The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of the Halberd-Chapter 390

Chuang Zhen stood up like a mentally retarded and said, "Because Ji Xing Liao has a lot of vegetable fields, Senior Isshiki wants to grow vegetables and sell them~ Vegetables splattered with youthful sweat, right?"

Hearing Chuang Zhen's words, even Yi Sehui's forehead was dripped with sweat, and the others stared at him with idiot eyes.

"Uh...this is one of the reasons, and the other is that you can find happiness with you... the happiness of cooking!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Isshiki walked to the place where the seafood was placed, and then grabbed a turtle with his right hand.

"Huh? Turtle!? Are you going to make soup with turtle?" Someone in the audience was surprised.

[Turtle] Also known as soft-shelled turtle, commonly known as soft-shelled turtle and group fish.Oviparous amphibians and reptiles.Turtle has a delicious taste and high nutritional value. Because of its many nourishing medicinal effects, it can clear away heat and nourish yin, calm the liver and eliminate wind, soften the firmness and dispel lumps, and have curative effects on liver cirrhosis, hepatosplenomegaly, and epilepsy in children.Therefore, it is not only a delicacy on the table, a high-quality material for a feast, but also an important Chinese medicine material.

Chapter 555 Mysterious Soup

Seeing Isshiki Hui actually picked up a few turtles, everyone around the audience was surprised.

"It's a soft-shelled turtle. Compared to three yellow chickens, this soup has more nutritional value!"

"Yes, turtle is rich in nutrients such as animal glue, keratin, copper, vitamin D, etc., which can enhance the body’s disease resistance and regulate the body’s endocrine function. Although turtle dishes have been eaten a lot, they are still used for soup. Very little."

Although turtles are rich in nutrients, they are more difficult to handle than three yellow chickens.The first is that the shell of the turtle is very hard and cannot be easily broken, and the second is that the turtle's body is easy to have a heavy earthy taste.So it is a very difficult ingredient to cook!But Isshiki Hui had no hesitation in choosing soft-shelled turtle to make soup, so what is the soup he made...

Although the turtle is difficult to deal with, but among the people's surprise, Isshihui perfectly processed the turtle with an extremely strange cooking technique, which made many people in the audience amazed!

Time passed bit by bit, and finally both sides completed their own 387 dishes in about an hour.

"It seems that both parties have completed their respective [Soup Cooking], then enter the review process!"

Rei Kawashima took the microphone and came to the judging station to announce: "First of all, Gentian-senpai will start."

Kobayashi Gentiana sent his own soup with three yellow chicken as the main ingredient to the three judges.A large bowl is placed in front of the three judges, and a whole chicken is placed in each bowl.

"Oh, there is a whole chicken in everyone's soup bowl... It's really cool style! And the color of the soup is very tasty, but the color is clear and sleepy, not like soup at all. The feeling." John Yimu looked at the soup in the big bowl.

On the other hand, Takuo Rose more directly picked up the spoon and touched the three yellow chickens. He couldn't help but be surprised: "There are stuffed ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms and enoki mushrooms. The surface of the chicken cracked automatically, which proves that she took a lot of effort to cook it!"

"Huh, but the most important thing is its taste, so let's take a sip!"

John Yimu and other three judges took the lead and took the lead and slowly put a spoon of soup into their mouths. The expressions of the three judges were shocked when they drank it!

"Wow...this, this soup is so delicious!"

John Yimu couldn't help shouting: "Obviously so transparent, but there are many broths fused in it, and the two phases are mixed, the taste is really great, it is the best in the soup. And the chicken is full of flavor because of the broth inside and outside. , The entrance melts."

"Yes, this is indeed the best soup in the soup!" Takuo Ross said in surprise.

Then the purple-haired girl put down the spoon in her hand and looked at Kobayashi Gendan and asked, "How did you make this soup? It clearly looks so transparent, but it has such a shocking taste in it."

Kobayashi Gentiana explained, "Hehe... Add the egg whites to the chicken and let him solidify with the egg liquid, and then remove all of him and me! This delicious soup is finished with clear soup, and added After the egg white is added, the chicken will become smoother and tender. Then, just let the high-quality ingredients flow out of the soup and completely penetrate the chicken to complete this delicious [Three Yellow Chicken Soup]!"

"So, it's no wonder it tastes so good, you did work a lot." Takuros nodded.

But at this moment Isshiki's voice came from a distance: "Well, after tasting the delicious soup dishes of Gentian-senpai, let's try the soup I made!"

Everyone turned their heads to take a look, and saw that Yisehui held it in her hand, right...Huh?Not a bowl, it's actually a cantaloupe!!?

"Why...what's going on, what is in Senior Isshihui's hand is a cantaloupe."

"What about the soft-shelled turtle? Where did the soft-shelled turtle go, and take out the cantaloupe. Is this for the judges to eat fruit before eating soup?"

Facing the doubts of most people at the scene, Ishui Hui smiled again and said, "This is the soup I made!"

"Hey, hey, are you kidding? It's just a cantaloupe. Where does the soup come from?"

"Look at it everyone, this is my soup..."

Isshiki Hui said that he opened the lid of the cantaloupe, and everyone immediately saw that there was something like a transparent jelly inside the cantaloupe.

"Origin... That's it, it turns out that the cantaloupe was hollowed out as a container, but this soup looks a little weird?"

After that, Isshiki sent three cantaloupes with soup to the three judges, and they were stunned for a long time looking at the soup in front of them.

"What is this soup..."

John Yimu said using a spoon to take a spoon to taste the taste, but when his spoon touched the soup, he only felt a rebound from his hand.

Chapter 556 Bouncing Turtle Soup

With a "shoo," Yimu John hit the soup spoon and was hit directly.


Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was startled.Everyone thought that John Yimu was shaking or unsteady, and then he fell to the ground, but the next words really surprised everyone.

"I... my spoon was actually flew?" Yimu John stunned.

"Wh...what? It flies, is this soup still flexible?" everyone in the audience was shocked.

Isshihui only then the fox smiled, and said, "Yes...this is-bouncing turtle soup!"

Takuru Rose scooped up a spoonful of "soup" and looked at it. His expression couldn't hide his surprise: "This... is this soup in a solid shape?"

"That's right!" Isshiki Hui Fox smiled.

"Solid...Solid soup!?"

The people around the center of the restaurant suddenly exclaimed, "Then...that can't be said at all~ is it soup?"

"No right, no, that's an amazing soup! Because it's [Fish Jelly]! That is, after freezing the soup made from soft-shelled turtle, let it be fixed and formed!" Someone in the audience explained-explained Tao.

Yimu John then held the spoon firmly, took a spoonful, and put it in his mouth.

"Well... it's so cold, it turned out to be fish jelly. It melted in the mouth while biting it. It has a light, slightly elegant salty taste, and a thick, refreshing sweetness of the superior turtle soup. The mouth spreads slowly, and the feeling is great!" John Yimu praised like this.

"There is the sweet taste of cantaloupe, and the sour taste that I don't know where it comes from. It feels comfortable to eat... a delicious taste that makes that person unable to stop!" Takuros said.

The three judges directly hugged the cantaloupe and ate it wildly. The spoons almost never stopped. After eating, the faces of the three were filled with happiness.

It took a long time for the three of them to put down the soup container in their hands.

"I said... your name is Isshihui, right? I want to ask you how did you come up with this solid soup?" the purple-haired woman asked.

"And how did this sour taste come from?" Takuros asked.

Isshiki Hui Fox smiled and raised his fingers, and said, "First, cook the dismembered turtle to remove the astringency, sprinkle a little salt, and then put it in the hollowed out cantaloupe, and put the cantaloupe into the steamer. Remove the earthy and fishy smell in it, and then let it cool to solidify the soup inside, so that the sweet taste of turtle can be completely absorbed into the frozen fish jelly."

"It sounds very simple, but it is very difficult to do..."

After the purple-haired girl smiled, she asked again: "Then why do you use turtles as the material again?"

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