The days of retirement with the singing queen

Chapter 215 It’s obviously me first

Zhong Yu was completely immersed in "March City", which made the song achieve excellent performance on the stage, and the results soared, matching the number of votes Zhong Yu received in the previous episode.

Song Xiaoqin sighed in the lounge backstage: "It can't be can't be compared at all."

Lu Anzhi said: "If you can't compare, you can't compare. We had a grudge against Huo Jiawen in the last issue, and you had a grudge against Gong Minmin in the last issue. Is it possible that you have a grudge against Zhong Yu in this issue?"

Song Xiaoqin then nodded and said, "That's right, why am I so worried? Just sing my song well and don't get eliminated."

After going through two periods and achieving good results, Song Xiaoqin is now very confident. In addition, she is also confident in the songs in this period. She does not feel that she will be eliminated.

But after a while, she still said: "I still want to find the feeling again."

Lu Anzhi said: "Then think about "The Legend of Wukong". Have you read this book? Think about Tang Monk and Little White Dragon, Monkey and Zixia, Zhu Bajie and Chang'e in the book."

So Song Xiaoqin desperately recalled the content of the novel.

But after recalling it for a long time, she still couldn't find the feeling, so she said, "Now I think your book is pretty bad."

Lu Anzhi said: "Haha, I can't poop and blame the earth for being unattractive."

Song Xiaoqin glanced at Lu An with disgust: "Why do you speak so disgustingly!"

Other singers took the stage one by one, but none could surpass Zhong Yu's "March City".

Yao Dongxia and Zhang Suxin were watching the show in the hotel. It was a little late now and Xianxian had already fallen asleep.

Yao Dongxia commented: "Your husband is indeed very powerful. After this episode, if Inspur can't stand Huo Jiawen, Huo Jiawen will probably use some tricks."

"What means?"

Zhang Suxin couldn't help but feel nervous.

Yao Dongxia shook his head and said, "I don't know. But it doesn't matter. He can't do anything big. It will only be a small trick that won't make any difference, and it won't have any impact on us. Don't worry about him."


Zhang Suxin nodded, but still felt a little worried.

In the TV show, Song Xiaoqin made her final appearance and sang "Rewind".

"I finally saw that love can't come back, but you always understand it too late, so you finally spoke out and cried and begged me to stay..."

Listening to the singing on TV, Zhang Suxin suddenly couldn't help but laugh.

Yao Dongxia was slightly surprised and asked, "Can you also laugh at a song with this kind of emotion?"

Zhang Suxin shook her head and explained: "No, I just thought of other things. Sister Dongxia, you also know that An Zhi writes novels, and most of his novels are tragedies. I was wondering if readers knew about him If you have a dual identity, how would you feel if you matched the song with the novel?"


Yao Dongxia nodded, gave a rare smile, and said, "Then you should persuade him to change the bookstore into a hardware store. I think he can make a lot of money."

Zhang Suxin didn't expect Yao Dongxia to make a joke for the first time, so she couldn't help but laugh again, with a little surprise in her smile.

Song Xiaoqin's singing is still very effective, but it is not as emotionally engaging as Zhong Yu. The final result still failed to surpass Zhong Yu.

So this dark horse from the three northern provinces won the first place for two consecutive periods, which surprised everyone.

When Song Xiaoqin returned to the lounge, she said to Lu Anzhi: "Is this guy going to be famous now? I don't believe that no company wants him yet."

Lu Anzhi was lying leisurely on the sofa in the lounge. He had had a full sleep today and still let Song Xiaoqin "stay alone in the empty room". When it was Song Xiaoqin's turn to perform on stage, Lu Anzhi was still confused.

He was awake now, and Song Xiaoqin looked at him with some resentment.

What shocked the audience today was not only Zhong Yu, but also Lu Anzhi.

It has been announced before the third episode of "Singer Sets Sail" that Queen Yuan Yi will sing the second Tibetan song written by Lu Anzhi on the third episode.

The hook left by Song Xiaoqin, the queen of ring bells, in the second episode will be revealed at the end of the third episode.

After Zhong Yu won the award and the normal program process of the third period was completed, Yuan Yi left the judges' seat and walked onto the stage.


The high-pitched singing instantly brought people's hearing to the exotic land of the plateau, and also gave people a strong shock.

At this moment, the audience sitting in the audience, the singers and producers sitting in the backstage lounge, and the audience in front of the TV, including Huo Jiawen, all realized that the king of ringtones had brought them What a shock.

One night, three songs, three completely different styles, one better than the other.

If you add in the previous two issues of "We Will Rock You" and "All Things Are Born", as well as his previous works such as "Sea of ​​Flowers" and "Love in BC", this lazy songwriter hiding behind the scenes has already achieved great success. Not ordinary horror.

Huo Jiawen gritted his teeth while watching the TV screen in the conference room of Inspur International Capital Branch, while in CCTV, director Han Guangyuan was overjoyed.

"Treasure! This guy is really a treasure! Thank you very much to Zhou Bo. Fortunately, we invited Zhou Bo to be a guest judge. Otherwise, he would not have recommended Lu Anzhi and Song Xiaoqin to us."

While Han Guangyuan was watching the show, he couldn't help but slap his thigh and sigh.

Director Ke nodded repeatedly and agreed: "Yes, yes."

At this time, Zhou Bo was sitting on the judges' bench with a sad look on his face.

He listened to Yuan Yi singing "Who brought the call of the ancients" on the stage, and recalled in his mind Zhong Yu's previous passionate singing "There will always be someone who will be your distant place", and Song Xiaoqin's "Your hand can't let go" Kai, I would rather be useless and beg me not to leave." There was only one thought in my mind:

What's this? ! Why is this happening? !

It was obviously me first...

Whether I meet Teacher Lu or follow Teacher Lu, I obviously come first, but why...

"Yeah, that's the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau..."

Yuan Yi's singing left the strongest shock at the last moment, and all the audience couldn't help but applaud.

The camera was specially given to Lu Anzhi in the background. Lu Anzhi, who had woken up from his sleep, had a rare moment of success and stared at the TV screen seriously, making Han Guangyuan satisfied.

After the game, Zhong Yu went to Lu Anzhi's lounge to thank Lu Anzhi.

Although he had already specially thanked Lu Anzhi on stage, it was not enough, so he had to thank Lu Anzhi again in person.

That night, Lu Anzhi and Song Xiaoqin left the TV station building together and found that everyone's attitude towards him had changed.

"Teacher Lu."

"Hello, Teacher Lu."

"Goodbye, Teacher Lu."

"Teacher Lu, please slow down on the road."

He listened to people's cordial and respectful voices, and felt as if he was in a certain school, and everyone he met was a student in the school. But he became the only teacher.

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