The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 299 Both books and songs are popular abroad

Beautiful country, Fuzhou. The full name of Fuzhou is Fuzhou. It is relatively developed in the beautiful country and has a large population. The huge stadium in Fuzhou has been set up as a stage, and countless spectators crowded into the Fuzhou Stadium, waiting for the opening of the stage.

There is also a rock music event at the Fuzhou Stadium today. Several nationally renowned rock bands and several rock stars will appear here. Among them was the band Fireflies.

However, not all the members of the Firefly band arrived, and there were still two people missing. One is Olinka Baron and the other is Veronica Biondini.

Veronica has already started school and cannot come to Fuzhou because she has to attend classes. Veronica was dissatisfied and strongly asked Olinka Baron to stay with her. Olinka Baron had no choice but to stay at home in order to take care of Veronica.

This time, the person who participated in the rock music performance as the lead singer was Mattique Biondini.

But anyway, the most popular song in their Firefly band recently was sung by Mattick Biondini, a non-staff member, so it is just right for him to participate in the performance now.

As for Veronica, as her mother Olinka Baron said, she went to school as soon as she came back, so her song "My Stupid Heart" didn't have time to perform on stage. Veronica felt very unbalanced, partly because of this.

Only she herself knew how much she wanted to go on stage and sing this song that was exclusive to her. She felt panicked because she didn't have a chance to sing it. So even if everyone in the Firefly band promised her, she would still be unhappy if they had the chance to perform some weekend and take her with them to have fun.

"I really didn't expect that guy Lu is so good at writing songs and singing, and he also writes so good books! Mattick, do you plan to promote Lu with this performance?"

said drummer Scrooge Raza.

Mattick Biondini said: "Of course Monopoly. If it weren't for Lu's two songs, we wouldn't be as popular as we are now. He has helped us so much, and we should give back to him."

Scrooge Lazar said dissatisfied: "Damn it! How many times have I told you, don't call me Monopoly! I have nothing to do with the Scrooge on the rich list!"

Guitarist Fidel Turan laughed: "Who told you to call you this name?"

Scrooge Lazar gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, I hate this name! I want to change it!"

Everyone laughed.

Fidel Turan added: "But I feel like that guy Lu doesn't actually need us to recommend him. His novels are already very popular, and it feels like it won't be long before they become more popular than us. Shet, you have the ability." It’s amazing!”

Mattique Biondini laughed and said: "Yeah, who makes me strong? I bought both of Lu's books and told Veronica about it, and she liked it. No. Speaking of her, I also like the book "The Little Prince" very much. I have never seen a fairy tale novel as full of philosophical thoughts as "The Little Prince". Although you don't have children, I suggest you give it a read. What a great book!”

"Okay, okay, stop bragging, it's time for us to go on stage! I really don't understand whether you are really telling us about the road book or you are showing off that you have a wife and children and we don't."

Scrooge Zara complained.

The stage has been prepared, and the entire stadium has been filled with spectators who have come to watch the performance.

Today's performance is very grand, and in such a grand rock and roll show, the Firefly Band will appear as the opening act.

In such a rock event, what could be better than "Naturl" and "Numb" to ignite the atmosphere?

The Fireflies were already quite famous before, and with Mattique Biondini, a big shot in the composition world, they were not unpopular in the first place. Otherwise, how could they have been invited to the Guangzhou Paradise Music Festival? Go?

Now with the blessing of "Naturl" and "Numb", the Firefly band has become really popular. As soon as Mattique Biondini and others stood on the stage, the audience immediately cheered.

Mattique Biondini stood in the center of the stage, picked up the microphone, and waited for the audience to quiet down before saying: "Good friends tonight! How about listening to our two new songs together? The one who wrote "Little "Prince". It's hard to imagine how this guy can take care of both ends and write such great songs and novels."


There was another burst of cheers from the audience. This kind of opening seems to have become a fixed opening of the Firefly Band, just like Wen Zhangping's "Brother, you play rock and roll, what's the use of playing it?"

——Wen Zhangping has also become obsessed with performing in China recently, and has stopped writing songs. He is running around with the Watermelon Pi band, holding orchids on his arms everywhere and singing his song "I fell into the world at ease, and I was a free fairy in the sky." Son".

Gu Ruiyong couldn't stand his obsession. He called Wen Zhangping every day to complain that Wen Zhangping was not doing his job properly and had a tendency to develop into a pervert.

Wen Zhangping ignored it and performed everywhere, enjoying himself. Wherever I go, I always say "Brother, you are playing rock and roll, what's the point of playing it?", and recently I have learned to stare at black eyeliner.

This glare brought with it a unique lust, which was quite popular with the audience. Many people couldn't accept it at first, but after watching it, they found that the old man's singing was inexplicably emotional. They gave up thinking and got crazy along with the old man. It was quite exciting.

——The music of Secondhand Rose is better than the scene. When Lu Anzhi first showed this song "Xian'er" to Wen Zhangping, he was not sure whether Wen Zhangping could show the characteristics of the scene. But now it seems that Wen Zhangping performed well, and there was no need for Lu Anzhi to teach him deliberately. He seemed to have gradually unlocked Aunt Long's skin with one performance after another.

But Mattik Biondini is different.

The audience is used to Mattick Biondini's opening remarks, but they will not get excited following this opening remarks.

Many people just regard this opening as a funny scene or a joke. The Firefly Band has had several performances in the past week, and Mattick Biondini will promote a novel at the beginning of each performance, and he never tires of it, just like Feng Gong will start every cross talk sketch with the sentence "I miss you to death." Just like "", it has become a dazzling scenery on the stage.

Now if Mattique Biondini doesn't say this when he comes to power, they will even feel that something is missing.

And out of curiosity, many viewers bought the book "The Little Prince" and "Lu An's Collection of Fairy Tales" written by the same author as "The Little Prince". After reading it, they found that it was indeed quite good.

When they heard Mattick Biondini's opening remarks, most of these audiences would very much agree with what Mattick Biondini said in their hearts. They felt that what this guy said was damn right. That guy named Lu How did the guy do it? How can one write such great metal rock music and at the same time write such a beautiful fairy tale novel? !

It’s just fucking incredible!

In short, although Lu Anzhi has not appeared in front of people in the beautiful country, his name is already famous here.

Instruments played as the audience cheered. The Firefly Band played "Numb" first. This piece, which was once used as the background music of the "League of Legends" game in another world, finally showed its prominence in this world.

“I’m tired of being what you want me to be

Feeling so faithless lost under the surface…”

When Mattique Biondini sang, the audience raised their hands and shook their heads in time with the rhythm. And when such a fierce song as “I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there” sounded, it was hard for people to imagine that such a work came from an Eastern creator.

In the stereotype of many Westerners, people from the East are always reserved, not expressive, or to put it bluntly, dull and boring. It's really surprising that an Asian can write such passionate songs.

Fortunately, Lu Anzhi is not here. If Lu Anzhi heard what these people said here, he would probably laugh secretly in his heart. These Western people don't know that "Numb" is actually a Western song. Their comments and surprises are meaningless at all.

But if Lu Anzhi knew about it, he would definitely be unconvinced. Who says that all Orientals are boring and have no passionate songs? Not to mention "Nunchaku" and "Dragon Fist", Hua'er's song "Sunshine Rainbow Little White Horse" is not restrained at all.

If the audience here hears "Inside, inside, inside, inside," live, I'm afraid their jaws will drop.

After "Numb" was sung, Mattique Biondini immediately sang "Natural". The audience has been ignited emotionally by "Numb" and completely released. Therefore, when singing "Natural", the audience was extremely excited. The cheers were deafening, even resounding through the illuminated night.

Mattique Biondini was full of passion, but felt that his passion could not be fully vented. He simply took off his shirt, stood shirtless on the stage, picked up the microphone and roared:

"And you're standing on the edge, Face up 'cause you're a Natural..."

The atmosphere of the entire scene instantly rose to a new level, and the audience became even more agitated.

It's not easy to sing this song well, and it's even harder to sing it explosively. Mattique Biondini sang with all his energy, and the audience also held their breath and listened. Some viewers even held it in so hard that they felt like they were suffocating.

Some audience members in the audience shook their heads to the rhythm and shouted: "Oh my God! Oh my God! It's so crazy! It's hard to imagine that an Oriental can write such a crazy song!"

He spoke loudly, but was still drowned out by Mattique Biondini's extremely emotional roar. Only another very happy man standing next to him heard his words.

The man commented on his words: "I don't think so. Compared to an Easterner being able to write such rock music, I think it's even more incredible that when he wrote "The Little Prince", he could actually write "The Little Prince" at the same time. To make rock like this! Crazy! It’s crazy! It’s hard to imagine you know?”

He said: "Really? Then I'll have to buy a copy later. I haven't read it yet."

“I recommend you read it, it’s a great book!”

another said while listening to Mattique Biondini singing "Living your life cutthroat, You gotta be so cold."

But he said: "Okay, I will read it. But I don't know if I can continue reading. I never read more than five words. Once I read more than five words, I will fall asleep." He secretly thought that maybe that magical The books written by Lu are different. The music is so emotional, and the book will definitely not be hypnotic.

But another person said: "Take it as if I didn't say it."

One performance after another, as well as word-of-mouth and media publicity that slowly fermented, many people in beautiful countries knew that there was a magical road from the East, and wrote two recently popular heavy metal rock music, but they Wrote two more great fairy tale novels.

People have only two words to describe this: crazy.

Such magical things made people more and more curious about the two rock songs and the two fairy tale novels. The Firefly Band's fame and the sales of "The Little Prince" and "Luan's Short Fairy Tales" also increased steadily.

At the same time, people who have read the novel and listened to rock music recognized the word "crazy" and then promoted the continued promotion of the song and novel.

And it’s not just people from beautiful countries who feel crazy. People in China were a little shocked after hearing the news from abroad. They felt that the world was so crazy that even mice were acting as bridesmaids to cats.

This Lu Anzhi is really the same Lu Anzhi? !

Who dares to believe this! Who can believe it!

But the facts are before our eyes, and people have to believe it.

Only a small number of people online said they had guessed it, and said things like, "I've told you before, but you don't believe me." Most people were still expressing surprise and disbelief.

Wen Zhangping, Gu Ruiyong, Lin Gu and Huang Pingan sighed: "This guy has finally been exposed!" Lu Anzhi's secret has been kept in the hearts of the four old men, and the old men were also very panicked. Now, although the news did not come from their mouths, it still came out, and they felt relaxed all over.

In Haidu, after finishing her day's work, Wang Ping closed the store of Sanwei Bookstore and returned home. She felt something was strange today.

After the incident at the end of the year, the bookstore became popular for a while, and many more people came to the store. As time passed slowly, and people discovered that they had never been able to see Lu Anzhi here, they became less interested in this small bookstore.

Although there are still sporadic customers who come to the store to check in, which allows the store to maintain a much higher popularity than before Lu Anzhi's autographed photo was exposed, it is still not comparable to the beginning.

However, today is different. The store suddenly became popular again. Many people poured into Sanwei Bookstore and bought all the books written by their boss. Even "Sacred Biography", which few people buy nowadays, had countless people. Go buy it.

With her head full of doubts, Wang Ping returned home. When she got home, her son and daughter-in-law had already returned, and her grandson Yan Junjie had already been rushed to do his homework.

Wang Ping asked: "Is there any special news about the boss today? I was busy in the store and didn't have time to read it. Why are there suddenly so many people in the bookstore today? They also bought all the boss's books."

Daughter-in-law Liu Xiuting said: "The identity of the boss has been exposed, Mom. Now everyone is talking about it on the Internet,"

Wang Ping nodded and suddenly realized: "So that's it. I wonder why so many people came to the store today..."

The overlap between fans and book lovers has resulted in a lot more sales of Lu Anzhi's novels and music. Even Lu Anzhi's earliest novels have been sold out in many places.

Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin also already knew the situation. The way they obtain information is naturally through Song Xiaoqin.

Lu Anzhi felt that Song Xiaoqin was now the number one scout under his account. He didn't need to arrange for Song Xiaoqin, Song Xiaoqin would go out and proactively explore the road, and report anything he found out in a hurry. Then Lu Anzhi would say "explore again", and Song Xiaoqin would happily learn about the situation. After learning something about the situation, he would come back and report.

He didn't dare to tell Zhang Suxin what he was thinking, because he was afraid that Zhang Suxin would tell his best friend and Song Xiaoqin would settle the score with him later.

——Although the possibility of what Zhang Suxin reported was unlikely, Lu Anzhi just didn't want to take the risk.

Before Wang Ping called Lu Anzhi, Lu Anzhi was reading WeChat with Zhang Suxin and Song Xiaoqin. However, their mobile phones now all have WeChat installed, so there is no need for three people to share one mobile phone.

The three of them each took their mobile phones and went into WeChat to take a look. Lu Anzhi immediately saw that WeChat had become the top search topic again.

The top trending headline is this: Shocking! This Lu Anzhi turned out to be that Lu Anzhi!

Lu Anzhi felt that this question was almost interesting. This editor has to go to UC to study.

And in the fourth-placed content at the back, there is also a hotly searched Weibo topic related to Lu Anzhi: Lu Anzhi’s novels are very popular abroad, and his music is very popular abroad!

WeChat has developed to this day, with more and more users, and it is already the largest media platform in China. As a result, more and more media, celebrities, and entertainment companies have entered WeChat. Now when a person is popular to a certain extent, it has begun to be described as "hot search".

Therefore, it is no longer so easy to make headlines now. Most of the content on hot searches is occupied by national events, big figures in the entertainment industry, and celebrity news operated by entertainment companies that have gradually developed professional WeChat operations teams.

For example, during this period, the most popular gossip on the Internet was that a funny female artist in the music industry who dropped out of school at the age of 16 and now is 30 years old was in love with a newly successful bad rap male artist.

Speaking of which, the rapper's success was due to Lu Anzhi's credit. Before Lu Anzhi, the domestic rap environment had always been very poor, and few people paid attention to it. After all, China lacks the soil for rap, and those who engage in rap basically stop at imitating the rap of beautiful black Americans, and basically do not introduce new things.

However, black people in beautiful countries have their own unique living environment, and singing such rap songs does not make people think there is anything wrong with it, but it is different in China. These domestic rappers' poor imitation of foreign countries only makes people feel that they are divorced from reality and full of contradictions.

Under such circumstances, it is normal that no one pays attention to domestic rap and cannot develop.

The appearance of Lu Anzhi slightly changed this situation. The appearance of "Love in BC" and "Lady" made people understand that rap can still be like this.

There are rappers who were inspired by Lu Anzhi and made changes, while there are also rappers who are clinging to the original path and believe that Lu Anzhi’s rap is neither fish nor fowl, and only their rap is serious and orthodox rap.

After all, the domestic population base is large. After the audience paid attention to this music category because of Lu Anzhi's rap songs, some people still liked Lu Anzhi's rap, but there were also a small number of listeners who also learned that rhetoric and said that rap should be critical. He rejected Lu Anzhi's rap and became a fan of the legendary "beautiful orthodox rap".

And the rapper who was on the hot search list is one of the defenders of "beautiful orthodox rap". This person's rap lyrics are always full of filth and are filled with all kinds of messy words, as if he has never come out of "Young and Dangerous" after watching two "Young and Dangerous" movies when he was rebellious. Drink, women, machetes, prostitutes and the like every day.

Therefore, in the public perception, the rapper has always had a bad reputation and has been greatly boycotted. The female artist's originally friendly and down-to-earth evaluation and popularity suddenly fell to the bottom because of her romantic relationship with the rapper.

There are also rumors on the Internet that the female artist was reprimanded by the company and is about to be banned.

In such an environment where big melons are everywhere and companies operate, Lu An's two hot searches, one first and one fourth, can be said to be very powerful.

Song Xiaoqin has been paying close attention to the affairs of this pair of artists recently. She even paid little attention to the trending topics on Lu Anzhi. She only mentioned a few words to Lu Anzhi and Zhang Suxin, then stopped caring and turned to look at those two people's affairs. melon.

"I really didn't expect that as soon as this thing came out, the woman became obscene, and the man became popular instead. This guy originally played underground, but after doing this, he went to the ground instead. Many people scolded him, and even There are some people who support him. Strange, strange, really strange!"

Song Xiaoqin exclaimed "tsk tsk" when she looked at the melon.

After hearing this, Lu Anzhi laughed and said, "What's the saying? Black and red are also red. Isn't this normal?"

Song Xiaoqin rolled her eyes at Lu An and said, "People are still criticizing you in their comments, but you are still in the mood to laugh here!"

Lu Anzhi asked: "Why is he spraying me?"

Song Xiaoqin said: "I'm calling you a reformist. There are many people on the Internet who use your works to ridicule his songs as being innocuous, so he just criticized you directly."

As soon as Song Xiaoqin finished speaking, Li Huiming called and asked Lu Anzhi: "Teacher Lu, there is a rapper named 'PPP' on the Internet who trolls you very hard. We are going to ban him, so let me tell you first. .”

Lu An said: "Let me take a look first."

He took a look at Song Xiaoqin's cell phone, and sure enough, he saw that the guy was talking obscenities and everything. He immediately said: "Block it." Finally, he had the opportunity to experience the feeling of a privileged dog. .

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