The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Eater Halberd Chapter 500

"Guangdong Province Yangquan Restaurant and No. 1!"

The Gangbang reconciliation and the first reported the door number immediately, and Lord Luo looked slightly surprised when he heard it.

"Guangzhou super chef and first, are there any young super pastry chefs?"

Lord Luo said with a smile in the previous sentence, but immediately changed his face: "Even you can't, take these things to sway the market, what if you are also insurgents, I can't let dangerous elements enter Shu to rebel! "

Upon hearing this, Gangbang Jie, Liu Xingyao and others all had a drop of sweat on their foreheads.

"Hey, I'm just a rolling pin!" The steel bar unraveled and revealed the steel bar.

Jidi also pulled out the kitchen knife from his body and said, "This is just a kitchen knife..."

Liu Xingyao suddenly shrugged his shoulders a little helplessly, and said, "Well...sir, how can you allow us to enter Shu?"

Lord Luo touched his long black beard for a while, and said, "If this is the case, then you can prove it to me, if it is a chef..."

"So I asked how to prove it?"

Master Luo pointed to the top of his head and said: "There is a small kitchen upstairs for soldiers to cook. The ingredients are all available, and they are cooked one by one in any place."

Liu Xingyao smiled slightly and said, "Well, let's just do what the adults said, but we are in a hurry. One by one is too troublesome, so let's come together."

"Together... are you sure?"


Later, under the leadership of Lord Luo, Liu Xingyao, Gangbang Jie, Ji Di, and Erina, Feisha, Tian Suohui and other three women came to the kitchen upstairs.

Although the kitchen is a bit smaller and the house setting is a bit dilapidated, the ingredients are quite sufficient, and there is a whole pig with only a small portion on the cooking table.

Lord Luo said to Liu Xingyao and the others: "Okay, it's here. I don't care whether you cook them one by one or together. Anyway, everyone will make a famous Sichuan dish-[Twok Pork]. If it is not done well, I will do it. You will not be allowed to enter Shu!"

The steel rod patted his forehead, and said with a very headache: "Really... I didn't expect to encounter so many troubles because of the diversion, I knew I would not go here..."

"It's not the time to say this, let's do it!" Ji Di Leng said.

"I have no problem with you and Liu Xiaozi... But what the three people over there..." Gangbang Jie is obviously talking about Erina, Hisasha, and Tansuke.

Gangbang Jie didn't know much about the three girls. In his impression, the three of them were basically the kind who couldn't cook.

Liu Xingyao naturally heard the meaning of Gangbang's explanation, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a thick smile: "I can't guarantee if it's other dishes in Sichuan... But it's just twice-cooked pork..."

Speaking of Liu Xingyao, his gaze fell on Feisha and Erina.

I still remember that in the last world, the world of the halberd-eating spirit, it was because of this big bang that Liu Xingyao met Erina and Feisha.

Feisha and Erina also sounded the scene of the first encounter with Liu Xingyao, and they will never forget the deliciousness of the hot cooked pork back in their lives.

"Dabang twice-cooked pork...that is the best and most delicious dish I have ever eaten." Feisha said with his head down and blushing.

Erina also blushed and slowly lowered her head, how could she forget the food she encountered.

Master Luo on the side looked at the few people who were slow to do anything, but whispered about where they were, with a black thread hanging on their foreheads and said: "You guys don't talk nonsense, do it for me quickly...we are very busy!"

The steel baton looked at the whole boiled head in front of him, and felt a little embarrassed at the back of his head: "But...this whole pig needs to be dismembered, right?"

"It's not that troublesome!"

Liu Xingyao picked up the biggest kitchen knife on the cooking table in the surprised eyes of Ji Di and Gang Gun Jie, and came to the whole pig.

And what Erina, Hisago, and Tian Suohui realized were all excited.

"Are you coming? Brother is good at stunts!" Erina said

"Excellent skill?"

Liu Xingyao suddenly violent, and jumped towards the whole pig on the ground with knives in both hands.

"Seven Stars and Seven Forms-Form One-Slashing the Bull and the Dragon!"

Liu Xingyao let out a low growl, holding the kitchen knife in both hands and swiping it towards the whole pig on the ground at a very fast speed.

With a few "swishes", Lord Luo, Gangbang Jie and others didn't see how Liu Xingyao swung the sword, they just felt like a flower.


Chapter 175: 6 kinds of twice-cooked meat

Liu Xingyao once again resorted to "slashing the bull and the blue dragon", and the whole pig was dismembered at this moment.

Lord Luo and the guards beside him hadn't reacted yet, what was going on, they just felt a blur.Even Ji Di and Gangbang Jie were the same. When they recovered, they were surprised to see the whole pig on the ground.

"Anyone who dismembered a whole pig in an instant? This kind of swordsman is rare even in the palace!" Lord Luo was not surprised, and nodded so.

He also paused, and took a look at the cut pork, and said: "It was dismembered in an instant, and it hasn't hurt any internal organs or meat. This knife technique..."

He seemed to be aware of it and turned around to look at Liu Xingyao and said, "It seems that you didn't use your full strength when confronting the swordsman in front of the really will hide your strength!"

Even the non-talkative Tier, couldn't help but spit out Liu Xingyao like this.

Liu Xingyao smiled faintly, did not say much, and then greeted everyone: "Okay, let's start cooking... Sichuan's famous dish twice cooked pork!"


Needless to say, Liu Xingyao's own strength as a chef team, and the same is true for Ji and Gangbang.The cooking skills of the three girls, Erina, Hisako, and Tansuo, who were students of the original Tomotsu in the world, are worse than them.

But after experiencing so many things in the two worlds, the culinary skills must have improved, so it is not that difficult to make the cooked pork.

Soon Jidi and Gangbang Jie took the lead in completing the "twice-cooked pork" theme.

When the two brought the cooked food, the guards behind Lord Luo suddenly exclaimed.

"Oh oh oh, what does it taste! It smells so good!"

I saw a large plate in both hands. On the plate was piled up piles of shredded pork.The steel baton solution directly brought a steamer.

"It looks so delicious, but Lord Luo is a gourmet who has been the second-in-chief of the imperial dining room. He is not a master who can fool around casually!"

Unexpectedly, Lord Luo is also a tasteful gourmet, but Jidi and Gangbang Jie are not fuel-efficient lamps... It should not be said that the chefs of Liu Xingyao's team are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Lord Luo first tasted the "Yunwu Twice-Boiled Pork" made by Jidi, which is a small hill made by steaming pork belly and then cutting it into filaments with superb knives, and then wrapped in thin and hazy green onions.

The very creative method of twice-cooked pork, Master Luo moved his index finger, picked up the chopsticks, put a large clip in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

After eating and chasing, Lord Luo opened his eyes, and his originally hideous face showed the delicious color brought by the food.

"The pure white green onion is as fresh and refreshing as the air, and the pork belly wrapped in it is sweet and tender. It feels as gentle and quiet as Samantabhadra, and every bite is like Mount Emei in the clouds. So beautiful...really. It's so beautiful!" Lord Luo exclaimed.

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