast. The change in the nature of the shell is of great help to his cultivation.

At the time, the tail feathers of the flame dragon bird revealed the changes between soul and magic, but he did not have time to show more detailed content, which made him very sorry.

Seems to dispel Liszt's thoughts.

Waiting for Opportunity to escape, soon the Yalong turtle came to the surface again, and on top of its tortoise stood an engraved wearing a magic cloak.

Ah Ke waved his hand at Liszt in the sky and motioned for Liszt to come down.

Out of the trust in A Ke, and also the confidence in his own strength, Liszt suddenly jumped from the air and landed on the shell of the Yalong turtle. A large turtle shell close to a hundred meters in diameter, with many coral reefs on it, looks very strange. It is difficult to imagine how this Yalong turtle lives.

It is not impossible to say that it is a shell that does not like to move, and it is not impossible for a turtle to be covered with corals, but a turtle has grown corals. It can be seen that it hardly moves on weekdays.


"What happened to this turtle?"

"The sea turtle is not threatening. Ah Ke feels that his heart is very peaceful, so he communicates with him for a while, and he has agreed to go home with Ah Ke." With a smile on his face, Ah Ke conquered a super dragon beast for himself. The Turtle was satisfied. "Brother don't kill it, okay?"

"It really understands you?"

"Well, when Ah Ke lived in the sea before, he saw a lot of sea turtles and knew that they depend on the vibration of water flow to communicate. So Ah Ke just tried different water current vibrations to make this sea turtle understand the meaning, But it seems a little clumsy. "

"Are there any such operations?" Liszt believed, and after all, Acut is the sea's spirit, and it should not be difficult to control marine life. "Then you have to subdue what it does, let it protect the territory or act as a transport ship, or use it. To do research? Does it really obey instructions? "

"Brother, although the sea turtle is stupid, it lived for a long time, and it said that it knew a lot of islands!"


Liszt immediately laughed: "Yes, yes, if it can lead us to find the island, then its credit will be utmost for me. When my country is established, maybe I can raise it as a beast of the nation." A turtle shell becomes less important than the value of discovering an island.

After all, he still has Xiao Huang, Xiao Hong, and Xiao Zi who can study at any time.

"The sea turtle can definitely find the island. It said that it used to go back to the island every year to breed."

"So how many baby turtles does it breed?"

"The sea turtle said that the island where it was born has many sea turtles like it, and it does n’t know how many, anyway, but it does n’t grow as big as it has. Rarely return to the birth island and have been drifting at sea. "

"Then go to its birth island first!" Liszt immediately decided.


Signaled the expedition fleet to protect the Flame to rest in place and repair the damage of the Opportunity, Liszt and A immediately drove the Yalong turtle to swim to its birth island.

"This sea turtle is a thunder dragon. There is currently no information showing what it should be called in the legend, so according to our naming rules, we call it a thunder dragon dragon." When he set off, Liszt called a name by the way. "It doesn't seem to be fast."

The lightning speed of the lightning dragon turtle is about 30 to 40 kilometers per hour.

Compared to sailing, it must be faster, but accustomed to the speed and passion brought by Li Ke, Liszt can't stand this kind of speed.

"Brother don't worry."

A moment raised his hand and seemed to be controlling the water flow to communicate with the Thunder Dragon Turtle. After a while, he said, "The Thunder Dragon Turtle is sensing the direction. When it chooses the direction of the birth island, A moment controls the current to help it speed up."

ten minutes later.

The Thunder Dragon Turtle finally determined the direction, a little bit south of the east, according to this direction, it seems to be sailing in the direction of the Devil Sea outside the blue sea.

The sapphire's sailing records show that the sapphire islands are surrounded by the blue sea, and beyond the blue sea is the devil's sea, which does not divide the other seas in detail. The current position of the expedition fleet, strictly speaking, has left the blue waters of the sapphire ship activity, sailing in the new waters.

But anyway, the new sea area is also the offshore Liszt of the legendary continent, hoping to establish a country offshore.

Moving further east, you will be farther and farther from the legendary continent.

The unknown ocean is collectively called the Devil's Sea.

A moment controlled the water flow, letting the lightning dragon turtle follow the water flow she controlled, and the speed suddenly increased to about 200 kilometers per hour. This tour lasted five hours in a row, over a distance of more than 1,000 kilometers, a crescent moon rose, and finally the thunderbolt dragon and turtle were emotional.

It senses the breath of its birth island, or it has a natural affinity for the waters around the birth island.

Continue to swim for half an hour. In the moonlight, Liszt and Ah Ke successfully saw the outline of an island. This island is not large and may be much smaller than Heima Island. But in the vision of Liszt's magical eye, a little purple and white light shone.

That should be the same kind of Thunder Dragon Turtle.

"Get rich!"

Such a thought flashed through his mind ~ ~, but soon he was puzzled as the distance approached. Because of the lightning dragon turtles in the field of vision, the magic feedback light is far worse than the one under their feet. The most important thing is that their turtle shells have no special brightness.

It is also much smaller than the Thunder Dragon Turtle. The largest one is only about 20 meters in diameter: "Is it a minor, or is it not a Thunder Dragon Turtle?" He thought of the unicorn brought by Kenley Truth before. Information, it is said that unicorns live in a group of Pegasus.

Obviously, Tianma and unicorn are fundamentally different, and it is difficult to count them as the same species.

Perhaps this lightning dragon tortoise and the turtle on the island also have an essential difference, but I don't know if the difference is inherent or caused by growth.

Flame Dragon Birds and Baby Birds, Unicorns and Pegasus, Thunder Dragon Tortoises and Common Thunder Tortoises ... The information of these super dragon beasts flashed quickly in his mind, trying to find out the laws and clues.

at this time.

The Thunder Dragon Tortoise has landed and has begun to climb ashore.

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