The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 431 Xiao Xianxian looks at her little brother

Lu Anzhi's proposal was supported by Li Huiming. However, this matter does not require Lu Anzhi to take action. He can propose the direction and the company can do it by itself.

And the final result exceeded Lu Anzhi's expectations.

Li Huiming not only attracted the support of Jiuzhou Telecom, but also brought in the other two operators. Lu Anzhi didn't ask about the specific cooperation model. Anyway, Xinwei Company didn't have to worry about the bandwidth, and it also received a large amount of financing.

The success of WeChat has been noticed by the three operators, and it has become inevitable to replace Qiuqiu in the mobile phone business. This product is enough to give Xinwei Company an excellent prospect. How could major operators not be interested in it?

Not to mention Kyushu Electric Shift. Jiuzhou E-Move has already made a lot of money from its cooperation with Xin Maple, and now it is willing to cooperate with Xin Maple's parent company, Xinwei.

The other two operators also coveted the success of Jiuzhou Telecom's cooperation and joined in without hesitation.

And because of Lu Anzhi's personal holdings in Xinwei, Lu Anzhi's shareholding has not shrunk too much after the financing of the three operators.

In short, everyone is happy with this financing, and Xinwei Company continues to move forward. Wechat products have received strong support from the three major operators, and the activities have been carried out in business halls and various business outlets to further conquer the city.

Lu Anzhi was very satisfied and continued to look after the baby at home.

Xianxian has already been on vacation, and little Qianqian has gradually grown up, and his body bones have gradually become stronger. He no longer looks like before, so fragile that Lu Anzhi dare not touch him.

Now Lu Anzhi dared to play with Xiao Qianqian and even did some tricks. This made his daytime life more colorful, no longer just monotonous coding and coding.

Now he not only wants to play with Xiao Qianqian, but also plays with Xianxian.

There is no conflict between these two things, and Xianxian also likes to play with Xiao Qianqian. Her favorite thing to do now is to put her little finger into Qian Qian's smaller hand and let Qian Qian hold it tightly. The other is to watch her father tease Qian Qian in various ways.

Just like now, Xianxian is shouting: "Come again! Dad, come again!"

Just like now, Lu Anzhi is sitting on the bed with his back against the backrest, his legs are bent, and he puts Xiao Qianqian on his calf facing him. His calf moves up and down, and Xiao Qianqian flies up as if he is in the clouds. , fall down for a moment.

The slightly older little guy seemed to like this kind of game very much, grinning non-stop on Lu Anzhi's lap with his toothless mouth.

"Hahahaha, ah~hahahaha~"

A child's laughter is clear and clear, with an innocence that is difficult for adults to laugh at. It makes people feel good when they hear it.

Xianxian stood aside and watched. When she saw Xiao Qianqian laughing, she was extremely happy and clapped her two little hands to show her satisfaction.

Zhang Suxin sat and watched, just laughing. Naturally, she also likes to see Lu Anzhi interact with children like this. When she saw Lu Anzhi playing, she sighed and said, "It's so good. I couldn't do this in the first place."

Lu Anzhi said: "Don't be like this. You, a pregnant woman, are still weak. If you use your strength indiscriminately, won't you tire yourself out?"

Zhang Suxin smiled and said nothing.

Miao Suqin then came in. When she saw this scene, she immediately objected: "What are you playing around with! Be careful!"

Then, before Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin could refute, Xianxian retorted: "Nothing's wrong, grandma. Dad's movements were very gentle. Xianxian was watching, nothing happened."

Miao Suqin was speechless for a moment: "Who did you learn from? It's okay, not nothing."

Zhang Suxin peeked at Lu Anzhi and smiled at Lu Anzhi.

Before, Lu Anzhi joked with Zhang Suxin and said, "It's nothing." Unexpectedly, Xianxian took it to heart and learned it, and now she is using it to learn and apply.

Fortunately, Zhang Suxin had no intention of exposing Lu Anzhi, and for the rare moment, Xianxian did not complain. Lu Anzhi did not let go of the pot.


Xianxian smiled and consciously corrected her pronunciation, "Nothing!"

Then Miao Suqin's attention turned to Lu Anzhi: "Put it down quickly, you don't dare to play like this. The child is still so young, what if an accident happens, how scary it would be."

A tiny baby was not heavy, and Lu Anzhi's legs could still support it.

However, after playing like this for a while, Lu Anzhi also felt that there was no strength in his legs. Seeing what Miao Suqin said, he simply stopped and let Zhang Suxin take the baby down and lay it flat on the bed.

The little guy seemed to still have some unfinished thoughts, but he was just a little big and couldn't express his thoughts. He couldn't even turn over. He only learned to turn his head and look at Lu Anzhi, as if he wanted Lu Anzhi to continue letting him fly.

Miao Suqin left with satisfaction, and Xianxian chewed her tongue behind her back: "Oh, grandma is so boring."

When Lu An smiled, Zhang Suxin rolled her eyes at Xianxian: "What are you talking nonsense about? Grandma is worried about my brother's safety. You can't say bad things about grandma casually. Do you understand?"


Xianxian answered. But then she ran to the bedroom door, opened it a crack, and peeked out. After looking at it for a few times, he closed the door and ran back, saying to Lu Anzhi: "Dad, grandma has gone away, let's continue quickly!"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

Why is this little girl so naughty that she is now learning to do things that adults don’t allow behind Miao Suqin’s back?

Lu Anzhi said: "Dad has no strength and can't lift his legs. Let's wait until dad has rested enough and regained strength in his legs before playing again."

Xianxian was a little reluctant, but she had no choice but to say, "Okay, let's wait until daddy's legs regain strength before we play."

Zhang Suxin, on the other hand, educated Xiao Xianxian and told Xianxian that she shouldn't do things that adults don't allow behind their backs. This was wrong. She emphatically stated that her grandma's request was for Xiao Qianqian's good, and there was a certain truth in this.

While Zhang Suxin was educating Xianxian, Lu Anzhi remained silent and silently supported Zhang Suxin. This has become a tacit understanding between Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin. Since the two met again three years ago, this tacit understanding has been maintained until now.

And such a tacit understanding is indeed very effective. For a long time, when Zhang Suxin educated Xianxian, Xianxian would only listen carefully, whether she was willing to accept it or not. She couldn't find Lu Anzhi to seek shelter anyway.

This educational concept is also maintained by Miao Suqin and Zhang Yuzhi.

Although the two old men doted on Xianxian very much, whenever Zhang Suxin educated Xianxian, the two old men would choose to remain silent and would not intervene. After Zhang Suxin's education, the two old people would only tell Xianxian that her mother was right and that Xianxian should be obedient.

Xianxian is now so sensible and well-behaved, which is inseparable from the educational environment at home.

A comparative example is the children of Miao Suqin's relatives. When the daughter of a relative is educating her grandson, her relatives always stand by to protect her. Now the grandson has become a little devil and is lawless at home. Anyway, he has someone to rely on. As soon as his daughter from a relative's family scolds him, he will go to the relative.

Not to mention how helpless the relative's daughter was, she even called Miao Suqin to complain and asked for Miao Suqin's help and persuasion.

But for this kind of thing, even if Miao Suqin is a relative, she is still an outsider to others. How effective can Miao Suqin's words be?

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin both heard Miao Suqin say these things, and when Miao Suqin called her relatives, Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin also listened.

Miao Suqin earnestly advised, saying that being too spoiled is not good for children. When a mother educates her children, the older generation should not express objections from the side. Even if they have opinions, they can just do it later when the children are not around. When talking to the mother, that relative seems to be very open-minded and accepts teachings. He always says that you are right and reasonable, but you should protect him later.

After her hard persuasion failed, Miao Suqin stopped caring and had nothing to do.

"Hey, let them protect you like this. If your grandson doesn't teach you well, they will suffer in the future. It's a pity that the child doesn't understand anything, so he was taught bad things by them."

Miao Suqin always sighed like this when talking about that family at home.

After they stopped letting Xiao Qianqian swing on the swing with their calves, Zhang Suxin and Xianxian lay on either side of Xiao Qianqian and talked.

Originally, the person lying on the other side belonged to Lu Anzhi, but Xianxian strongly asked her to lie down because she wanted to see Xiao Qianqian.

So Lu Anzhi had no choice but to give way to his daughter. Sitting behind Xianxian, she was talking to Zhang Suxin.

If it were at other times, Xianxian would definitely be full of gossip and listen to what her parents were talking about. But at this moment, she couldn't care about this at all, she just focused on looking at her brother Xiao Qianqian.

Xiao Qianqian, on the other hand, seemed to be attracted by the voices of Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin.

The little one who is a little bigger cannot roll over, and now he can only learn to turn his head left and right. He lay flat on the bed, and his little head turned left and right as his parents talked. When Lu Anzhi spoke, he turned to look at Lu Anzhi, and when Zhang Suxin spoke, he turned to look at Zhang Suxin. In short, my head follows the sound.

Those two eyes are extremely pure, without any impurities. Even if she looks at them, she likes them very much.

Xianxian just watched the little guy's head turning around and rubbing the back of his head on the bed, smiling "hehe", as if he found his brother's behavior very interesting.

After observing for a long time, Xianxian asked a question: "Dad, if my brother turns his head like this, will his head become bald?"

Lu Anzhi: "..."

Zhang Suxin: "..."

After a while, Miao Suqin came to hold the child and dress the child. Today is vaccination day, and Lu Qian needs to be vaccinated.

Miao Suqin dressed Lu Qian, and Lu Anzhi, Zhang Suxin and Xianxian also changed their coats.

The whole family went out today to help the little one get vaccinated.

——Of course, Xianxian is just joining in the fun and going to have a look.

Aunt Gu didn't follow, and stayed at home alone to prepare lunch.

After leaving home, Lu Anzhi drove his family to a nearby designated vaccination hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, register, line up, and get the vaccine booklet to confirm the vaccine. Xianxian followed and watched the doctor take out a syringe and needle. Her eyelids twitched and she was a little scared.

What she fears most now is injections.

Fortunately, she then remembered that it was not her who got the injection today, but her younger brother Xiao Qianqian.

As a result, Xianxian became curious about the injection process and eagerly watched every step of the doctor's operation.

Seeing the doctor take out the syringe, put it into the vaccine bottle, pull out the syringe, and suck the vaccine into the tube. He walked to Lu Qian's side, and Miao Suqin had already taken off Lu Qian's pants. He couldn't help but feel tight and comfort Lu Qian. Qian: "Don't be afraid, brother. It won't hurt anymore. It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt."

These were the words Zhang Suxin and Miao Suqin usually used to comfort her when she was getting injections. At this time, she learned and used them to comfort her younger brother Xiao Qianqian.

However, Xiao Qianqian stared at the doctor aunt in front of him with big, confused and innocent eyes, without any fear at all. Until the doctor inserted the needle of the syringe into his thigh flesh, he still had no reaction at all.

Xianxian was suddenly surprised and her eyes widened: "Is he really not in pain?"

The little girl clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth, as if a needle had pierced her body. She was still a little nervous until she saw the doctor push out the syringe and pull out the needle.

After pulling out the syringe, Lu Qian finally realized that it hurt. He curled his mouth and frowned, and started crying "Wow wow wow".

Xianxian was suddenly confused: "Dad, why is my brother crying so late?"

Zhang Suxin patted her delicate little head and said, "You were like this when you were a child."

Xianxian didn't believe it at all and said, "No! No!" She felt that this was a bit stupid, so she refused to admit it.

However, the child's cry went away as quickly as it came. After a while, Lu Qian held back his tears and stopped crying.

Xianxian also found this amazing. She would cry for a while every time she got an injection. How could she be like her brother who recovered so quickly?

Anyway, her brother's injection journey seemed very magical to her.

After returning home, she treated the matter as a piece of gossip and told Aunt Gu. When Song Xiaoqin came, she told Song Xiaoqin again. After telling Song Xiaoqin, he said he would tell Zhang Yuzhi.

But when Miao Suqin called Zhang Yuzhi, Zhang Yuzhi answered the phone, and Xianxian stopped talking again.

Miao Suqin asked Xianxian: "Why don't you talk about it anymore?"

Xianxian said sheepishly: "I'm shy."

Miao Suqin: "..."

Zhang Yuzhi: "..."

Fortunately, Zhang Yuzhi took a vacation soon. The high school holidays are later than other schools, but not too late. Zhang Yuzhi is not taking senior high school students this year, so the holidays are earlier. After the holiday, he rushed to Haidu.

After he arrived in Haidu, he took over the responsibility of taking care of Xianxian.

In this way, Lu Anzhi was free again. Fortunately, another job came to him. Liang Zhe hopes that he will complete the BGM of the "Dragon" game.

It’s basically certain that the other book is on the block.

Without the two gimmicks of entertainment and baby daddy, I really am a waste.

Alas, accept the reality and keep working hard.

But I still hope you can give me some more support. If you are interested in urban superpowers and daily love, please read that book. Thank you.

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