The dazzling starlight of the halberd

The Dazzling Starlight of Halberd Eater Chapter 348

After entering the room, Liu Xingyao hurriedly asked, "Mrs. Wen Xu, what happened?"

Mrs. Wen Xu's expression was not very good, she pointed to the Yuanyue Newspaper on the table, and said, "Look for yourself..."

Liu Xingyao took a look at the Yuanyue News with doubts, and the eye-catching headline had already made him stunned for a few seconds-[The Final Union Team's Ten Outstanding Players]Under the title are the portraits of the newly appointed top ten Horio, who defeated Teruki Koga and won the eighth seat on the halberd, and then there are portraits of Aldini, Mito Yumei, Kurokiba and others!

"Allied food halberd...Heimuchang and the others!? This...what the hell is going on!!!" Liu Xingyao was shocked.

"Love...Alice? And Isami and the others! What happened!" The expressions of Takumi and Erina also instantly became astonished.

Mansamu couldn't help but sighed, and said, ", Nakamura should definitely make the move first!"

Liu Xingyao quickly calmed down and scanned the contents of the Yuanyue News.

Chapter 487: Despicable

"Sure enough... Nakamura was the first to take the shot." Man Samu closed his eyes and couldn't help sighing.

Liu Xingyao took a quick look at the Yuanyue News in his hand. The general content of this news is as follows:

Five people, Isami, Alice, Ryo Kurokiba, Miyoko Hojo, and Mito Yumei, will have to join the team with Horio, who has only been promoted to the top ten in three days.If Isami and other 5 people win the victory of the alliance, they will be sent directly to Yuanyue High School for graduation. At the same time, they will be directly arranged to enter [Tonys Academy] after graduation. The current Yuanyue Commander Nakamura Thistle and Shiji Administration personally agreed and approved!

Moreover, Horio lost the Alliance Shiji, and he will withdraw from the position of the top ten.His position was selected from five people including Isami and Alice.In contrast, if Horio wins the game, all five of them will be dropped out of school.

After reading the news published in the Yuanyue Newspaper, Takmi slammed his hands on the table with a fist.

"It's really messy, how could it be Horio's opponent... His strength can't be matched by my senior for a long time." Takumi said with a drop of sweat hanging on his forehead and said with a cruel expression. Worried about his brother Isami.

Scarlet and Erina also had a drop of sweat hanging on their foreheads.

"Love... Miss Alice and Ryojun are also involved? This...what the hell is going on!" Scarlett's face was full of surprises, and this alliance suddenly came.

Yoshino and Mito Yumei are very good friends. Without a word, they just picked up the phone and said, "Isn't it over if you just call and ask?~"

Yoshino immediately dialed Mito Yumi's phone, and soon after the call was answered, a meaty voice came from the other end.

"Hello... Yoshino?"

Yoshino is not a long-winded person, so he went straight to the subject and said: "Mito, what's the matter with the halberd in the alliance three days later? What are you doing... the other party is a top ten, you actually agreed to this Fresh halberd!?"

The fleshy charm on the other end of the phone groaned for a while before he said: "If you don't accept it, there's no way...the group of guys won't let it go. If you don't agree, Gaiyan will be abolished."

Yoshino was driving hands-free, so everyone in the hall could hear what she said.

"Abolish Gaiyan!?" Several question marks were on everyone's head.

Then Roumei told the situation at the time... It turned out that Horio personally took someone to Gayan to find Roumei and asked for Shiji.I was a little caught off guard by the sudden halberd-eating fleshy charm, and quickly calmed down and rationally refused... Although the fleshy breasts are big, he is not a brainless person!She had seen Horio and Kuga Teruki's food halberd, and she knew that she was not as capable as he chose to avoid it.

But Horio seemed to have been prepared long ago, using the method that Nakamura Thistle had already prepared to deal with the meat charm.If Roumei does not accept this halberd, Gaiyan will be abolished.While scolding Nakamura Thistle and Horio as despicable in his heart, Roumei reluctantly accepted the halberd.

Later, Horio threatened others in this way, and the coalition was finally established.It should be said that it was a forced establishment...

"Igo these bastards are really mean, isn't this forcing you to drop out of school!" Yoshino cursed directly in front of everyone's disregard for the image of a lady.

"Yoshino, don't get excited... calm down!"

The fleshy charm on the other end of the phone came over to comfort Yoshino said: "In fact, at first I thought there was no chance of winning. I thought it was a halberd alone, but I didn’t expect this guy named Horio to join the five of us. Hehe... this guy is really overwhelming, even if he is a top ten! With the other four people, I still don't believe that he is not his opponent with five people."

"But... but Mito." Yoshino was still very worried.

"Don't worry too much... I have also heard that you are in Jixingliao. Compared with our battle, you need to recharge your energy to meet the final battle. A few of us will act as pioneers to detect our opponents. The strength of it!" The flesh charm on the phone seemed very optimistic.

After that, Yoshino hung up the phone...Everyone also knew the current situation. For a while, everyone was silent and didn't know what to say, and the atmosphere was a little depressed.

Seeing this, Mansamu was the first to break the silence and said to the people: "Presumably you can see it. In fact, this is something igo deliberately made. The purpose is to disturb your mind and prevent you from practicing food righteousness at ease. So. I hope you can understand and understand this...Don't mess up the food in your heart!"

Yixunuo also agreed and nodded, "Chef Mansam is right at all. Please remember not to mess up your mind because of other things. Especially when you eat halberds... If righteousness falls, you will have no chance of winning!"

Although everyone understands this, it is impossible not to worry about this alliance.And among the five people in the United Team who eats the halberd, there is Takumi's younger brother Isami!Alice is Erina's cousin. Although the relationship between the two was not very good before, after a series of events, they have returned to the state of childhood...

Erina and Scarlett are also very worried about Alice.Kurokiba Ryo and Chuangzhen are also deadly enemies, and at the same time they are worried because of Takumi's restless mind... Needless to say, Yoshino has naturally lost his righteousness from the rants just now.

And what about Liu Xingyao?If you want to say it, all of the five people who eat the halberd in this alliance have a lot to do with him.It can be said that Liu Xingyao has the greatest impact on Ji Xing Liao Zhong!

"Don't worry...Senior Brother Yixiu, this kind of thing doesn't make my image or even mess up the food righteousness. Okay, let's continue today's food righteousness!" Liu Xingyao said he wanted to walk outside the hall.

But Yixunuo stopped him, bit his head and said, "Let's do this for now...because it's getting late too, everyone should take a good night's rest and get up the spirit to prepare for the next training."

"Okay... OK." Liu Xingyao nodded and said.

As a result, everyone in Jixingliao did not continue to practice food righteousness tonight, and all of them did not look very good. They ate, took a shower, and then returned to the room.

But after returning to the room, everyone did not want to sleep.Thinking of what happened just now...

Chapter 488: Their Fetters

Although everyone returned to the room in obscurity with no extra emotion on the surface... but everyone's heart was actually greatly affected.Especially Erina, Takmi, Yoshino, Scarlett and so on.Because three days later, the person who was forced to join the halberd with the current eighth seat has a very close relationship with them...

It is not impossible not to worry, not to be affected!

Corridor on the 2nd floor

"Okay Takumi, don't worry too much. Take a break early and get up early tomorrow to continue the practice of eating righteousness. Hey, you are a few seconds slower than me in shredding this afternoon, so I have to come on!" Chuang Zhen It's rare to say that to Takumi.

If it’s a weekday, Takmi will definitely go up and argue with him loudly when he hears Chuang Zhen say this, saying something like "I will surpass you tomorrow" or "I didn't show my full strength today." if.But Takumi just nodded lightly, said "Goodnight" to Chuang Zhen with a "um", then went into his room and closed the door.

After Takmi entered, Chuang Zhen did not leave in a hurry.Looking at the door of the room where Takumi was resting, he was stunned for a long time.

"It should be okay!" Chuang Zhen was in a rare melancholy.

Inside the house

After returning to the room, Takmi came to the table by the window and took out the picture of childhood and Isami from the drawer.

It was a photo taken in Italy when the two were children... The two brothers stood together and smiled innocently.

Scene memories (back to when Takmi and Isami were about 6 years old)

"Okay, I won!" The young Issami put the poker in his hand on the table and laughed.

And Takumi looked at the playing cards in his hand with sweat on his face--

"Ah... Lost again! Isami~~ One more game!" Tacmi yelled at Isami unwillingly.

The corners of Issami's mouth twitched slightly and backed up a few steps, and said, "Hey...Do you want to play? Brother, what you think in your heart will show up immediately, so there is no pressure to play poker with you..."

Before Isami finished speaking, the tears of young Takmi were already rolling around the corner of his eyes!Takumi, who loves to play poker, but is so bad, will cry after losing...

"One more time, let's decide the outcome Isami!"

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