The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 451

The lid of the dinner plate was lifted, and the dishes made by Liu Xingyao appeared in the eyes of everyone. There were many long strips fried into golden yellow on the plate, and a white object was wrapped on one end. When you live, it looks like a cigarette from a distance, but it is close to spring rolls.

"Wow, where is this [Mapo Tofu]. Why does it look like spring rolls? This time I don’t need a spoon, do I use chopsticks-?"

Maybe it was shocked by Erina's cooking just now. The judges have learned how to behave this time. They dare not underestimate the cooking of Mapo Tofu.

Hearing what the judge said, Liu Xingyao couldn't help but smile faintly: "Stupid, no spoons or chopsticks are needed for this cooking. It is eaten directly with your hands. Remember, it's not just sitting in a house. What you eat is called cooking, and it's not cooking with chopsticks and the ingredients used to eat with the soup! Come on, boldly use your hands to hold the white end and eat directly."

10 After the judges listened to Liu Xingyao's words, they all picked them up with their hands and blew them.In their hands, they can feel this thing that looks like spring rolls.

Several judges opened their mouths and finally bit them. The moment they ate them, they couldn't help uttering delicious groans, groans and exclamations.

"Oh oh~~ This smell, this... isn't this that?"

One of the judges suddenly realized that they patted the table and said, "Yes, that's the one-Mapo Don! It's actually wrapped in rice and Mapo. The deliciousness of the two is closely condensed. It is true that Mapo and white rice must be eaten together in order to play. The highest value. However, where does this attractive fan fragrance come from."

Liu Xingyao has seen from just now that these reviews are not professional, and he doesn't know where Chen Kong got these parallel imports, but he can't even eat them.

"Isn't it coming out of the skin? These spring roll wrappers are made from rice, which is rice paper. For the convenience of eating, the cooking is chopped up, stir-fried with tofu cubes, and then wrapped in rice paper. It’s steamed once to reconcile the two flavors, and then it’s done in one deep frying."

The judge suddenly realized it, and said: "That's how it is, the deliciousness of Mapo overflowing from the rice that I thought about. It can be divided into [package home and eat] and enjoy the pleasure of dining at any time. This...It's really simple and simple Super delicious food!"

With the high praise from the judges, Yuli and the people at Mapo Palace also jumped in excitement.

"Hahaha~~ This is the cuisine that can represent our Mapo Palace, long live Master Liu!"

With a cigar in his mouth, Liu Xingyao lowered his sunglasses slightly to the bridge of his nose, and smiled at Erina in the distance. His eyes seemed to say: What about Erina...This is what I gave you back.

Erina was surprised secretly in her heart, because Liu Xingyao was able to make dishes that he didn't want to go with under the limitation of "convenient and delicious", which she couldn't compare.

"Sure enough... Brother is better." Erina secretly said in her heart, with a smile on her mouth.

Now that we are finished, we will enter the review stage next.Chen Kong and Yuli had a fierce dispute before the judging table.

"Okay, let them referee, bastard brother,"

"Just to my liking, you idiot sister!!"

Chen Kong turned to the ten referees and grinned: "Okay, ten referees. If you think [Mapo Palace] tofu is more delicious, please feel free to move the golden chopsticks in front of me."

Yuli would not admit defeat and squeeze Chen Kong aside, and said, "Mr. and miss who think I [Phoenix Mapo] are more delicious, don't throw the red chopsticks to me with patience~~~"

After a fierce ideological struggle, ten parallel commentators threw both the golden and red chopsticks in their hands to the table.

When she saw this scene, Tian Suohui couldn't help but feel a drop of sweat hanging on her cheek, and she immediately felt relieved.Unexpectedly, the script process is different, but the result is the same... This means that the next thing that should appear is...

"Quickly get out of the way, I want to count the chopsticks!"

"Sister Idiot, you die for me!"

Chen Kong and Yuli both mastered the chopsticks that represent the colors of their respective restaurants, and after counting them, their faces showed triumphant smiles.

"Wow hahaha, I won, I got ten chopsticks. You can close the door and get out of the way, old lady!" Chen Kong laughed with 10 golden chopsticks in his hand.

However, Yuli was also holding ten red chopsticks in her hand, and she laughed like a flying dog: "Nouveau riche, you should be the one who closes the door, and I also have ten."

Both of them laughed for a long time and realized that there was something wrong. Then they reacted and exclaimed: "Ping...Tie!?"

One of the aged judges with white hair came to Yuli and Chen Kong and explained: "Hey, it’s a little surprised. Because the works of both sides are so delicious, it’s hard to distinguish between them, so we had to All the chopsticks..."

Before the older judges finished speaking, Chen Kong said in a loud voice: "You idiot sister, I don't want to tie with you. Today I have to share with you."

Yuli's face is also raised with blue veins. How can she accept this result? Isn't the thousands of taels of gold coins that she tied for nothing?

"The bastard brother is just what I want, come on, let's try it once." Yuli refused to accept defeat.

However, when the two were arguing, a voice came from the crowd: "Huh, just relying on yours is also called Mapo Tofu!? I will show you what the real Mapo Tofu is!"

Chapter 75 There are still people participating

"You guys don't deserve to be called Mapo Tofu at all!"

A rather arrogant voice came from a distance, accompanied by ridicule and the sound of high heels stepping on the stone slab on the bridge.

"Your one is not worthy of being called Mapo Tofu. At best, it's just cooked messy dog ​​food! I will tell you what the real Mapo Tofu is."

Everyone followed the prestige and saw Yao Niang, who had changed her outfit, appeared in the sight of everyone.High heels, black tight-fitting dress, and a mink fur draped around his neck.Yao Niang's outfit is even more exaggerated than Liu Xingyao and Tian Suohui here.

Rao, Liu Xingyao, who was prepared in his heart, saw the cigar in Yao Niang who was dressed like this but did not smoke a few times and fell to the ground.

"Although I'm acting, but...but this dress is really special. Tian Suo..." Liu Xingyao's facial muscles twitched slightly, and he said to Tian Suo Hui who was also stupefied beside him.

Standing next to Yao Niang at this time was Chen Kong and Yuli's sister, Meiling, who was the youngest.

Although Liu Xingyao was marveling at Yao Niang's domineering appearance, Chen Kong and Yuli heard Yao Niang's words with blue veins on their foreheads.

"Where did the wild girl say that our dog feed?"

"It's you woman with a broken head?"

Both Chen Kong and Yuli looked at Yao Niang who didn't know where she came from with an angry face, but they were all startled when they saw Mei Ling next to them.

At this time Meiling stood up a little nervously, and said to Chen Kong and Yuli: "Because...because my sister and brother have hired new chefs, so I also...I also invited her..."

"!?? Ah, Meiling, you...?"

Meiling was a little excited when she came to the ten judges and raised her voice: "Every... every judge, as long as you take a bite of my mapo tofu, you can remember what the real [traditional delicacy] really is. "

Because Mei Ling looked very young, ten judges looked at him extremely disdainful, and among them, the judges recognized Mei Ling's identity.

"What, who I thought it was... The mere [Phoenix Mapo] messenger also came here to utterly talk about it. Can your cooking compare to what we just ate?"

Yuli was afraid that Meiling would shame her in front of everyone, and came to him anxiously and said: "Meiling, you stupid girl. You are not qualified to talk here, hurry up and follow me."

And Chen Kong stared at Mei Ling with a vicious look, and shouted, "Girls, don't be here to prevent me and your bastard sister from deciding the outcome!"

When Yao Niang saw this, she stood up and protected Mei Ling, without fear of Yuli and Chen Kong.

"What are you doing, what are you fierce? Can't you make delicious mapo tofu at a young age!?"

After Yao Niang said this to Chen Kong and Yuli, she deliberately looked at Liu Xingyao and Erina and said: "And you two arrogant? Are you so insecure in your cooking!? Humph, if you are scared. Don't eat our food."

Naturally, Liu Xingyao realized that Yao Niang was using the agitation method, and deliberately made an angry voice loudly: "What... I dare to look down on the cooking I cook, and the cooking I cook will lose to you. A woman."

Erina put her hands on her chest and made a cold look, staring at Yao Niang and said: "Since you are so confident, please bring your food to him and try it."

Yao Niang got the consent of Liu Xingyao and Erina, and regardless of Chen Kong and Yuli's intentions, she brought the dishes she and Meiling made to the judging stage. This is also a dish that has not been opened with a lid.

"Then, please taste this dish carefully, he will remind you of what the real Mapo tofu is..." Yao Niang said to the judges with absolute confidence.

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