The Defeated Dragon

Chapter 27: 1 BBQ party

"Human trafficking is not impossible. The family's fleet goes to sea for trade every year. However, dozens and hundreds of people are not worth the risk."

"Five thousand."


"I need five thousand people."

"Five thousand people, are you sure you can eat?"


Leavis squinted: "I'll go back and think."

When I returned to the living room, no one mentioned the issue of human trafficking. The atmosphere of afternoon tea was very lively under the activeness of Goltai.

The convoy team will live in the flower town for one night, and most of the knights and concubines will live in the town. Levi's and Li Weiwei will live in the castle with their servants.

The old carter, Carter, is extremely busy today.

"Tom, where is Jesse, I need his help!" The legs and feet that were not flexible, repeatedly going upstairs and downstairs, was sore, he wiped the sweat on his head and went into the kitchen. ?"

"Jesse should be transporting horse grass. There are dozens of horses in the castle. We don't have enough forage to feed the horses." Tom put a sack of flour carefully on the stove.

等 "When he comes back, let him go to the warehouse to find me. I need someone to hand the food that I sent into the castle today and store it in the cellar."

"Okay, Mr. Carter."

The kitchen maid, Irene, looked up while washing vegetables. "Mr. Carter, do you need my help?"

Wait for Carter to answer, the kitchen lady Abby scolded: "You can't finish the work in the kitchen, and you have time to help, why, Irene, do you want to change jobs!"

Carter spread his hand: "Eileen, you probably can't help."

"I know ... God knows how long I have to stay in the kitchen today, it's hot and stuffy here, my clothes are soaked, and Mrs. Abby has burned the stove on the stove too hot."

"Oh, isn't it! Are you a chef or me, a master, dinner for VIPs. Would you like to make it?"

"You are a chef."

"Shut your little broken mouth and work quietly!"

的 The thoughts in the kitchen couldn't stop for a moment. Carter had already gone out. The kitchen was too hot. He felt that his chest was dull. He didn't know if it was heatstroke. He took out the handkerchief, wiped it on his face, and leaned halfway against the wall.

As he walked towards the Moson paddy field carrying a bucket, when he saw Carter's look, he asked with concern: "Are you unwell, Mr. Carter?"

"How can it be uncomfortable, just a bit hot."

"Yes, but your face is a bit poor, isn't you too nervous. There are too many guests in the castle today, and you need to work up and down everywhere."

"How can I be nervous, Mrs. Morson, I've seen more lively scenes in Lord Count's house, and I can handle this." Carter put away the handkerchief. "Master Levis and Miss Li Weiwei's rooms are packed. Ok?"

"Miss Li Weiwei's personal maid has been complaining about dust falling off the walls or the sheets are worn out."

"The quality of the utensils is not something we can decide. Don't be rude about the details of the work, leave the rest with it. Real nobility will not blame it."

"The tulip family are real nobles." Mrs. Moson nodded. "Mr Carter, don't you really need to take a break?"

"Don't worry about me."

"Master is very good, he must not want to see you overworked."

"I haven't overworked. In fact, I am enjoying it now. I don't often visit guests in the castle. I have a rare opportunity to perform. Well, I'm going to organize the warehouse. Yesterday I was still complaining about less and less food. Today There is too much food in the warehouse. "

Uh ...

The castle is small and there is no entertainment.

After drinking afternoon tea, some of the knights were going to hunt in Thorns Ridge. In response, Liszt readily agreed, and he also invited Levis and Li Weiwei to hunt together.

"So many earth knights, it's better to wipe out the Warcraft of Thorns Ridge in one net." He had the thought in his heart, "Even if you can't kill Warcraft, it is good to be familiar with the terrain of Thorns Ridge."

I hang neatly.

He turned his horse, this time he was riding a fire dragon horse, and running with the dragon horse was not enough, which affected the exertion of strength.

Instead of letting Thomas follow him, he only brought Marcus and four knights: "Thomas, take care of my dragon, and do n’t forget to feed Dou Sen on a point-by-point basis. It is growing and cannot be hungry. . "

"What is shaking?" Li Weiwei asked.

"a dog."

"Do you still have a dog, what breed?"

"Globe Dog."

"Globe Dog? Warcraft?"

"Yes, a turbulent dog cub, Mr. Marcus caught it in Thorns Ridge." Liszt casually said.

"Earth Knight, Black Tulip, Peanut Worm, Puppy of the Earthen Dog, and a mustang horse, Liszt, have you been taken care of by the God of Fortune, I am a little envious of you."

"I can only say that country life is colorful."

"The town of Falcon is also a country, but it is not as colorful as the town of flowers."

"That's because my sister often lives in Tulip Castle and ignores the life in the country."

"If you want, you can continue to live in Tulip Castle. My father didn't mean to drive you away." Levis came on horseback, inserting a sentence.

Liszt thinks this is just a polite phrase: "I like flowers town. I am free here and can do whatever I want."

"Including planting grass in front of the castle." Levis pointed to the serfs who were cultivating alfalfa, jokingly, "In the future, your castle can be called the castle of the racecourse ~ ~ It is impossible naming.

Liszt raised his whip: "Let's go, the sun has been tilted westward, and we can't get into the depths of the Thorns Ridge, and we may have to return." The fire dragon and horse ran along his mind.

He will bring these knights into Thorns Ridge, and at least a few Warcraft will be hunted-sooner or later, he will conquer Thorns Ridge and incorporate this hilly forest into the flower town territory. Now killing one more Warcraft will be a little less dangerous in the future. .

I'm a pity.

On this hunt, only ordinary beasts were hunted.

Warcraft is much smarter than the beast. I felt the surging spirit of the earth knights and hid early.

Even so, the hunted prey is enough to have a grand barbecue party. The nobles, the knights, and the servants gathered together, laughing in beer and cream.

呜 "Wow, sir, give me another rabbit leg." Tulip elves, flying around happily, the elves can eat and drink, but they can also digest them.

Thomas, who was busy grilling, hurriedly handed the elf a cooked rabbit leg sprinkled with seasoning.

Two elves next to him, without saying hello, ran away two pieces of barbecue.

"Xiang Xiang, you eat too fast, you need to chew more to realize the deliciousness of the food." Lisz teared the rabbit's head in his hand and said with a smile.

The elf is too scary. If you look at the elf, you will feel better.

What's more, he still eats the barbecue he likes very much-the food in this world, probably only barbecue, is to his appetite.

"I like to eat big mouthful."

Hu Xiangxiang eats all the oil, and then shakes the body gently, like a puppy throwing water, all the oil on the body flies out, clean, and there is no stain left.

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