The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 76: 3 businessmen in the town

When the convoy left the town of flowers, the castle restored its calm again. Although a lot of dinner plates and wine glasses were left to be cleaned up, the small garden outside the castle was also trampled by the knights. But all this, Carter can slowly organize the servants to clean up without pressure.

There are fifteen servants in the castle, enough to use.

老师 "Mr. Gortay, the festival is about to pass, we need to be relieved from the festival atmosphere. The construction progress of the town cannot be stopped, continue to expand the logging team and gravel team, and the fence construction team, and strive to open the channel as soon as possible.

Goltay never finished: "As you wish."

At this banquet, he was so happy that he talked and laughed with the count. He had never had such a joy for many years.

"Fresh flowers town is in the limelight." He used such adjectives to describe today's luncheon, dazzling seafood, and ice cream that was so numb.

But Liszt had another idea.

In the evening, he and Carter drank a glass of red wine alone: ​​"Mr. Carter, I was going to show the poor side of the flowers town, maybe in exchange for tulip castle. I accidentally organized a grand banquet, seafood. , Ice cream, Warcraft meat, there is no reason to cry poor. "

Carter smiled and said, "Master has shown his style. Your performance at the banquet is very beloved. If I am a knight, I will probably stay in the town of flowers and follow you."

Another meaning of the "nobility to show off wealth" is to show your strength to attract followers.

Viscount Patrick Trickweed was attracted by the count's charm and became a follower. Helping the tulip family and participating in the pioneering war of the Grand Duchy finally created the grand foundation of the Earl of Coral Island.

"But no knights stayed, did they?"

"I believe the seed has been sown, and maybe one day it suddenly blooms."

"A very philosophical sentence, Mr Carter, for this sentence, toast."

"Cheers, sir."

Taking a sip of red wine to moisten his throat, Liszt asked, "How much food does my father bring today?"

"A lot of food was brought, but most of them were used at the banquet. The extra parts were mainly beer and fine wheat flour, and some spices, anise, ginger, pepper, licorice, and salt and sugar. "

"How much are wheat flour and beer?"

"Fine wheat flour is about 500 kilos, and beer is 30 barrels."

Fine wheat flour is obviously for making white bread for Liszt, and he was a little bit fascinated—you can feel that the count still had father and son affection for him.

Some details can be expressed.

For example, coming to the flowers festival is a close expression. If you really don't care about Liszt, you don't need to come to a small town to spend the festival. At the banquet, the saltpeter was deliberately not cared for, and it was probably his protection, especially Marief's deliberate mention that the saltpeter mine was worth developing.

I now bring a lot of food and give it to him.

"Is the Count also an oral integrity? This is a bit annoying." He was a little restless. If the Count's family didn't listen to him, he could easily maintain the gentleness of the gentleman. , Leisurely lead your own life.

I am most afraid that there is a relationship between each other.

Let him not know what to do, whether to integrate into the relationship according to his current identity, or to maintain his own personality and keep the distance.

"Is this the bond of affection? As long as it is a person, you cannot escape this net."

I drank the red wine in one sip, and he decided not to think about this annoying thing, just let it be-no initiative, no rejection. Thinking away, he asked, "Mr. Carter, have you given away the seafood at Tulip Castle?"

"It has been handed over to Mr. Silva, all good seafood dry goods."

"Very good, good manners."

Put down the wine glass.

Carter also drank the red wine, put away two glasses, and gave a slight gift: "Master, take a rest early, good night, I'll retreat first."

"Good night, Mr. Carter, have a good dream."

Uh ...

For the next few days, it was monotonous and calm.

In addition to supervising logging, Liszt is also concerned about another thing-work training for fruit stealing monkeys.

At first, seven injured monkeys who were not seriously injured were caught alive, and all of them survived and recovered, but two of them had their legs pinched, and it was no longer possible to get on the tree.

The remaining five were handed over to the town's Orion for training.

The reins, the whip, and the fruit were cast together, and the grumpy stolen monkey was quickly cleaned up, letting the tree go up, and letting him into the cage.

"Three female monkeys and four male monkeys, I believe that by the second half of the year, there will be ten stolen fruit monkeys." Monkeys can usually have two births a year, but one is usually one.

Liszt looked at the more and more obedient fruit stealing monkeys, and was very satisfied: "Without the destruction of fruit stealing monkeys, this year's coconuts can mature. I believe that one or two months later, you can drink fresh coconut juice. "Coconuts have no seasonality, except in winter they do not grow, other seasons will continue to bear fruit.

"Coral City doesn't seem to have coconut palms for sale. Maybe it is a major specialty of the flower town. Unfortunately, no coconut palm elves have been bred ~ ~ in his outline of the future of coconut palms By then, Orion had begun training fruit-stealing monkeys to pick fruit.

Bind the fake fruit to the branch, and let the stolen monkey pick it. When it is picked, it rewards a peanut rice instead of a whip. The fruit stealing monkey couldn't run, because there was a rope tied to its neck, and it dared to run. It was a whip when pulled back.

"You remember, animals will also hold revenge and make a bad temper. As long as they work hard, don't whip your whip at random. I found that the fruit stealing monkey was beaten for no reason, and I will whip these whip on you." He emphasized with a serious expression. He did not want to steal fruit monkeys to rebel in the future, killing several fruit farmers.

"Lord Lord, please rest assured, you can tell us, we don't dare to forget it." The part-time Orion understands that he will be transferred from the farmer to the fruit farmer and use the fruit stealing monkey to work, all of them are beautiful.

If it wasn't for training, I really couldn't bear a whip—to a fruit farmer, for a fruit farmer, it was a horse of a knight.

Don't ever steal the fruit monkey, he returned to the castle, and sent a few businessmen among the new serfs to shout over.

"Old Grande, Sherlock, Abagon, you are all merchants on Little Papa Island?" Liszt asked again.

"Yes, Lord Lord."

"Is there a businessman named Prelugkin on Little Papa?"

Old Glantai replied: "Lord Lord, the little Papa Island is full of small goods sales, only three of us, and I can name everyone in the city, but there is no one named Preuhijin. "

"Well, I just ask casually." Liste Gao glanced at the old Grande, saying in his words, "Everyone in the city can call a name", showing his extraordinaryness, "Today I call you, It ’s for the formation of a caravan belonging to the castle, and I hope to leave it to you three. ”

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